Repubicans Lie Again

So once again we see Republicans lying as they employ their race hustle tctics in order to affect the upcoming eections in their favor. We have heard Republicans lying for years about illegal immigrants voting just because they lose. Now we see that they have began getting unconstitutional about it.

The GOP is making false claims about noncitizens voting. It’s affecting real voters​

Earlier this month, Alabama voter William Pritchett received an unexpected letter from election officials telling him his voter registration was made inactive and was “on the path for removal from the statewide voter list.”

He was among more than 3,200 people on the state’s voter rolls whose registrations had been flagged by Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen as part of a new initiative to identify possible noncitizens.

Yet Pritchett was born in Alabama and has always been an American citizen.

He told NPR he believes state election officials are “chasing a false narrative” that “noncitizens have been voting and that’s swinging elections.”

“It’s in the news every day where they want to make it into an issue,” Pritchett said. He was able to update his information with local election officials and remains registered to vote. It’s still not clear why his name was added to the state’s list.

The baseless claim that Democrats will attempt to steal the upcoming election by encouraging recently arrived migrants to vote illegally has become a key talking point for former President Donald Trump and his allies this campaign season.

That narrative sowing doubt about the validity of the U.S. electoral system is likely to be invoked by Trump and his supporters as a basis for denying election results should he lose.

Despite the fact that it has long been illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections and there is no credible evidence showing it happens in significant numbers, the false claim has continued to gain momentum.

But as the election nears, the false rhetoric is now having a real impact on citizens as some GOP officials are scrutinizing voter rolls and questioning some voters’ registrations in the final run-up to Election Day — which some voting advocates say violates federal law.

Sounds like Alabama was cleaning up their voter rolls and Pritchett got caught in it. He submitted his proper verification and the problem is solved..

As far as the illegals and used to be “no illegals are voting” now it’s “they are not voting in significant numbers”. With as close as this race will be, it may not need to be significant numbers to sway the election. Trump only lost Arizona by about 10,000 votes. That’s not a significant number in a state that cast 3.2 million votes.

Dems are to blame for a lot of the hysteria. When repubs try to make a measure to require proof of citizenship, democrats do everything in their power to stop it. It’s no wonder why repubs are worried about non citizens voting…
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We don't need that.
Why not, a national purge has never been done. Imagine all of the junk and old invalid voter registrations we could get rid of.

In fact, I’d go even further. Voter rolls should be completely purged every 5 years and you should be required to register. To make sure the voter rolls are always up to date, and remove all the junk and wrong information

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