Russia is actually on the verge of total victory

You base this claim on what?
News item on China's new missiles I read about a week ago.

China is not going to sell or give their best stuff to anyone.

My mistake Russia has a few and Ukraine has not shot any of them down.

The U.S. military is playing catch-up in the hypersonic missile race. Russia recently fired a hypersonic missile against a target in Ukraine, marking the first time the weapon has been used in combat. The U.S. doesn’t currently have an operational hypersonic missile, but the Air Force recently conducted a successful test of its Hypersonic Airbreathing Weapon Concept (HAWC). The HAWC tests will be used to design future hypersonic vehicles.
How have China's missiles preformed in a warzone?

China’s hypersonic missiles threaten US power in the Pacific – an aerospace engineer explains how the weapons work and the unique threats they pose

Published: May 24, 2023 4:22pm EDT

China’s hypersonic missiles threaten US power in the Pacific – an aerospace engineer explains how the weapons work and the unique threats they pose

Published: May 24, 2023 4:22pm EDT
Just one problem: they are very expensive.

China unloads their limited cache... then? Then they are sitting ducks waiting for a pissed off enemy to destroy their entire navy.
You're not doing a very good job keeping your cover.
You fell for that one?
You have to keep in mind, the right wingers who have been shilling for Russia from the start HAVE to now produce propaganda like this. Else they have to admit they were wrong and are still taking the side of the enemy.

So they are basically doing their compelled duty to lie and exaggerate and to try to paint their own country and its allies as failures.
Or at least that seems to be the viewpoint from this alternative news site. Listening to this video was a real eye opener....

Western news outlets portray Ukraine as all but having conquered Moscow. They portray Putin as a man in political trouble and on his knees ready to surrender.

It's absolutely nauseating to think just how misleading the Western press has become and how the Western world is no longer an informed world but basically a box full of mushrooms under the stairs.

'They' say these YT guys are Russian bros. Donno what is true or not nowadays. Other side of the coin says Ukraine is taking over Russia with invasion of their own

American version: Russia is trying to take over the world.

Russian bro version: USA put in their puppet Zelinsky and USA wants to build up NATO in Ukraine, use if to take down Russia and then move onto Ghina.

putin ride.jpeg

China’s hypersonic missiles threaten US power in the Pacific – an aerospace engineer explains how the weapons work and the unique threats they pose

Published: May 24, 2023 4:22pm EDT

So, how have they preformed in live action?
American version: Russia is trying to take over the world.

Who are you hearing this from?

The American version is that Putin has an outdated and incompetent army that would have been deleted in a span of a month, against the western alliance.

And that the only reason the conflict continues is that the maniac Putin has made offensive nuclear threats. Threats he could not make, if invading a NATO country.
News item on China's new missiles I read about a week ago.

China is not going to sell or give their best stuff to anyone.

My mistake Russia has a few and Ukraine has not shot any of them down.

Ukraine downed a hypersonic missile with a Patriot. What that says about the future of weapons​

'They' say these YT guys are Russian bros. Donno what is true or not nowadays. Other side of the coin says Ukraine is taking over Russia with invasion of their own

American version: Russia is trying to take over the world.

Russian bro version: USA put in their puppet Zelinsky and USA wants to build up NATO in Ukraine, use if to take down Russia and then move onto Ghina.

View attachment 1007855

Who are you hearing this from?

The American version is that Putin has an outdated and incompetent army that would have been deleted in a span of a month, against the western alliance.

And that the only reason the conflict continues is that the maniac Putin has made offensive nuclear threats. Threats he could not make, if invading a NATO country.

It is more than outdated and inept
They are poorly trained, poorly motivated, weak leadership, poor logistics and their leaders are corrupt

Equipment is poorly maintained and supported
It is more than outdated and inept
They are poorly trained, poorly motivated, weak leadership, poor logistics and their leaders are corrupt

Equipment is poorly maintained and supported
Yep. And they have been reduced to using conscripted criminals as bullets.

The only reason it continues is Putin's power to conscript men to use as cannon fodder.

Remove that, and all that's left is a scared little old man sitting in Moscow, lobbing missiles at civilians 100s of miles away.

Ukraine downed a hypersonic missile with a Patriot. What that says about the future of weapons​

If Ukraine is being honest, they shot down 2 out of 18, not so good.

But they say or imply that they don't believe Ukraine.

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