Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Guns are more tightly controlled now than they were 50 or 100 years ago. Back then there no school shootings. Fast forward to today, more controls are in place, guns are harder to get and fewer places allow them to be carried and guess what we have? School shootings.

Guns are not the problem, mental health is the problem.
What do they do in countrues where this sort of thing is not a problem ?
What’s corrupt about the Supreme Court is that it is dominated by six conservative blind partisan ideologues who have contempt for settled, accepted precedent; six corrupt justices who place conservative dogma over decades of consensus jurisprudence.
of course, for 50 years while 5 liberals dominated the court that was just fine right?
You ignorant globalist pukes say the same shit over and over…so I copy and paste the same refutations over and over. Why should I put more thought and effort into you degenerates?
Because no one believe anything that you say, yet you keep repeating your nonsense,
If that's your standard for success, don't go into finance. But I can't really see what the GA school, cops or fbi could have done much differently. We've chosen the path we're on. Perhaps some gun storage requirements. Perhaps some mandated gun safety (shooting) classes for minors. We used to have boy scouts and retired military.
Gun safety classes are to teach people to handle guns safely and avoid accidents. Classes do nothing for intentional shootings.

When did these school shootings start? What changed from having peaceful schools with no shootings and what it's turned into? What made this boy think he was a girl? Was he taking any affirming drugs? Why didn't the FBI do something a year ago when this child was first considered a danger?

Arm teachers, arm more resource officers. Allow retired military and police to help patrol schools.

Yes, we used to have Boy Scouts, now they are gay training centers. Guns didn't change, the culture changed. It became sick, harmful and toxic.
Anyone notice that the LOSER reposts the same stupid shit over and over again? Loser brain has limited capacity. There is just room for "scary hair," "dark people!" and "hate."
I where he implies diversity is a reason white children are shooting up schools.
“Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?”

It’s the same ‘plan’ as Vance and other Republicans: that school shootings are a fact of life, there’s nothing to be done – save for ‘hardening’ schools and more guns.

Republicans talking about getting people help and mental health treatment is dishonest; a 28-year-old with no job, no children of his own living with him, and no health insurance living in a Republican-controlled state that refuses to expand Medicaid won’t have access to affordable mental health care.

And Georgia is a Republican-controlled state that refuses to expand Medicaid.
What’s corrupt about the Supreme Court is that it is dominated by six conservative blind partisan ideologues who have contempt for settled, accepted precedent; six corrupt justices who place conservative dogma over decades of consensus jurisprudence.
If you think this is the reason, why do you demand information from others?

Perhaps because you don't actually believe it or because your overlords demand that you spew this kind of nonsense?
Everybody knows this is the reason. None of the other comparable countries sees the slaughter that you have in the US.

GermanyFrance, Spain, Italy, UK, Australia.

They all have your social issues. Mental health "dicersity", poverty, video games, decline iin religion, LGBT population.

And whatever bullshit excuse that you sad fucks make up.
But they have a fraction of your deaths. Maybe they would if they had your addiction to guns.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
They both said have greater security and arm some teachers who would do it. Excellent ideas that would work. The left doesn't want it, of course, because stopping school shootings is not their objective. Confiscating guns is.

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