Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

I'm sorry but that's not the way discussion / debate works. If you think what I said is wrong, then SHOW how it is wrong. Refute it, not just by saying "you're wrong" but by explaining why you think it is wrong,
No, I'm not going to do that. That's because ALL my posts refute protestantism, yet protestants are obstinate as hell and never listen. I am not going to waste more time. If you want to know what I think, you can read my words. If you want to know what the Catholic Church teaches, you can contact the Sedevacantists. Maybe you will be more open to them thn you are to me
there is repetitious prayer and there is VAIN repetitious prayer.

Is it vain to say God's name over and over? Is it vain to focus on the life of Christ as the rosary directs our minds to do as we pray through the beads?

Not all repetitious prayer is bad, to be sure. Jesus even promoted repetitious prayer. Check out the story of the persistent widow and the unjust judge.
So saying hail Mary's over and over for penance is ok? How about our fathers

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