Zone1 Very few people want to know the Truth

You can tell many people on the forum do NOT care about the truth, meaning Objective Truth, irrefutable Truth.

Some anti-Catholics will spew out some anti-Catholic BS and then when you correct them with the TRUE version of history, they argue with you over some dumbass minutiae aspect of what you're saying or cowardly give you a thumbs down icon and run off to argue with someone else against


Well, some of us do not post anything unless we are at least 99% certain it is true. I myself always, always clarify whether I am saying something definitively or not. I can't speak for anyone else, Catholic or otherwise. But this reminds me of something else

Some call themselves Catholic but what does that even mean these days? 70 years ago, everyone knew what that word meant. Today, because of the Infiltration (Pope Pius XII may have been murdered so this takeover could happen), saying you are Catholic means virtually nothing. Only the Sedevacantist Catholics know the score.. as it were.

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