Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris

You provided no source for your crap figures, so I'm not paying attention to them.

As for stealing the election...several Republican state officials have already pleaded guilty to the fake elector scheme that Trump attempted during his coup on Jan 6. Therefore, you are 100% categorically WRONG.
The Federal Budget numbers are from wiki.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and John Boehner are embarrassed to be seen in public with Trump and the modern shit show MAGA Repug Party. That should tell you how fucked up Trump and the Republican Party has become. On the other hand, you had the Obamas and the Clintons proudly endorsing Kamala Harris at the DNC. Your MAGA tirade means exactly jack and shit.
I remember when Bush was called CHIMP and Cheney was beyond description as a bad man by the democrats.
Now they are paragons?!
I remember when Bush was called CHIMP and Cheney was beyond description as a bad man by the democrats.
Now they are paragons?!
Oh, look.....another MAGAt with no reading comprehension ability.

Like I've never encountered that before.
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
A founder and the daughter of a founder of the Deepstate that serves the Military Industrial Security Complex voting against a man who doesn't let himself be pushed into more wars?

Not exactly a man-bites-dog story, is it?

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