Russia is actually on the verge of total victory

We need to stop pussy footing around and bring our troops in to reclaim Ukrainian territory while guaranteeing to the Russians our troops won't cross the border.
That would only make sense if we gave Putin an off-ramp.

Something like:
1. Admit Ukraine to NATO
2. Negotiate with Putin to give him Donbas and Crimea for an end to the war. (Ukraine got Crimea in 1954, no big loss)
3. Assure Putin that no nuclear weapons would ever enter Ukraine. (see Budapest Memorandum)
4. Advise Putin that after 30 days NATO would protect Ukraine's borders.
5. NATO would need to mobilize US, German, British, etc., troops and equipment and get them to western Ukraine.

I don't want just US troops involved.
Any "invasion" of Taiwan would need to minimize damage to their semiconductor manufacturing plants.

I'm sure that Taiwan Semiconductor has plans in place to make the plants unusable if China invades.

If China puts a blockade on Taiwan it could get interesting. IMHO the US would NOT honor it, the US is big on freedom of navigation.
The problem with us defending Taiwan, it would put our ships within range of their missiles and we would lose. If they were to come to our shores, they would lose. Anything that can make the distance can be easily shot down. China has missiles supersonic that moves faster than we can defend against. But, they are minimum range only.
Oil sales too -- I think

Military spending has done WONDERS for the USA, right?
Out of the 170 billion that we have cast at the Ukrainian conflict 50 billion of it was awarded to American contractors. The other 120 billion disappeared down the black hole of The mafioso style ukrainian banking system never to be seen again.
That would only make sense if we gave Putin an off-ramp.

Something like:
1. Admit Ukraine to NATO
2. Negotiate with Putin to give him Donbas and Crimea for an end to the war. (Ukraine got Crimea in 1954, no big loss)
3. Assure Putin that no nuclear weapons would ever enter Ukraine. (see Budapest Memorandum)
4. Advise Putin that after 30 days NATO would protect Ukraine's borders.
5. NATO would need to mobilize US, German, British, etc., troops and equipment and get them to western Ukraine.

I don't want just US troops involved.
Sounds good, but I don't see the need to wait 30 days, and I think our troops are necessary to regain lost ground.
Fair point, but the same is being said in various circles. That includes European, Middle Eastern, and South Asian strategic think tanks. Failure to move Russian troops off the Donbas offensive to remove the Ukrainians from Kursk guaranteed that the Kursk offensive would fail.
Except now Ukraine is holding Russian Territory, and Russia will have to swap territory to get it back.

Also, the image of Russia proper being invaded is just a bad look for Pootie.
That would only make sense if we gave Putin an off-ramp.

Something like:
1. Admit Ukraine to NATO
2. Negotiate with Putin to give him Donbas and Crimea for an end to the war. (Ukraine got Crimea in 1954, no big loss)
3. Assure Putin that no nuclear weapons would ever enter Ukraine. (see Budapest Memorandum)
4. Advise Putin that after 30 days NATO would protect Ukraine's borders.
5. NATO would need to mobilize US, German, British, etc., troops and equipment and get them to western Ukraine.

I don't want just US troops involved.
There you go.... actual sanity
Out of the 170 billion that we have cast at the Ukrainian conflict 50 billion of it was awarded to American contractors. The other 120 billion disappeared down the black hole of The mafioso style ukrainian banking system never to be seen again.
Yeah, it would be better to send in our own troops under our own Generals command.
The problem with us defending Taiwan, it would put our ships within range of their missiles and we would lose. If they were to come to our shores, they would lose. Anything that can make the distance can be easily shot down. China has missiles supersonic that moves faster than we can defend against. But, they are minimum range only.
The US Navy absolutely cannot defend Taiwan. China would sink everything within 200 miles of their shore.
They don't need to invade, they can blockade and rain missiles on them until they submit.

Keep believing that Russia and China are looking for conflict, you'll be sadly disappointed. Diminishing the West is in both their interests. They will not fall for such juvenile antics.

Any blockade would be subject to missile attacks, mines and bombs
Taiwan has been building shelters for decades to sustain any “shock and awe” attack

You really think China is a close ally of Russia?
Except now Ukraine is holding Russian Territory, and Russia will have to swap territory to get it back.

Also, the image of Russia proper being invaded is just a bad look for Pootie.
Ukraine could agree to pulling troops back to their own border for peace, after we retake the territory the Russians took.

Now, if only we were in command.
Russian occupation of the Donbas is unsustainable

Sooner or later they will run out of resources and withdraw
Out of the 170 billion that we have cast at the Ukrainian conflict 50 billion of it was awarded to American contractors. The other 120 billion disappeared down the black hole of The mafioso style ukrainian banking system never to be seen again.

You know some portion of it found its way back to the Congresspeople who voted for it -- probably in Bitcoin accounts
That would only make sense if we gave Putin an off-ramp.

Something like:
1. Admit Ukraine to NATO
2. Negotiate with Putin to give him Donbas and Crimea for an end to the war. (Ukraine got Crimea in 1954, no big loss)
3. Assure Putin that no nuclear weapons would ever enter Ukraine. (see Budapest Memorandum)
4. Advise Putin that after 30 days NATO would protect Ukraine's borders.
5. NATO would need to mobilize US, German, British, etc., troops and equipment and get them to western Ukraine.

I don't want just US troops involved.
Why would Pootie agree to any of that? He already has Donbass and Crimea.

So we are asking him to give up territory he has already won in order to have NATO Troops right up on his border.

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