Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

It's bread just as manna was bread.
"Manna from heaven" was from the beginning a metaphor for Divine instruction, the Word of God, the food of angels, which became the flesh of Jesus after he received a revelation from God himself explaining the deeper meaning of the figurative language used and consequently the hidden subjects of the Law removing the burden of the Law which is death, a curse, insanity, for failing to comply with its simple easy to understand and do instruction about how to stand guard over the sanctity of your own mind to remain sane in a world full of bizarre and irrational creatures

Abundant blessings and eternal life is the promise for complying with the laws demands for everyone who accepts this new revelation that came into the world through Jesus and acts on it.

Life is in the blood. In the doing.

The difference was, because it's our renewal of our covenants in Jesus Christ that we are saved. Bread and wine cannot save anyone eternally. Jesus Christ's atonement saves us.

Jesus did not atone for anyone else's sins. He taught and demonstrated the only right way to understand the teaching of the law that fulfills the promise of eternal life here and now on earth.

If you do not accept his teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, your guilt remains.
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The wine was new wine or grape juice. It doesn't matter the liquid since wine or grape juice is mostly water.
Sure, Jesus was always in "bad company" partying with sinners, tax gatherers, and prostitutes so they called him a glutton and a drunk because he was chugging down watery grape juice. WTF! Obviously you never partied with sinners, prostitutes, or bad characters of the Roman underworld

Remember, it's not actual blood nor is the bread actual flesh like Catholics horrifically think. The focus is on the atonement of Jesus Christ and our desire to remember this and to follow Him.
No. The focus should be on understanding what Jesus was teaching, adjusting, and acting on it if you hope to follow Jesus and atone for your own sins. Seriously, how fuck up is it to think that Jesus, an innocent man, died to atone for your sins? Would you let an innocent man be charged condemned tortured and executed because you stole a loaf of bread or had impure thoughts? lol.

How ethical is that? I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed by your deep and abiding love for him.

I am.
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The wine was new wine or grape juice. It doesn't matter the liquid since wine or grape juice is mostly water. Remember, it's not actual blood nor is the bread actual flesh like Catholics horrifically think. The focus is on the atonement of Jesus Christ and our desire to remember this and to follow Him.
Why do you believe what humans tell you?

It says CLEARLY in the Bible that it was WINE
"Manna from heaven" was from the beginning a metaphor for Divine instruction, the Word of God, the food of angels, which became the flesh of Jesus after he received a revelation from God himself explaining the deeper meaning of the figurative language used and consequently the hidden subjects of the Law removing the burden of the Law which is death, a curse, insanity, for failing to comply with its simple easy to understand and do instruction about how to stand guard over the sanctity of your own mind to remain sane in a world full of bizarre and irrational creatures

Abundant blessings and eternal life is the promise for complying with the laws demands for everyone who accepts this new revelation that came into the world through Jesus and acts on it.

Life is in the blood. In the doing.

Jesus did not atone for anyone else's sins. He taught and demonstrated the only right way to understand the teaching of the law that fulfills the promise of eternal life here and now on earth.

If you do not accept his teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, your guilt remains.
Nonsense. We partake of the Sacraments of bread and wine (I take water) to remember his sacrificing atonement for my sins. To remember to keep his commandments which he has given us that we may always have his spirit with him. We don't ask him to continually to shed his blood over and over and over. He shed it once and that is all that is needed. He most certainly atoned for my sins as I repent, I've been baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. I must continue to keep his commandment and when I sin, to repent.
I know better. I've experienced it. I've reaped the rewards
I know, I know. You told me all about it, the soul bursting at the seams. You brazenly and defiantly violate the law of God at every single mass so YOU HAVE YOUR REWARD ALREADY!

Death, a curse.

As for me, I have chosen to keep the Law and my soul intact, so I HAVE MY REWARD ALREADY!

Life, a blessing.
Sure, Jesus was always in "bad company" partying with sinners, tax gatherers, and prostitutes so they called him a glutton and a drunk because he was chugging down watery grape juice. WTF! Obviously you never partied with sinners, prostitutes, or bad characters of the Roman underworld

No. The focus should be on understanding what Jesus was teaching, adjusting, and acting on it if you hope to follow Jesus and atone for your own sins. Seriously, how fuck up is it to think that Jesus, an innocent man, died to atone for your sins? Would you let an innocent man be charged condemned tortured and executed because you stole a loaf of bread or had impure thoughts? lol.

How ethical is that? I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed by your deep and abiding love for him.

I am.
He never partied with them. Have you ever been to a party where you did not drink and get drunk. But, you were able to still enjoy yourself with your friends and family? There is no indication he partied with anyone but his own family. He went to the house of ill-repute to teach. He ate with them. But, I assure you, he did not get drunk with them. In fact, they chased him out because he called them to repentance.

What do you mean atone for my own sins? I cannot. I cannot atone for my own sins and you can't atone for your own sins either. Jesus Christ paid the price that if we repent, be baptized, receive the holy ghost and keep his commandments repenting all the days of our lives, we will reach eternal life. No man has the power nor the authority to atone for our own sins. Just ignorance to believe this.
I must continue to keep his commandment and when I sin, to repent.
When are you going to get around to bearing fruit worthy of repentance for your unrepentant sin and deliberate defiance of Divine Law for worshiping a human being as if he was almighty God?
New wine...Grape Juice. You do know that the Bible was written by humans. So, why do you believe the words are translated correctly?
New wine is a metaphor for new knowledge, a revelation from God, that came after Jesus taught that kosher law was not about food; the words of the Law were figurative, the subjects hidden.

Jesus said he would not taste the fruit of the vine until he drank it new in the kingdom of God. This shows Jesus knew his teaching would become lost to time and renewed upon his return.

Think! Jesus first turned water into wine. Then he turned wine into blood. What does that tell you?
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When are you going to get around to bearing fruit worthy of repentance for your unrepentant sin and deliberate defiance of Divine Law for worshiping a human being as if he was almighty God?
I do all that I can for repentance and Jesus Christ carries me the rest of the way. I cannot atone completely for my sins. The Lord will fill in based on my efforts. He is our almighty God and redeemer.
New wine is a metaphor for new knowledge, a revelation from God, that came after Jesus taught that kosher law was not about food; the words of the Law were figurative, the subjects hidden.

Jesus said he would not taste the fruit of the vine until he drank it new in the kingdom of God. This shows Jesus knew his teaching would become lost to time and renewed upon his return.

Think! Jesus first turned water into wine. Then he turned wine into blood. What does that tell you?
So, when truth doesn’t fit your opinions you then claim the right to change the meaning to fit your opinions.
John 6:68,69

Your WORDS are WORDS of eternal life. We have faith and know that you're the Holy One of God

WORDS. Not flesh, not bread, not anything you put into your mouth and shit out of your ass.
Incorrect. Actual body and blood. Jesus was quite specific.
Verse 58 says we are to eat bread and also drink wine (liquid). Through the ordinance we renew our covenants at baptism by taking upon us Jesus Christ for remembrance of the atonement he did for us. I've yet to see any bread in any church turn to human flesh before or as it is going into a person. It's bread just as manna was bread. The difference was, because it's our renewal of our covenants in Jesus Christ that we are saved. Bread and wine cannot save anyone eternally. Jesus Christ's atonement saves us. We are to remember this.
So, when you partake of your Sacraments of Christ, are you thinking about actual flesh and blood or are you thinking of the great atoning sacrifice Jesus made on your behalf? It's the latter that can help save you. Thinking about eating human flesh and drinking human blood is horrifying. You are another Jeffrey Dahlmer.
John 6:53
I know, I know. You told me all about it, the soul bursting at the seams. You brazenly and defiantly violate the law of God at every single mass so YOU HAVE YOUR REWARD ALREADY!

Death, a curse.

As for me, I have chosen to keep the Law and my soul intact, so I HAVE MY REWARD ALREADY!

Life, a blessing.
But you don't know. You have never climbed up on that cross. John 6:53

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