Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Jesus was quite specific.
Exactly. Dingbot.

After many left Jesus because they couldn't stomach him saying "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he also heard the twelve murmuring so he explained himself to them by saying, "The Spirit alone gives life; the flesh is of no avail, The WORDS which I have spoken to you are both Spirit and life.". After saying this Jesus asked if they would leave him too to which Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom shall we go? YOUR WORDS ARE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE. We have faith and we know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:60-69

This shows that they understood that Jesus was not speaking about flesh or bread but WORDS.
Teaching from God, that came into the world through Jesus, a man, given for the life of the world.

It couldn't be more simple. To eat his flesh is to accept the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven which became his flesh, a new revelation about the only right way to understand and comply with the Laws demands that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life here and now on earth, not when you die after living your entire life like a schnook

Jesus said his WORDS are real meat, far more nourishing and satisfying to the mind than bread.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

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Still have to first ask for forgiveness. What you are doing is hiding your sins from God
I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands. Everyone judged worthy of the resurrection is no longer subject to judgment, they have already passed from death to life.

This is the first of two resurrections. There are also two deaths. The first death is consequent to defying Divine instruction, the second is the death of the body. Those who take part in the first resurrection, a resurrection from the death that comes from defying Divine instruction or filling your mind with bullshit, cannot be harmed by the second death which is the death of the body.

The second resurrection is after you die a physical death and finally shuffle off this mortal coil.

If you don't repent of your murder and sorcery all you have is a terrifying expectation of Judgment

If you do you must understand the words and subjects of the law as revealed by Jesus and do it.
Rising from the dead is as easy or difficult as it is for you to be honest with yourself and others.
How hard is that? What will be your alibi for not doing so? Fear? Conformity? Good luck with that!


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Let me say that when Jesus uttered those words, he was still alive and had not been crucified. So, that bread and wine could not have been his actual flesh and blood. He was impressing upon the Apostles that when they perform the Sacrament ordinance that it is a similitude of remembrance of His atoning sacrifice. Just as the lesser law of animal sacrifice was a similitude of the upcoming atoning sacrifice of the only first born of the Father in the flesh. The animal did not change into a human being of the flesh and and blood of Jesus Christ since Jehovah had not yet descended from heaven into the baby Jesus body.
Who are you again?
Exactly. Dingbot.

After many left Jesus because they couldn't stomach him saying "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he also heard the twelve murmuring so he explained himself to them by saying, "The Spirit alone gives life; the flesh is of no avail, The WORDS which I have spoken to you are both Spirit and life.". After saying this Jesus asked if they would leave him too to which Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom shall we go? YOUR WORDS ARE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE. We have faith and we know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:60-69

This shows that they understood that Jesus was not speaking about flesh or bread but WORDS.
Teaching from God, that came into the world through Jesus, a man, given for the life of the world.

It couldn't be more simple. To eat his flesh is to accept the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven which became his flesh, a new revelation about the only right way to understand and comply with the Laws demands that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life here and now on earth, not when you die after living your entire life like a schnook

Jesus said his WORDS are real meat, far more nourishing and satisfying to the mind than bread.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

And you have no life in you ;)

Which is probably why YOUR God loves buggery.
I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands. Everyone judged worthy of the resurrection is no longer subject to judgment, they have already passed from death to life.

This is the first of two resurrections. There are also two deaths. The first death is consequent to defying Divine instruction, the second is the death of the body. Those who take part in the first resurrection, a resurrection from the death that comes from defying Divine instruction or filling your mind with bullshit, cannot be harmed by the second death which is the death of the body.

The second resurrection is after you die a physical death and finally shuffle off this mortal coil.

If you don't repent of your murder and sorcery all you have is a terrifying expectation of Judgment

If you do you must understand the words and subjects of the law as revealed by Jesus and do it.
Rising from the dead is as easy or difficult as it is for you to be honest with yourself and others.
How hard is that? What will be your alibi for not doing so? Fear? Conformity? Good luck with that!


The letter of the law saves you? Not what Jesus teaches. The spirit of the law is where people stumble every day several times a day. Your answer is full of unrighteous pride.
The letter of the law saves you? Not what Jesus teaches. The spirit of the law is where people stumble every day several times a day. Your answer is full of unrighteous pride.
I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands. Everyone judged worthy of the resurrection is no longer subject to judgment, they have already passed from death to life.

This is the first of two resurrections. There are also two deaths. The first death is consequent to defying Divine instruction, the second is the death of the body. Those who take part in the first resurrection, a resurrection from the death that comes from defying Divine instruction or filling your mind with bullshit, cannot be harmed by the second death which is the death of the body.

The second resurrection is after you die a physical death and finally shuffle off this mortal coil.

If you don't repent of your murder and sorcery all you have is a terrifying expectation of Judgment

If you do you must understand the words and subjects of the law as revealed by Jesus and do it.
Rising from the dead is as easy or difficult as it is for you to be honest with yourself and others.
How hard is that? What will be your alibi for not doing so? Fear? Conformity? Good luck with that!


Also, there have been two spiritual deaths. Yours is a made up opinion. The truth is we have come from a more exalted sphere. We are literally spirit children of our Heavenly Father. We could not progress anymore in that state of existence. The world was prepared for us to be separated from the Godhead. That is a spiritual death. The second spiritual death will be separated after the resurrection if we do not make it back to the highest degree in Heaven where the Godhead resides, Celestial Kingdom (1st Corinthians chapter 15).
The letter of the law saves you? Not what Jesus teaches. The spirit of the law is where people stumble every day several times a day.
No, Jesus saying "eat my flesh" was a direct reference to Kosher law where the flesh of one creature or another is either clean or unclean, the creatures described are metaphors for human archetypes. Think of this command as a zip file of sorts where the more you think about it, the more is revealed about the right way to interpret and comply with the figurative language used and consequently the hidden subjects of the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

The literal letter of the Law is the lesser light that rules the night, the hidden meaning of the words and subjects of the Law as revealed by Jesus is the greater light that rules the day.

Your answer is full of unrighteous pride.


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