Zone1 your subjective truth is not necessarily Truth, period

anyone who wishes to discuss their religious, scriptural beliefs and why, now that's interesting and often fun because there are a wide variety and range of Protestant beliefs.
So, you find heresy "fun"?

How about the consequences of heresy. Is Hell fun?

And if you manage, despite all the heresy in the world, to end up in Purgatory (which means you will end up in Heaven once you're sufficiently purged), you are still in for a world of hurt because Purgatory is basically Hell that eventually ends.

No, heresy is NOT fun
Believing in once saved always saved (for instance) is a fast-track ticket to Hell
I doubt that, at least for those faithful to Christ who have a strong belief in his power. For me, it is a very odd belief, peculiar. I very much doubt people are on a fast-track to hell because of a peculiarity.

Roots in Judaism are focused on how to live this life. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is at hand, meaning within our reach, in our midst. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of heaven are defined as eternal (no beginning, no end) and as on high, with the connotation of the peoples' best and of God's rule.

This kingdom is not meant to be out of reach until our death, but within reach right now. The Way is narrow, but we can enter into living at our best, and following/obeying God's Rule right here, right now. While The Way is narrow, it is possible. It is Jesus Way, The Way of Salvation, meant for us to live today.

Salvation is not meant to be some kind of pass we obtain that is presented upon our death as our entrance into a heavenly afterlife. We are meant to enter into and live a heavenly earthly life first. We enter into the business of salvation and are participants in Christ's work of salvation. He is the Master of the Salvation Vineyard, and we are his people. He is the vine and we are the branches.

"Once Saved Always Saved" can give the impression of "Once and Done" with no more to do. This is different than viewing salvation as "This is the beginning! And I'll be here for eternity! Unless I go the route of the Prodigal Son, I'll be a servant of the Master beginning today for life everlasting.

But perhaps those who are adherents to Once Saved Always Saved would like to discuss their own service to the Lord.

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