"A nation divided cannot stand."

Our Constitution was the result of communication, collaboration, innovation, intelligence, honesty and integrity.

Obviously those are no longer important qualities for us. Oh well.
I think they are still important. However, they are like tools in a toolbox but most don't know how to use them or what to build with them.
Nah, I'm not wrong. Bigotry is not moral.

Bub...if it means your survival, it is. Blacks will destroy the country if left unchecked to rule as the systemic criminals and ignorant thugs they are. Hatred and survival are bred in us by nature. If we didn't have hatred, we would stay in situations that would be unhealthy or kill us.

I'm all for a separation of America into dem and rep control. you can stay with your beloved commies, the rest of us can stay with our clan. But dems won't allow it. Too much greed for having the big pot of tax slaves.

America is over!

collaspe cross stitch.jpg
Parapharing Jesus.
America has always had differences but usually close differences that were solved through compromise. Today the radicals of both parties threaten to bring America down. Our only hope, imo, is responsible citizenship, which will relieve much of the government of its destructive power.
Democrats have been the party of division for the last twenty years at least. Male/female, straight/gay, POC/caucasions, republican/democrat, progressive/conservative. You name it -- if they can pigeon hole you they will in their quest to add this nation into a one world government their job is done.
Our Constitution was the result of communication, collaboration, innovation, intelligence, honesty and integrity.

Obviously those are no longer important qualities for us. Oh well.
The document that legalized slavery written by slavers? I think we have different definitions of honor and integrity.
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Democrats have been the party of division for the last twenty years at least. Male/female, straight/gay, POC/caucasions, republican/democrat, progressive/conservative. You name it -- if they can pigeon hole you they will in their quest to add this nation into a one world government their job is done.
BS. Republicans have done that and try projecting their behavior on Democrats.
Our division goes deeper than racism, it's mostly the radical ideology of the left. The right puts forth boring ways to save the country while the left puts forth new and exciting ways to destroy it.
The division includes racism and sexism. The right has tried destroyng this country with their ideology. Their perception of what an American is consistently has them trying to destroy the country while claiming to be saving it.
Parapharing Jesus.
America has always had differences but usually close differences that were solved through compromise. Today the radicals of both parties threaten to bring America down. Our only hope, imo, is responsible citizenship, which will relieve much of the government of its destructive power.
We can't. There isn't a responsible citizenship. The middle ground has been disappearing for the past many years. The culture has divided leaving NO middle ground. Not only has the culture divided into opposing war camps, each side is increasingly unwilling to be governed by the other side. In that sense, there cannot be a responsible government.
Nah, I'm not wrong. Bigotry is not moral.
I have to disagree with you. There’s a reason that those who nake good choices are said to have discriminating tastes.

It’s only one last century that being able to separate things which are better from those that are not has become a bad thing.
I have to disagree with you. There’s a reason that those who nake good choices are said to have discriminating tastes.

It’s only one last century that being able to separate things which are better from those that are not has become a bad thing.

In American a lot of whites have consistenty made bad choices. The choice to be racist is not a good choice. Sexism is not a good choice. Biogtry is never a good choice. The choices those like you call good has cost this nation 51 trilion since 1990 and more than 100 trilion over the last century. And we have a deficit of 35 trillion. So the bad choices you call good have created the debt and deficits we face right now.
In American a lot of whites have consistenty made bad choices. The choice to be racist is not a good choice. Sexism is not a good choice. Biogtry is never a good choice. The choices those like you call good has cost this nation 51 trilion since 1990 and more than 100 trilion over the last century. And we have a deficit of 35 trillion. So the bad choices you call good have created the debt and deficits we face right now.
No. What has caused those issues has been our unwillingness to remove the moldy and diseased items from the melting pot that is the United States…. The chronically poor, those who refuse to work, the untreatable ill (mentally and physically), and those who refuse to accept Law and Order as the natural state of the country. Additionally our unwillingness to tell the rest of the world to go fuck itself and stay out of international affairs.
No. What has caused those issues has been our unwillingness to remove the moldy and diseased items from the melting pot that is the United States…. The chronically poor, those who refuse to work, the untreatable ill (mentally and physically), and those who refuse to accept Law and Order as the natural state of the country. Additionally our unwillingness to tell the rest of the world to go fuck itself and stay out of international affairs.
And here we see the example of the attitude that has created the mistakes and bad decisions this nation has made.
And here we see the example of the attitude that has created the mistakes and bad decisions this nation has made.
An organism of any type cannot long survive when it allows disease to forment Inside itself. Those parts of the organism which do not advance the survivability of the organism must be removed. Especially those parts which are actively attempting to destroy the organism.

It’s a very basic concept which we in America have not just forgotten but which we now actively fight against.

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