Whom do you prefer as a person?

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Likable people generally don't reach that level. Carter may be the only president I will ever personally like.
Fun fact:

Out of the 4 pres and VP candidates, Tim Walz in the only one that doesn't wear makeup.

Vance, he does love his eyeliner. But it's a very manly eyeliner.
She is the least dangerous choice of the final two, by far.

I disagree, even if Trump wins and the GOP wins a Senate majority, he/they aren't going to get a 60-vote majority and that means he has to get some democrat votes to pass anything whether the repubs control the House or not. And I do not see the Supreme Court allowing him to do as he pleases either, even though the conservatives do have a majority. He didn't do much damage in his 1st term, did he? I'm not seeing him doing much in his 2nd term either, try as he might.

What scares me about Harris however, is that if she wins and the democrats own the Senate and the House, they will abolish the filibuster and pass whatever they want to with only 51 votes and frankly that should terrify everybody. I know the gridlock we have is not good, but a one-party gov't would be a lot worse IMHO. I do not doubt for a second that the democrats would do everything they can to stay in power; they bitched about Trump being a threat to democracy, well I think the democrats would be far worse.
Voting or not … just liking …
Harris by a million miles. That is less about her and more about Trump being a moronic, childish, whiny, pathetic, insecure sack of subhuman garbage. I would vote for literal dog shit over that retard
Camel Toe Harris is as likable as the bitch from Arkansas, who carpetbagged to New York so she could run as a senator. Both are the same, ugly ass women, who had to suck dicks to get up in the world.
I sure hated the 2016, when neither party candidate had any scruples, character or socially redeeming value, to the point for forcing me to vote 3rd party libertarian, just to get somebody that would be useless and damned by the two parties in congress, but at least would not be possibly an enemy of the state, for their own corrupt benefit. I am glad your "carpet bagger" lost, but it was a shame, both party candidates could not lose, that year, as neither were worth a sh#t. Just as I figured, the winner has proven me correct, time and time again.

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