Think about this: Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney both endorse Kamala Harris

Mueller investigated that theorem for years, and came up blank.
No, he didn't come up blank. There were more than 12 indictments against the Russians for interfering in our 2016 election to get Trump elected. And the Russians stole dnc and Podesta emails and delivered them daily to Wikipedia to release for Trump to use every night in his rallies and every day in his tweets. And the Russians donated $10 million to the NRA, of which the NRA used to promote Trump....Trump campaign members met with Russian operatives 160+ times, and....and...and...

Trump and campaign accepted all those Russian gifts...And used them....but because they could not prove that Trump coordinated AHEAD of time for those accepted gifts etc.... there was no collusion...

I'll write your comment off to; just regurgitating what Trump and Barr told you, and have not read the Mueller report.
No, he didn't come up blank. There were more than 12 indictments against the Russians for interfering in our 2016 election to get Trump elected. And the Russians stole dnc and Podesta emails and delivered them daily to Wikipedia to release for Trump to use every night in his rallies and every day in his tweets. And the Russians donated $10 million to the NRA, of which the NRA used to promote Trump....and....and...and...

Trump and campaign accepted all those Russian gifts...And used them....but because they could not prove that Trump coordinated AHEAD of time for those accepted gifts etc.... there was no collusion...

I'll write your comment off to; just regurgitating what Trump and Barr told you, and have not read the Mueller report.
12 indictments and no convictions. Mueller's men didn't even ask to have the defendants extradited.
Releasing the Wuhan virus during an election season was a move by the Red Chinese to influence the American election.
The wuhan virus was an asymmetrical attack by communist China to destroy America from the inside.
Russia has no extradition agreement with the U.S.

That doesn't mean requests couldn't be made. BTW, President Putin offered to make the indicted Russian Federation agents available to be interviewed by Mueller's people, but was rebuffed.
The wuhan virus was an asymmetrical attack by communist China to destroy America from the inside.
Xi even got his Democrat lackeys to tell everyone walking around was a safe and effective way of spreading the virus for them. And tools like Pelosi and DiBlasio agreed.
Then why even "indict" them, except for purely symbolic reasons?

Sounds like a real waste of money, much like the indictments and charges against Hunter Biden. Everyone knows that Sleepy Joe is going to renege on his pledges to implement tough love on his boy and is going to pardon him.

What's the point of the expense of a trial? Biden isn't going to be playing poker for cigarettes on the yard any time soon.
Please stop playing stupid Galt....😁

EVERYONE knows who Putin supports, and who he is illegally funding to support....Trumpers....And Trump....follow Putin's money and who it leads to...Trumper right wing media influencers....

At this point what difference does it make...democrats are openly supporting HAMAS.
Are you Democrats sure you're the "Resistance"? I mean I don't know about you, but getting the endorsement of both Putin and the Cheneys sure reeks of "Establishment" to me.

Vladimir Putin throws his support behind Kamala Harris for president​

"Russian president Vladimir Putin said although it's ultimately up to the American people, he supports Kamala Harris in the 2024 election."

Vladimir Putin throws his support behind Kamala Harris for president

Dick Cheney says he’s voting for Harris in November and Trump ‘can never be trusted with power again’​

"Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that he will vote for Democrat Kamala Harris over fellow Republican Donald Trump in the November election, warning that the former president “can never be trusted with power again.”
Putin said her Laugh is Fascinating.. it Means Everything is OK
Do you Think Everything is OK?
Are you Democrats sure you're the "Resistance"? I mean I don't know about you, but getting the endorsement of both Putin and the Cheneys sure reeks of "Establishment" to me.

Vladimir Putin throws his support behind Kamala Harris for president​

"Russian president Vladimir Putin said although it's ultimately up to the American people, he supports Kamala Harris in the 2024 election."

Vladimir Putin throws his support behind Kamala Harris for president

Dick Cheney says he’s voting for Harris in November and Trump ‘can never be trusted with power again’​

"Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that he will vote for Democrat Kamala Harris over fellow Republican Donald Trump in the November election, warning that the former president “can never be trusted with power again.”
Question for Dick Cheney.
What did Trump do in his first term that was so outrageous?
Is Dick Cheney dumb or dishonest?

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