Israeli Torture And Rape

I often wonder, what kind of worldview one needs to have in order to embrace such overtly racist euphemisms as this.

Note that despite a couple of accusations of "antisemitism" from some here, nobody has posted anything like this. Nobody has posted a crude stereotyped caricature of Jews analogous to this one about Bedouins, and I've never seen anything like that either.

It's pretty hypocritical for people to accuse others of antisemitism when the same people are the source of blatant racist caricatures of Arabs.
^^^ says the poster who has called Israel “a Jew supremacist state,” that we should take the approach of “the Third Reich” in dealing with the “cesspit” (he means Israel), and lies about “genocide” when after a year, Israel has left 99.5% of Gazans alive, despite HAMAS’ efforts to get more of them killed. And for good measure, has called me a Nazi.
There are no antisemitic posts here, I've seen none since I joined here in July this year. There are none in this thread nor are there any in the forum itself to my knowledge. If you disagree then please indicate which posts you deem to be antisemitic so I can see one of these rare beasts for myself.
You have been told what is antisemitic and you continue to double down. Calling a Jew a “Nazi” for supporting Israel, lying about genocide, suggesting “we” take Hitler’s approach to dealing with the “cesspit” that is Israel, and the phrase “The Zionist Regime” are all antidemitic.

To others: this poster is trying to normalize antisemitism by making outrageous antisemitic claims, and lashing out at Jews who support Israel as “Nazis.” He wants to be free to spew his venom, in the hope that his propoganda will be swallowed by naive idiots, and that anti-Jew sentiment will be viewed as rational. THIS IS HOW HITLER BEGAIN HIS CAMPAIGN TO EXYRRMINATE JEWS.
I often wonder, what kind of worldview one needs to have in order to embrace such overtly racist euphemisms as this.

Note that despite a couple of accusations of "antisemitism" from some here, nobody has posted anything like this. Nobody has posted a crude stereotyped caricature of Jews analogous to this one about Bedouins, and I've never seen anything like that either.

It's pretty hypocritical for people to accuse others of antisemitism when the same people are the source of blatant racist caricatures of Arabs.
Only a dishonest jerkface could read this thread and then try to misrepresent it to be “racist” criticism of “Arabs”. It’s criticism of Islam. There are Arabs who are Jewish and Christian too.
You know Lisa, in an ideal world, it would be great if Palestine was booming and flourishing, I know for a fact that there are a lot of good, decent people there and I regret what has become of the situation now, but:
  1. There is a reason why the average age of a Palestinian is only 18 years old.
  2. Did the Palestinians really think any good would ever come of having a terror organization for a government, living underground under hospitals hiding, lobbing rockets and bombs at the next door country ad infinitum?
  3. What really kills me in all of this (threads here as well as protests at campuses, etc.) is how little angst has been DIRECTED AT HAMAS, the actual terror organization behind all of this or Iran who backs them, or for the Biden Administration for sending them billions of dollars to fund it all, meanwhile, on 10/7, Hamas sneaked into Israel and didn't attack military sites, they cowardly tortured and slaughtered innocent women and children in ways that you would not get away with doing to pigs and goats.
I've seen the photos.

Whatever goes on now, all bets are off now as the so-called "genocide" is merely a nation's necessary steps now to assure such actions never happen again.
If Israel truly wanted to stop terrorist attacks on its people, then it would act in such a way as to reduce the probability of a recurrence. If one asks "What could Israel do to prevent another attack like Oct 7th?", the answer could be this:

  • Stop financing the construction of Jew only settlements.
  • Arrest and punish violent settlers who are - as I write - rampaging around the West Bank.
  • Stop the assault on Gaza.
  • Release all Palestinians who have been arrested but not charged.
  • Censure extremist ministers who publicly advocate illegal settlement building and justify torture
  • Do everything possible to protect and assist the victims of ten months of relentless bombing.
Instead they are in fact guaranteeing future attacks, they are creating new and determined terrorists with every child and mother they kill with their American bombs.

This is why Israel has faced terrorism since day one, they have chosen territorial expansion above security, everything the Israelis have done and is doing, is focused on territorial expansion, this is the MAIN goal of militant Zionism.

If the lunatics in the Knesset wanted peace they could have it tomorrow, this has been true since before the creation of the state, but they don't care, terrorism is a price they are willing to pay in order to create a Greater Israel.

If you want I can show you example after example of ministers openly saying this since 1948, just ask.

Netanyahu owes no less for the peace of mind of his people. The situation of today is the direct and indirect result of 60 years of outside meddling and facile "peace-making" in an effort to put a bandage over an irreconcilable situation instead of actually ever FIXING anything.
This is what the Zionists want you to believe, this is why the Zionist lobby is so very dangerous. They want to decide what the truth is, they decide it and then they drum it into your mind over and over. The US press is largely subservient because the Zionists know that all they need do is shout "Antisemitism!" at any critic and everyone lowers their heads and shuts up.

You speak of "fixing" and it's almost comical, the Israelis don't want to "fix" it, they want to expand and impose their Jew supremacist neo fascism across all of Palestine.
Only a dishonest jerkface could read this thread and then try to misrepresent it to be “racist” criticism of “Arabs”. It’s criticism of Islam. There are Arabs who are Jewish and Christian too.

I did not say the thread was "racist" at all, I said the image was, if I posted an analogous image of Jews, caricaturing them, do you think some here would call that antisemitism?

I'm sorry sir I won't sit back and let you do this unchallenged, it is rank hypocrisy, the people claiming that critics are racist against Jews are the ones actually posting racist content BUT against Arabs,

Read FFS: Antisemitic Imagery
I did not say the thread was "racist" at all, I said the image was, if I posted an analogous image of Jews, caricaturing them, do you think some here would call that antisemitism?

I'm sorry sir I won't sit back and let you do this unchallenged, it is rank hypocrisy, the people claiming that critics are racist against Jews are the ones actually posting racist content BUT against Arabs,

Read FFS: Antisemitic Imagery
“Jew supremacist state” ring a bell? Pure antisemitism. I bet you steer clear of going into “Jew neighborhoods” too.
If Israel truly wanted to stop terrorist attacks on its people, then it would act in such a way as to reduce the probability of a recurrence. If one asks "What could Israel do to prevent another attack like Oct 7th?", the answer could be this:

  • Stop financing the construction of Jew only settlements.
  • Arrest and punish violent settlers who are - as I write - rampaging around the West Bank.
  • Stop the assault on Gaza.
  • Release all Palestinians who have been arrested but not charged.
  • Censure extremist ministers who publicly advocate illegal settlement building and justify torture
  • Do everything possible to protect and assist the victims of ten months of relentless bombing.
Instead they are in fact guaranteeing future attacks, they are creating new and determined terrorists with every child and mother they kill with their American bombs.

This is why Israel has faced terrorism since day one, they have chosen territorial expansion above security, everything the Israelis have done and is doing, is focused on territorial expansion, this is the MAIN goal of militant Zionism.

If the lunatics in the Knesset wanted peace they could have it tomorrow, this has been true since before the creation of the state, but they don't care, terrorism is a price they are willing to pay in order to create a Greater Israel.

If you want I can show you example after example of ministers openly saying this since 1948, just ask.

This is what the Zionists want you to believe, this is why the Zionist lobby is so very dangerous. They want to decide what the truth is, they decide it and then they drum it into your mind over and over. The US press is largely subservient because the Zionists know that all they need do is shout "Antisemitism!" at any critic and everyone lowers their heads and shuts up.

You speak of "fixing" and it's almost comical, the Israelis don't want to "fix" it, they want to expand and impose their Jew supremacist neo fascism across all of Palestine.
Holy shit! So ISRAEL has to act in such a way to keep the HAMAS cockroaches from going on a subhuman, deranged massacre hunting down Jews to decapitate them, burn them alive, rape them to death, and slice off their body parts so the helpless soul bleeds out in agony as she watches the HAMAS savages toss them around like balls, and laugh?

The fact that you blame JEWS for what Muslim savages did is more evidence of your antidemitism.
It's not mass murder. Israel has a right to defend itself as well as its people from genocide.
The Third Reich actually claimed self defense when they began rounding up Jews, did you know this? Do you have any idea how fascism lies? The Israelis are fascists and they sugar coat their heinous crimes by pretending they are simply victims of Arab hatred just as the Germans claimed Jews and Bolsheviks were an existential threat to the Reich.

To claim that every Arab hates Jews is itself a racist remark, but it goes right over your head, the only racism that matters to you is when the targets are Jewish, utter hypocrisy and brainwashing.
Holy shit! So ISRAEL has to act in such a way to keep the HAMAS cockroaches from going on a subhuman, deranged massacre hunting down Jews to decapitate them, burn them alive, rape them to death, and slice off their body parts so the helpless soul bleeds out in agony as she watches the HAMAS savages toss them around like balls, and laugh?

The fact that you blame JEWS for what Muslim savages did is more evidence of your antidemitism.
Once again you use the language of the Nazi Ubermench used against the jews, Vermin Rats etc, take a long hard look in the mirror you could see Himmler looking back at you.
The Third Reich actually claimed self defense when they began rounding up Jews, did you know this? Do you have any idea how fascism lies? The Israelis are fascists and they sugar coat their heinous crimes by pretending they are simply victims of Arab hatred just as the Germans claimed Jews and Bolsheviks were an existential threat to the Reich.

To claim that every Arab hates Jews is itself a racist remark, but it goes right over your head, the only racism that matters to you is when the targets are Jewish, utter hypocrisy and brainwashing.
The fact is a occupying force does not have the right to self defence same as the Nazis didn't in occupied France, period.
"Massacre" is an emotional word, it has no legal meaning.

Look, I get it. I'm not arguing that the killing of innocents isn't horrific and tragic. It is. Of course, it is. But if you want to build legal and moral constructs around shitty things like war, and behavior during war, you need to be clear about what those constructs are.
Which is precisely what the ICC and ICJ have been doing. Further, note that Britain has withdrawn some license for airs shipments to Israel on the basis of legal concerns that the British government could be culpable in war crimes and possibly see UK minster facing trials.

Israel is up to its neck in war crimes.
The Third Reich actually claimed self defense when they began rounding up Jews, did you know this? Do you have any idea how fascism lies? The Israelis are fascists and they sugar coat their heinous crimes by pretending they are simply victims of Arab hatred just as the Germans claimed Jews and Bolsheviks were an existential threat to the Reich.

To claim that every Arab hates Jews is itself a racist remark, but it goes right over your head, the only racism that matters to you is when the targets are Jewish, utter hypocrisy and brainwashing.
I’ve said that MOST Palestinians want Israel and her Jews dead, and suppport what the Muslim terrorists did on October 7th. So I’ve made no racist remark.

You on the other hand just painted all Israelis as committing “heinous crimes.”The heinous crimes are what the MUSLIMS did on October 7th. You skip over that and go right back to the awful Jews.

No moral equivalence beteeen the Jews and the Gazans. If there were, the GAZANS would have all been killed by mid-October. Instead, Israel, because it has moral superiority, has left 99.5% of them alive.

How much is HAMAS paying you to spread your propogwnda?
Which is precisely what the ICC and ICJ have been doing. Further, note that Britain has withdrawn some license for airs shipments to Israel on the basis of legal concerns that the British government could be culpable in war crimes and possibly see UK minster facing trials.

Israel is up to its neck in war crimes.
Nothing compared to what “Palestine” did.
But the Nazi one under Apartheid was a success? with all it's race hate and aggression against other Countries as long as you were white, behave yourself.

South Africa is much better now that the whites are out of power.
No racism, hate, or crime. What a relief. Now they're just like the rest of Africa.

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