Israeli Torture And Rape

Is THAT where you are getting your brainwashing?

I blame the liberal media.
Laughable. When did you last see a movie about the brutal ethnic cleansings the Zionists did in 1948? I don't think a single American movie has ever been made about this event but please do correct me if I'm wrong.

When did you last see a movie about the Holocaust? (this is such a popular theme some call it the "Hollycaust") there are hundreds and hundreds of them that have been made, forty or fifty per decade, here's the list just from the decade 2000 thru 2010:


So what is this "liberal" media you speak of? what is this "liberal" Hollywood so many Zionists whine about all the time. How to reconcile this reality with the oft heard complain that the "Liberal media is antisemitic".

If the media were truly liberal (as opposed to emasculated as they are today by the ADL and other lobby groups that seek to gag everyone) we'd see plenty of films about the brutality of Israel. I do not know of a SINGLE drama film that is set in Israel and depicts the daily life of non-Jews in the occupied territories NONE, why? Because the Zionist lobby will never stand for it.
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…..Well, at least they aren’t just murdering people in their homes like HAMAS did. Apparently, being forced out of your home is far worse than being murdered in it. Liberal logic.
This is a true classic, masterful apologetics; do keep going, you strengthen my case by every post you make.
LOL it’s like you suddenly realized your posts were sticking out of your burka. Cover that garbage up.
See? almost all of the hateful posts are not made by anti-Zionists but by Zionists. All the complaining we hear about antisemitic this and that (which is frankly now very tiresome) yet when we look at the conversations between us, the hate and personal abuse comes almost always from the Zionists.

The Zionists want to be free to criticize (and racially abuse) others but at the same time be protected from even minor criticism themselves, that's not fair, it really isn't.
See? almost all of the hateful posts are not made by anti-Zionists but by Zionists. All the complaining we hear about antisemitic this and that (which is frankly now very tiresome) yet when we look at the conversations between us, the hate and personal abuse comes almost always from the Zionists.

The Zionists want to be free to criticize (and racially abuse) others but at the same time be protected from even minor criticism themselves, that's not fair, it really isn't.
And we come full circle to the place were the liberal cries racism again.

“Fair”? You didn’t take issue with your pals who called me a “Nazi”. That’s not fair, it really isn’t.

In their defense, they are able to make arguments that at least resemble something of substance.
And we come full circle to the place were the liberal cries racism again.

“Fair”? You didn’t take issue with your pals who called me a “Nazi”. That’s not fair, it really isn’t.

In their defense, they are able to make arguments that at least resemble something of substance.

I've been called an "antisemite" by the Zionists here more times than you've been called a "Nazi".

Just using the word "regime" for the Zionist regime in Israel, elicits cries and howls of "Oh no an antisemite! please help us, please protect us".

One cannot engage in reasoned honest discourse when one particular ideology aggressively seeks to prohibit all criticism of that ideology; and that of course is the objective, to prevent criticism and thereby reduce public awareness of state crimes and thereby allow them to be perpetuated endlessly.
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I've been called an "antisemite" by the Zionists here more times than you've been called a "Nazi".

Just using the word "regime" for the Zionist regime in Israel, elicits cries and howls of "antisemite! please help us".

One cannot engage in reasoned honest discourse when one particular ideology aggressively seeks to prohibit all criticism of that ideology.
You are the one who responded to me with cries about “racism” against Arabs for a meme obviously directed at jihadists. Shut your stupid face up.

You are the one who responded to me with cries about “racism” against Arabs for a meme obviously directed at jihadists. Shut your stupid face up.

The image you posted was arguably racist, a cruel caricature of Arabs and Arab culture, you can disagree if you want but I'm satisfied that if a comparable image were posted by me of Jews, I'd be called antisemitic and rightly so. I doubt you'd post a similar image of black Americans for example, you'd rightfully recoil from doing that - I hope.

This is the entitlement I speak of, the way that the Zionist expects the speech of others to be censored but never their own speech. The Zionist can never be racist, nothing thy say is ever racist, only others are racists and even when they're not.
Most religions juxtapose your spiritual self against your physical desires. Islam appeals to our animalistic appetites as reward for the “faithful”.

If Israel truly wanted to stop terrorist attacks on its people, then it would act in such a way as to reduce the probability of a recurrence. If one asks "What could Israel do to prevent another attack like Oct 7th?", the answer could be this:
The Jewish people are not responsible for the atrocities committed against them. The Jewish people are not responsible for preventing atrocities committed against them.

The ONLY people to be held accountable for committing the atrocities are those committing the atrocities. The international community must hold the governments of Gaza, Iran, and Lebanon responsible for their crimes against humanity on October 7 and since.
The Jewish people are not responsible for the atrocities committed against them. The Jewish people are not responsible for preventing atrocities committed against them.
The Palestinian people are not responsible for the atrocities committed against them. The Palestinian people are not responsible for preventing atrocities committed against them.
The ONLY people to be held accountable for committing the atrocities are those committing the atrocities. The international community must hold the governments of Gaza, Iran, and Lebanon responsible for their crimes against humanity on October 7 and since.
The ONLY people to be held accountable for committing the atrocities are those committing the atrocities. The international community must hold the government of Israel responsible for its crimes against humanity on May 15th 1948 and since.
Which is precisely what the ICC and ICJ have been doing. Further, note that Britain has withdrawn some license for airs shipments to Israel on the basis of legal concerns that the British government could be culpable in war crimes and possibly see UK minster facing trials.

Israel is up to its neck in war crimes.
Israel is up to its neck in false accusations of war crimes, none substantiated. At least one claim has been independently investigated and Israel was entirely exonerated.
Israel is up to its neck in false accusations of war crimes, none substantiated. At least one claim has been independently investigated and Israel was entirely exonerated.
Maybe you can volunteer as a lawyer for them, they're going to be needing an awful lot of help.


In brief, "Zionist Israel is f***ed".
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The Third Reich actually claimed self defense when they began rounding up Jews, did you know this? Do you have any idea how fascism lies? The Israelis are fascists and they sugar coat their heinous crimes by pretending they are simply victims of Arab hatred just as the Germans claimed Jews and Bolsheviks were an existential threat to the Reich.

To claim that every Arab hates Jews is itself a racist remark, but it goes right over your head, the only racism that matters to you is when the targets are Jewish, utter hypocrisy and brainwashing.
Do not put words in my mouth that come out of your mouth: you said 'every Arab hates Jews', not me.

This is over your head. So to simplify for the simple: Israel has a right to exist and defend itself and its citizens.
Do not put words in my mouth that come out of your mouth: you said 'every Arab hates Jews', not me.
Yes, I apologize you did not say that.
This is over your head. So to simplify for the simple: Israel has a right to exist and defend itself and its citizens.
So didn't the Third Reich have a right to exist also? Did we care? No, we destroyed it for the good of humanity.

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