Israeli Torture And Rape

Ridiculous, I ask for a source for claim about illegal Palestinian settlements and get apologist tripe from a PRO-SETTLER Jew supremacist website!

Apparently, you didn't read anything on the site and skipped to wiki. Do you deny that Palestinians are building illegal settlements in Area C?
Now, now, that is uncalled for and beneath the level of discussion. You don't believe that judges should recuse themselves if they are unable to fairly adjudicate a case?
Personally I don't think much of the entire kid gloves approach to the Israel regime. Sanctions and even military strikes are called for here, just as the UN has done in the past with rogue states engaged in mass slaughter of civilians. It's like trying to take Germany to court in the 1930s, we're past that stage, nothing ultimately comes form this.
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Thanks for the source, I see that site has a very diverse team of...erm,...of...Jews:

View attachment 1007913

But there's more, look:

View attachment 1007914

Lets remind ourselves what these "settlers" are all about:

Ridiculous, I ask for a source for claim about illegal Palestinian settlements and get apologist tripe from a PRO-SETTLER Jew supremacist website!

Should he have gone to your Muslim supremacist website Mondoweiss?

Stop criticizing people for quoting from a Jewish source when you quote from a Jew-hating source, you hypocrite.
No one mentioned beheaded babies but you, Master of Strawmen.

Here, some art therapy might cheer you up -

Oohh goody, some entertainment!

What a good idea, let me return the favor:

Israel is a sick dog, nothing like it exists this side of 1000 BC, the entire society is totally deranged, racist, bigoted, maniacal. Imagine whites publicly ridiculing blacks this way in the US or Germans doing it against Jews - are you truly so dense that this isn't getting through?
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Should he have gone to your Muslim supremacist website Mondoweiss?

Stop criticizing people for quoting from a Jewish source when you quote from a Jew-hating source, you hypocrite.

Well, he is only doing it because can't address the facts of the discussion. He likely just discovered that there is extensive illegal settlement building and land theft by Arab Palestinians and has no argument against it, so he defaults to .... but looky JOOOOOS!
Well, he is only doing it because can't address the facts of the discussion. He likely just discovered that there is extensive illegal settlement building and land theft by Arab Palestinians and has no argument against it, so he defaults to .... but looky JOOOOOS!

I quoted from the UN report, that itself stated there is illegal building. Unlike you it also stated a reason, the draconian restrictions to getting permits that only seems to impact Palestinians.

As a result of the restrictive planning and zoning policies outlined above, Palestinian construction in approximately 70 percent of Area C is almost completely prohibited. In the remaining 30 percent, a range of restrictions make it extremely difficult for a Palestinian to obtain a building permit. In this context, Palestinians wishing to build must do so “illegally” (e.g. without a permit) and live with the risk that their structures may be demolished by the ICA. Building without a permit is also a criminal offense under Israeli military orders, punishable by a Þne or prison sentence, though this appears not to be enforced currently.

See: "Palestinian construction in approximately 70 percent of Area C is almost completely prohibited".

Why is this?

While the 1995 Interim Agreement called for the gradual transfer of power and responsibility in the sphere of planning and zoning in Area C to move from the Israeli Civil Administration (ICA) to the Palestinian Authority (PA), this transfer was never implemented.2 As a result, though the arrangements set up in the Interim Agreement were intended to last no longer than 1999, ten years later, any Area C construction, whether a private home, an animal shelter or a donor-funded infrastructure project, still requires the approval of the ICA, which is under the authority of the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

You can stop now or torture yourself as I embarrass you with things called "facts", your choice, walk away or continue to get slapped.
And the U.N. Is blatantly anti-Israel, and every honest person knows it.
Yes, Israel (population 7 million) routinely gets voted down on UN resolutions by almost every single nation on earth (population 8 billion) and while any rational person would see that Israel is out of touch with the rest of humanity, Zionists want to describe it as every country in the world (except the loyal and obedient USA) picking on poor Israel.

This is Zionism, adopting a "we are always victims" and "the whole world is antisemitic" quickly leads to a belief in racial superiority, then to a normalization of racial hatred and then to death.

Your remarks are ludicrous "the U.N. Is blatantly anti-Israel" is like a murderer saying "this court is blatantly anti criminal". That's Zionist entitlement kicking in, the demand that Jews be treated as special, treated differently to everyone else on earth, held to a completely different set of standards to the rest of humanity.

Jews are not special, no race or ethnicity is special, get over yourself.

Israel is nothing but trouble.
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UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. envoy focusing on sexual violence in conflict said in a new report Monday that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas committed rape, “sexualized torture,” and other cruel and inhumane treatment of women during its surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7.

There are also “reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing,” said Pramila Patten, who visited Israel and the West Bank from Jan. 29 to Feb. 14 with a nine-member technical team.

Based on first-hand accounts of released hostages, she said the team “found clear and convincing information” that some women and children during their captivity were subjected to the same conflict-related sexual violence including rape and “sexualized torture.”

I quoted from the UN report, that itself stated there is illegal building. Unlike you it also stated a reason, the draconian restrictions to getting permits that only seems to impact Palestinians.

The Palestinian Authority, supported by international interference, is using illegal settlement building to change the facts on the ground and create conditions of de facto annexation of territory under Israeli control. Now you can argue that Israel is doing the same, but it would be hypocritical to support illegal building for one and not the other. It is also important to note that the land laws in use are ridiculously complicated being a combination of modern Israeli law, Jordanian law, and Ottoman law.

The Khan al Ahmar School is one of the first of its kind, built soon after the Palestinian Authority launched the Fayyad Plan. The school, which eventually became a “regional school,” serves as a central tool for anchoring the Bedouin population. Khan al Ahmar is the most famous in the Palestinian Authority’s network of Bedouin outposts -clusters of illegal structures that constitute de facto annexation of territory in a strategically crucial point in Area C. In this particular case, which over the years has developed into an endless saga, extensive exploitation of any and every legal procedure has succeeded in “postponing” the demolition of the school and the structures that have sprung up around it. Illegal interference by a host of international actors has been a key element of Khan al Ahmar’s story – from the actual construction of the illegal structures through the lawfare against their demolition, from the campaign of massive, blatant pressure on the State of Israel through the cynical manipulation of the residents of the encampment as pawns in the Palestinian Authority’s game of wits against Israel.

Yes, Israel (population 7 million) routinely gets voted down on UN resolutions by almost every single nation on earth (population 8 billion) and while any rational person would see that Israel is out of touch with the rest of humanity, Zionists want to describe it as every country in the world (except the loyal and obedient USA) picking on poor Israel.

This is Zionism, adopting a "we are always victims" and "the whole world is antisemitic" quickly leads to a belief in racial superiority, then to a normalization of racial hatred and then to death.

Your remarks are ludicrous "the U.N. Is blatantly anti-Israel" is like a murderer saying "this court is blatantly anti criminal". That's Zionist entitlement kicking in, the demand that Jews be treated as special, treated differently to everyone else on earth, held to a completely different set of standards to the rest of humanity.

Jews are not special, no race or ethnicity is special, get over yourself.

Israel is nothing but trouble.
Nope….that’s antisemitism, courtesy of the Arab-overweighted U.N.
Personally I don't think much of the entire kid gloves approach to the Israel regime. Sanctions and even military strikes are called for here, just as the UN has done in the past with rogue states engaged in mass slaughter of civilians. It's like trying to take Germany to court in the 1930s, we're past that stage, nothing ultimately comes form this.
I blame Arab Countries for some of it, Egypt has a border with Gaza along with other Arab Countries they could and should have gone in a long time ago.

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