Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

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"The flesh of Jesus" was a metaphor for codified instruction from God, teaching that is real meat, food for the mind, that is far more nourishing and satisfying than just bread, manna from Heaven.

The blood of Jesus is a metaphor for the way Jesus followed the Law according to his revelation from God that the Words of the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used as in "eat my flesh and drink my blood", a clear reference to kosher law where the creatures described are metaphors for human archetypes, their flesh, whether clean or unclean, is a metaphor for their teaching, ideologies beliefs, etc. Its the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands that reflects wisdom worthy of a benevolent God and loving Father and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life, now on earth, to everyone who listens to that teaching and acts on it.

Life is in the blood, in the doing as in faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse without breath

People who dick around with bread and wine in a memorial ritual are under a curse. :wine:

If you don't believe me try to have a rational conversation with ding
That's dumb. If you can't explain something to a child that means you don't understand it

Exactly, just like you can't explain to a child how a trinity diddled a virgin to become fully human only to abolish his own eternal laws, say nutty things that no one understood, and be ridiculed rejected and despised tortured and crucified so that believers who celebrate his death and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS can remain assholes and sin with impunity for life. Just because he loved the Roman world so very very much, of course. Derp.

If a child claims to "get that" they are just terrified by the evil that drips from your unclean lips.

Just like you were terrified into submission to a brazen lie. That Jesus died so you can be an ass.
"The flesh of Jesus" was a metaphor for codified instruction from God, teaching that is real meat, food for the mind, that is far more nourishing and satisfying than just bread, manna from Heaven.

The blood of Jesus is a metaphor for the way Jesus followed the Law according to his revelation from God that the Words of the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used as in "eat my flesh and drink my blood", a clear reference to kosher law where the creatures described are metaphors for human archetypes, their flesh, whether clean or unclean, is a metaphor for their teaching, ideologies beliefs, etc. Its the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands that reflects wisdom worthy of a benevolent God and loving Father and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life, now on earth, to everyone who listens to that teaching and acts on it.

Life is in the blood, in the doing as in faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse without breath

People who dick around with bread and wine in a memorial ritual are under a curse. :wine:

If you don't believe me try to have a rational conversation with ding
Same response to the post you deleted and then reposted.
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Exactly, just like you can't explain to a child how a trinity diddled a virgin to become fully human only to abolish his own eternal laws, say nutty things that no one understood, and be ridiculed rejected and despised tortured and crucified so that believers who celebrate his death and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS can sin with impunity for life. Derp.

If a child claims to get that they are just terrified by the evil that drips from your unclean lips.

Just like you were terrified into submission to a brazen lie. That Jesus died so you can be an ass.
Sure I can. God so loved man that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death so as to be able to reconcile justice with mercy.
Exactly, just like you can't explain to a child how a trinity diddled a virgin to become fully human only to abolish his own eternal laws, say nutty things that no one understood, and be ridiculed rejected and despised tortured and crucified so that believers who celebrate his death and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS can remain assholes and sin with impunity for life. Just because he loved the Roman world so very very much, of course. Derp.

If a child claims to "get that" they are just terrified by the evil that drips from your unclean lips.

Just like you were terrified into submission to a brazen lie. That Jesus died so you can be an ass.
Just because you have never shared in Christ's suffering and resurrection doesn't mean that others haven't.
Just because you have never shared in Christ's suffering...

Awww, do you feel like you are sharing in Christs suffering? Now thats really funny!

Pay attention. You being ridiculed and dismissed as an idiot for believing in nonsense is not sharing in the suffering of Christ. You are just suffering from the effect of your own obstinate stupidity in believing the lie that spiritual life can be handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food

God so loved man that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death so as to be able to reconcile justice with mercy
Any child that ever read a fairy tale will know that your 'belief' is just an incoherent bullshit lie.

Even you knew that as a child. Thats why you left the church. At least according to you.

You phony fuck and just like a dog you returned to your own vomit.
Awww, do you feel like you are sharing in Christs suffering? Now thats really funny!

Pay attention. You being ridiculed and dismissed as an idiot for believing in nonsense is not sharing in the suffering of Christ. You are just suffering from the effect of your own obstinate stupidity in believing the lie that spiritual life can be handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food

It's because you have never put yourself on that cross that you don't understand its power. Of course you are going to ridicule it. I know better. I've experienced it. I've reaped the rewards. You haven't. It's not an accident you behave so disrespectfully towards others. It's entirely predictable. But what you don't understand is that the only one who suffers for it is you. As long as I don't behave like you do, I win. You lose.
Any child that ever read a fairy tale will know that your 'belief' is just an incoherent bullshit lie.

Even you knew that as a child. Thats why you left the church. At least according to you.

You phony fuck and just like a dog you returned to your own vomit.
24,000 written manuscripts, the behaviors of early Christians and the behaviors of the apostles says otherwise.
You phony fuck and just like a dog you returned to your own vomit.
Me and the other 2.4 billion Christians.

That you can't see how much of a religious fanatic you are for attacking a rival religion shows just how out of touch you are with reality.

You have so much hatred towards Christians that you can't control yourself.
It doesn't--BUT--Jesus is our example to follow closely, he was about 30( mature) when baptized. Baptism = first a prayer to God and a promise to serve him forever living to do his will over self, water baptism is publicly declaring that promise. No baby or young child can possibly understand the weight of that matter.
Again, Protestants are ignorant and wallowing in heresy, knowingly or otherwise. You seem to assume here that Jesus NEEDED to be baptized! What original sin did HE have?

But then I believe you are JW and if you are, you are in one of the worst and most heretical sects of all
No one earns salvation from good works. Good works is salvation. Think about it.

Well, that is a tad simplistic but I like it anyway.

If you don't do good works, you will fall into BAD ones in a hurry and most people stay where they land, because that is how human nature "works"

If one is busy working for Christ and His kingdom.. yeh, just stands to reason the person would be in God's grace.
"The flesh of Jesus" was a metaphor for codified instruction from God, teaching that is real meat, food for the mind, that is far more nourishing and satisfying than just bread, manna from Heaven.

The blood of Jesus is a metaphor for the way Jesus followed the Law according to his revelation from God that the Words of the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used as in "eat my flesh and drink my blood", a clear reference to kosher law where the creatures described are metaphors for human archetypes, their flesh, whether clean or unclean, is a metaphor for their teaching, ideologies beliefs, etc. Its the only way to understand and comply with the Laws demands that reflects wisdom worthy of a benevolent God and loving Father and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life, now on earth, to everyone who listens to that teaching and acts on it.

Life is in the blood, in the doing as in faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse without breath

People who dick around with bread and wine in a memorial ritual are under a curse. :wine:

If you don't believe me try to have a rational conversation with ding
I agree with a lot of what you say. By the way, Jesus instituted the Sacraments of bread and liquid as in wine because the water wasn’t necessarily good to drink. He instructed them to perform the ordinance weekly in place of the usual sabbath of the Jews. And, to do it in remembrance of the full atonement including the crucifixion and resurrection. Not that the bread and wine changed into human flesh and human blood. Yuk! It’s also a reminder of our covenants we made at baptism to follow Jesus Christ.
I agree with a lot of what you say. By the way, Jesus instituted the Sacraments of bread and liquid as in wine because the water wasn’t necessarily good to drink. He instructed them to perform the ordinance weekly in place of the usual sabbath of the Jews. And, to do it in remembrance of the full atonement including the crucifixion and resurrection. Not that the bread and wine changed into human flesh and human blood. Yuk! It’s also a reminder of our covenants we made at baptism to follow Jesus Christ.
John 6:53
John 6:53
Verse 58 says we are to eat bread and also drink wine (liquid). Through the ordinance we renew our covenants at baptism by taking upon us Jesus Christ for remembrance of the atonement he did for us. I've yet to see any bread in any church turn to human flesh before or as it is going into a person. It's bread just as manna was bread. The difference was, because it's our renewal of our covenants in Jesus Christ that we are saved. Bread and wine cannot save anyone eternally. Jesus Christ's atonement saves us. We are to remember this.
So, when you partake of your Sacraments of Christ, are you thinking about actual flesh and blood or are you thinking of the great atoning sacrifice Jesus made on your behalf? It's the latter that can help save you. Thinking about eating human flesh and drinking human blood is horrifying. You are another Jeffrey Dahlmer.
John 6:68,69

Your WORDS are WORDS of eternal life. We have faith and know that you're the Holy One of God

WORDS. Not flesh, not bread, not anything you put into your mouth and shit out of your ass.
You think the Lord approves of such words or yours? I disagree with Catholics who think of human flesh and drinking human blood while partaking the Sacraments as horrific. Especially when they should be thinking and giving thanks for the atoning sacrifice Christ made for their benefit.
who told you that nonsense? It certainly is not in Scripture.
The wine was new wine or grape juice. It doesn't matter the liquid since wine or grape juice is mostly water. Remember, it's not actual blood nor is the bread actual flesh like Catholics horrifically think. The focus is on the atonement of Jesus Christ and our desire to remember this and to follow Him.
The wine was new wine or grape juice. It doesn't matter the liquid since wine or grape juice is mostly water. Remember, it's not actual blood nor is the bread actual flesh like Catholics horrifically think. The focus is on the atonement of Jesus Christ and our desire to remember this and to follow Him.
In a true Catholic Mass, it is indeed Christ's Blood, the only thing that saves.

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