Zone1 Jesus did not intend for us to go by the Bible alone

incorrect- catholics think they have something to do to earn salvation.
But after 3 hail.marys and 4 our fathers they are gold.

Everyone has to sincerely repent. Which is more difficult than the other.
[If the following sounds familiar, it is posted elsewhere..]

I'm tired of this Bible alone nonsense.

The Bible was put together by.. what? whom? The Catholic Church in the 4th century. Everyone these days goes on about Scripture (great) but forgets/abandons the Church that gave us scripture (the New T)

That doesn't make one bit of sense

Jesus did NOT.. repeat.. did NOT say that the Bible was to be our Church (go ahead and try to find where He said that in scripture)

He said that he would build His Church, though.. Mt 16:18 (and even Hell cannot destroy it)

There is NO Church that goes back in history further than the Catholic Church.

So any purported "church" that comes along after the first century cannot be trusted as being the one Christ founded. That seems logical enough

But few believe it. And speaking of FEW

Jesus said that


find the Narrow Way to Heaven.

So.. something you'd think people would be concerned about..
Nonsense. The Romans built a false religion using the popularity of Christianity. There are billions of "Christians" in the world which hardly describes "few". Jesus sent his disciples only to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" to build his church, not to the Romans.
wow, you must have read the OP!

Jesus never, that we know of, said to read Scripture and that is all we need to do to be close to Him, to get to Heaven..

But he did say that the very gates of Hell could not prevail against his Church
Jesus read and quoted scripture.
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Jesus said that the CHURCH would prevail, not the Bible, although the Bible is very much a part of the Church

Again, Protestants can believe what they want. I am tired of trying to get anyone to even listen to what I am saying.. People are so closed minded when it comes to their religion.. act like I couldn't possibly know anything about the Catholic Church that they don't already know.. and that is RIDICULOUS since they know almost NOTHING.
What's to know, it's just another denomination. The true church is a spiritual organism, not a denomination. There are likely true Christians scattered among all the Christian denominations. Only God, Christ, and Satan know for sure who we are.
The Catholic Church gave, and gives, too much interpretive power to men never intended to have it. The things that Catholics believe and do that are not Scriptural are astounding to me. Examples:

--Mary as sinless and conceived immaculately
--Prayers to/for the dead
--Priests 'magically' making bread and wine into Jesus
--Jesus had no siblings

To be frank many Catholics are saved and will go to heaven, but this in spite of their church's teachings, not because of it.
says you
says Protestants

I believe the CHURCH

sorry about that. I stopped trusting in human beings a LONG LONG time ago. You should try it some time
There was an existing Bible by 100 AD with 1 book joining around that time (Revelations) but it was complete by that time.

The book of Jude was the last to join as it was written but uncirculated as where it was kept was in an isolated city. So it didn't arrive until 300AD.

Even Paul's "lost letters" were being circulated and included....they have since been removed in favor of the current letters of Paul which are more complete and contain all that was in the "lost letters" that never really were lost at all..............
I don't read versions of history I cannot trust. I trust the CHURCH Christ established on Earth.

which, again, does NOT mean the Vatican, taken over 65 years ago by unChristian people. . getting worse and worse as the years go by.

I speak of the TRUE Catholic Church/Faith which is, again, the Most Beautiful thing on Earth

It is first mentioned in the Old Testament.. King David (" a man after God's heart" he was called) spoke with God about building a House for Him and God said He didn't need a house to live in, but that David's son Solomon would build Him one just the same.. Then Solomon prayed in that House of God (Church precursor), asking that God hear people's prayers when they are there, and even if they are far off and only turn in the direction of


The Church'
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Just the facts.
Few in this Religion section have studied Catholicism and yet they rant on all the time about: Catholicism teaches this or that.

That is just sloppy and stupid and bigoted and ignorant, illogical


and no, i don't get the feeling you care one bit about FACTS. Be honest.
Nonsense. The Romans built a false religion using the popularity of Christianity. There are billions of "Christians" in the world which hardly describes "few". Jesus sent his disciples only to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" to build his church, not to the Romans.
I'm done arguing w/ you.

I don't believe in wasting time. You are free to believe whatever, even if it sends you to Hell. Notice how God does not intervene to save people

from themselves.

Unless they ask Him to. Seek and you will find
I'm done arguing w/ you.

I don't believe in wasting time. You are free to believe whatever, even if it sends you to Hell. Notice how God does not intervene to save people

from themselves.

Unless they ask Him to. Seek and you will find
there is nothing in the NT that could possibly be interpreted
as 'that which Jesus wanted' My GUESS is that he probably
did not want to be crucified
there is nothing in the NT that could possibly be interpreted
as 'that which Jesus wanted' My GUESS is that he probably
did not want to be crucified
Jesus said as much but yielded to his Father's will.
I'm done arguing w/ you.

I don't believe in wasting time. You are free to believe whatever, even if it sends you to Hell. Notice how God does not intervene to save people

from themselves.

Unless they ask Him to. Seek and you will find
You came here to argue (not to teach or to learn) so why not continue arguing with me. I know my Bible pretty well, things that no one knows or has ever known.

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