Israeli Torture And Rape


Thousands of children have been murdered by your country Israel, and you post this. You laugh at this horrific genocide and fully support it.

The Nazis made fun of Jews as they murdered them too. You’re exactly like them.
It was the same with South African Apartheid Regime it was supported for decades by Western Governments Thatcher and Reagan supported those criminals, when it became clear the game was up and that vile Regime was on it's way out all of a sudden they were Mandela's best friend, same with that other fascist thug Ian Smith in what was Rhodesia, another thing they never mention is the part Cuba played in smashing South African Apartheid when they intervened in Angola after the Apartheid Regime invaded to support their puppet the Cubans deployed thousands of troops jet fighters and tanks and artillery that turned the tide against the South African Nazis.

How's the electricity situation in South Africa lately? They up to 8 hours a day?
Thousands of children have been murdered by your country Israel, and you post this. You laugh at this horrific genocide and fully support it.

The Nazis made fun of Jews as they murdered them too. You’re exactly like them.
Give it a rest, Akmed. Everyday since Mohammed himself first put a non-believer to the sword, children have been slaughtered, women subjugated and raped and people have been forced to “convert” to Islam or get beheaded. Every single day for the past 1,400 years.

You are worse than a Nazi. As evils as the Nazis were, they had actual beliefs and values. You are just an ignorant tool bleating “nazi” like a stuck pig. Go fix yourself a ham sandwich and shut up.
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I am a Jew, and you’re an antisemite. England is full of them now.
You are a Jewish Zionist that is different from just being Jewish, i have known and worked with several English Jews who are not Zionists, and while we are at it tell me one antisemitic post i have made, just one will do.
You are a Jewish Zionist that is different from just being Jewish, i have known and worked with several English Jews who are not Zionists, and while we are at it tell me one antisemitic post i have made, just one will do.
Oh please…..even calling me a Jewish Zionist, as if that’s a negative, is a sign. As for everything else you said, I don’t feel like doing a search right now.

I often wonder, what kind of worldview one needs to have in order to embrace such overtly racist euphemisms as this.

Note that despite a couple of accusations of "antisemitism" from some here, nobody has posted anything like this. Nobody has posted a crude stereotyped caricature of Jews analogous to this one about Bedouins, and I've never seen anything like that either.

It's pretty hypocritical for people to accuse others of antisemitism when the same people are the source of blatant racist caricatures of Arabs.
This thread just reeks with extreme antisemitic lies and is antithetical to the new “less tolerant” approach to antisemitism the administrators of this site are trying to adopt. I am sure they will review the thread, take a look at the Nazi!! Genocide!! Third Reich!!! posters and take appropriate action to ensure this does not become a hate site.
There are no antisemitic posts here, I've seen none since I joined here in July this year. There are none in this thread nor are there any in the forum itself to my knowledge. If you disagree then please indicate which posts you deem to be antisemitic so I can see one of these rare beasts for myself.

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