"A nation divided cannot stand."

Parapharing Jesus.
America has always had differences but usually close differences that were solved through compromise. Today the radicals of both parties threaten to bring America down. Our only hope, imo, is responsible citizenship, which will relieve much of the government of its destructive power.
Don't worry, be happy. Joy is coming our way.

Never again shall we go backwards.
An organism of any type cannot long survive when it allows disease to forment Inside itself. Those parts of the organism which do not advance the survivability of the organism must be removed. Especially those parts which are actively attempting to destroy the organism.

It’s a very basic concept which we in America have not just forgotten but which we now actively fight against.
It's a hilariously stupid and feeble metaphor that doesn't actually mean a damn thing because this country isn't an organism and viewpoints you don't agree with aren't diseases. You're just soft.

It's a hilariously stupid and feeble metaphor that doesn't actually mean a damn thing because this country isn't an organism and viewpoints you don't agree with aren't diseases. You're just soft.

We’ll have to disagree and since I neither debate nor gave any use for alternate opinions, don’t bother responding. Youre on Ignore now.
Unlike you, he didn't run away from his country of birth because he couldn't hack it. Hmm. It is very clear who the soft racist bigot is.
I was born here bitch and you're not going to convince me that you're the tough guys as you let immigrants and their children take your country from you. Me and mine have dual citizenship while you make threads crying like a bitch about the destruction of your one country. :lol: You're soft like butter, Bitch and even funnier you boast about it.
I was born here bitch
So were you lying when you said you were raised in Jamaica or are you lying now. Typical democrat.
you're not going to convince me that you're the tough guys as you let immigrants and their children take your country from you.
LMAO, better get your stories straight, you said this was YOUR country in the very post I am replying too. LIAR.
Me and mine have dual citizenship while you make threads crying like a bitch
So do I, but I was born an American and I have served in the American military. What did you do for this country, pussy? LMAO BTW, do you talk to your grandkids with that limited vocabulary and are you teaching them to be racist bigots too?
So were you lying when you said you were raised in Jamaica or are you lying now. Typical democrat.
Jesus Christ you people are stupid. :lol: Do you know how far Jamaica is from Miami?
LMAO, better get your stories straight, you said this was YOUR country in the very post I am replying too. LIAR.
It is my country. The constitution has cuckolded you. It has legalized your demographic replacement. My mother arrived here pregnant and because of birthright citizenship I was born an American citizen and by hilariously wonderful extension my daughter, who was born in Jamaica, was also born a US citizen. That's how thoroughly the laws have cuckolded you. Once you're a citizen, even if you were conceived in a foreign country, you're a citizen and you yourself can conceive children in foreign countries who are also US citizens. Isn't it hilarious how that works? :lmao:
So do I, but I was born an American and I have served in the American military. What did you do for this country, pussy? LMAO
I was born here you fucking moron. You're the dumb Simp who's been propagandized to believe it takes anything more than that. But I'm happy the wealthy have you and yours to use as human shields and cannon fodder for their industry. Better even if you imagine it's noble. Good for you. :lol: :itsok:
Jesus Christ you people are stupid. :lol: Do you know how far Jamaica is from Miami?
Do you know Jamaica isn't part of the US, moron? Cuba is close to Miami as well and no, it isn't part of the US either.
It is my country.
Then it seems that you just called yourself soft as you are letting those self same illegal immigrant steal your country from you. You just keep digging, you'll find China one day.
Once you're a citizen
I am fully aware of citizenship requirements in the US, moron.
But I'm happy the wealthy have you and yours to use as human shields and cannon fodder for their industry.
Thanks for clarifying that. You haven't got the intestinal fortitude to stand up for anything. You're dismissed.
Do you know Jamaica isn't part of the US, moron? Cuba is close to Miami as well and no, it isn't part of the US either.
But they are both relatively close moron. I spent nearly half my life in Jamaica until around 19 years old. Especially when my mother worked for Air Jamaica in the 90s and it was a free stand by flight away. My brothers and I would sometimes fly down to MoBay just to eat lunch at our uncles restaurant, spend the day at the beach and be back home for dinner. Having too much fun in Jamaica is how I became a father at 19.
Then it seems that you just called yourself soft as you are letting those self same illegal immigrant steal your country from you. You just keep digging, you'll find China one day.
I'm also part Chinese so the Chinese don't scare me. You're the soft bitch who thinks immigrants are destroying the country. I'm happy to have all the immigrants. If it were up to me we'd have open borders.
I am fully aware of citizenship requirements in the US, moron.
Then why are you touting your military service at me like it means something? :dunno:

Thanks for clarifying that. You haven't got the intestinal fortitude to stand up for anything. You're dismissed.
You can't stand up where it matters to you the most. Sure you can risk your life dying in the military in whatever foreign country Congress sends you to but that isn't the same thing as being capable of stopping your country from being demographically changed and then politically and culturally changed. That all you can do is cry about. :lol:

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