Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Everybody knows this is the reason. None of the other comparable countries sees the slaughter that you have in the US.

GermanyFrance, Spain, Italy, UK, Australia.

They all have your social issues. Mental health "dicersity", poverty, video games, decline iin religion, LGBT population.

And whatever bullshit excuse that you sad fucks make up.
But they have a fraction of your deaths. Maybe they would if they had your addiction to guns.
Australia has more guns in the hands of citizens today than before the 1996 gun ban.


Australians now own more guns in total than they did before the 1996 crackdown, according to figures from 2016 - the last time they were comprehensively studied.
That amounts to more than three million firearms, according to separate government statistics.

Is gun ownership increasing in Australia?
Everybody knows this is the reason. None of the other comparable countries sees the slaughter that you have in the US.

GermanyFrance, Spain, Italy, UK, Australia.

They all have your social issues. Mental health "dicersity", poverty, video games, decline iin religion, LGBT population.

And whatever bullshit excuse that you sad fucks make up.
But they have a fraction of your deaths. Maybe they would if they had your addiction to guns.

I hear that millions disagree with you, yet you claim that "everybody" knows what you spew.

Just another lie from the looney liberal as expected.
Overturning Roe v Wade is proof that the Supreme Court is dominated by corrupt blind partisan conservative ideologues who have contempt for settled, accepted precedent.
First, precedence is not settled law. When the court makes a decision, then it becomes law, much as you dislike this fact.

Second, it was not overturned, it was left to the individual states to make their own decisions. You know, democracy in action. You just don't' believe in it.

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