Israeli Torture And Rape

The corrected headline should read: Extremist Israelis and extremist Palestinians both building illegally in Area C to change the "facts on the ground". No one ever wants to talk about all the illegal settlement building Palestinian Arabs are doing on Israel-controlled territory.
Perhaps you have some sources for this claim? Because I found this UN report from 2009:


As a result of the restrictive planning and zoning policies outlined above, Palestinian construction in approximately 70 percent of Area C is almost completely prohibited. In the remaining 30 percent, a range of restrictions make it extremely difficult for a Palestinian to obtain a building permit. In this context, Palestinians wishing to build must do so “illegally” (e.g. without a permit) and live with the risk that their structures may be demolished by the ICA. Building without a permit is also a criminal offense under Israeli military orders, punishable by a Þne or prison sentence, though this appears not to be enforced currently.51

According to information released by the Israeli State Attorney’s Office in early December 2009, a total of approximately 2,450 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C – or an average of 200 per year – have been demolished due to lack of permit over the course of the past 12 years.52

Though there were indications in 2008 – in the form of a several month lull in demolitions – that the Israeli government might be changing its policy of demolishing “illegal” structures in Area C, the informal freeze that began in April 2008 was short-lived. Demolitions resumed in August 2008 and by the end of the year, the number of demolished structures had almost reached the same level as in the Þrst quarter of 2008, preceding the freeze (though the level of displacement was considerably less).53

Of courser I fully anticipate the usual cries of "The UN hates Israel" and other similar nonsense.
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Do not put words in my mouth that come out of your mouth: you said 'every Arab hates Jews', not me.

This is over your head. So to simplify for the simple: Israel has a right to exist and defend itself and its citizens.
…. And 20% of Israel’s citizens are Muslims!

So while the antisemite complains about the ONE little Jewish country, which generously has a significant Muslim citizenry, just how many of the MULTIPLE Muslim countries have even 1% Jewish citizens? And why does he not mention that?

The fact of the matter is that Israel is much kinder and welcoming to Muslims (not the GAZANS, who want them dead) than any Muslim country is to Jews.

This double standard - blaming Israel falsely for what Arab countries do in truth - is another very obvious “tell” of antisemites.

That, and the Nazi lies.
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Yes, I apologize you did not say that.

So didn't the Third Reich have a right to exist also? Did we care? No, we destroyed it for the good of humanity.
No, genocidal maniacs intent on killing an entire religious group to not have a right to exist.
The corrected headline should read: Extremist Israelis and extremist Palestinians both building illegally in Area C to change the "facts on the ground". No one ever wants to talk about all the illegal settlement building Palestinian Arabs are doing on Israel-controlled territory.
That’s more of the double standards - applied shamelessly by antisemites, and one of the most obvious tells.

They also never mention that Israel has 20% Muslim citizenry, while the Arab countries ran off all their Jews (and stole their property).

The Oct 7th massacre of innocent Jews by HAMAS savages really unleashed the Jew-hate, didn't it? It doesn’t even make sense.
This says far more about you the person, than it says about history. It shows that you regard all Jews as morally superior to all Arabs, that right there is racial supremacy as people have noted for years. As I said earlier, keep posting, you confirm my arguments each time you do.
Muhammad literally killed people for not converting to Islam, including the “Arabs” you keep pretending to care about.

…. And 20% of Israel’s citizens are Muslims!

So while the antisemite complains about the ONE little Jewish country, which generously has a significant Muslim citizenry, just how many of the MULTIPLE Muslim countries have even 1% Jewish citizens? And why does he not mention that?

The fact of the matter is that Israel is much kinder and welcoming to Muslims (not the GAZANS, who want them dead) than any Muslim country is to Jews.

This double standard - blaming Israel falsely for what Arab countries do in truth - is another very obvious “tell” of antisemites.

That, and the Nazi lies.
The Muslims can be peaceful and follow the law.
Only problem I see here is Hamas.
Had they not invaded Israel on 10/7 and brutalized thousands, Palestine and Gaza would be fine today.
F*ck with a tiger, get your asses kicked.

What is it about apologists for Zionist genocide that makes them ignorant of anything before 7 October?

The Nakba began long before 7 October.
Muhammad literally killed people for not converting to Islam, including the “Arabs” you keep pretending to care about.

More sensationalist nonsense, right up there with the "they even beheaded babies" canard that the emasculated press repeated ad infinitum for weeks until they all realized it never happened and so we no longer hear of it.
Maybe you can volunteer as a lawyer for them, they're going to be needing an awful lot of help.

View attachment 1007896

In brief, "Zionist Israel is f***ed".

This is an egregious
Maybe you can volunteer as a lawyer for them, they're going to be needing an awful lot of help.

View attachment 1007896

In brief, "Zionist Israel is f***ed".

This is an egregiously and intentionally deceitful reduction of the advisory opinions of the judges in this case, almost all of whom had independent opinions, separate declarations and dissents.

No, this is not what the ICJ "said".
I disagree with the comparison. Hamas is far more Nazilike than Israel.

  • The Third Reich justified itself by a prior national catastrophe - the Versailles Treaty
  • The Zionist state justifies itself by a prior national catastrophe - the Holocaust, antisemitism
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of racial supremacy - the Jews
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of territorial entitlement - Poland, Sudetenland...
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of territorial entitlement - West Bank, Golan...
  • The Third Reich was committed to the destruction of another race - Jews
  • The Zionist state is committed to the destruction of another race - Palestinians
  • The Third Reich justified itself by declaring an existential threat - Bolshevism, Jewry
  • The Zionist state justifies itself by declaring an existential threat - Islam, Arab nationalism
  • The Third Reich routinely used torture against Jews detained without charge.
  • The Zionist state routinely uses torture against Palestinians detained without charge
  • The Third Reich used rape of male Jewish prisoners as a form of punishment (unconfirmed)
  • The Zionist state uses rape of male Palestinian prisoners as a form of punishment
The Muslims can be peaceful and follow the law.
While the IDF can confidently disregard the law day after day, week after week, yes that makes for an egalitarian society doesn't it...

"You, Arab vermin, do I say not as I do, you got that cockroach?"

It is hard to get a fair trial when the President of the ICJ is a Lebanese national and his country is currently conducting illegal acts of belligerence on the defendant's country.

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I disagree with the comparison. Hamas is far more Nazilike than Israel.
Well of course. HAMAS said it would keep committing Oct 7 again until every last Jew is dead. Now THAT is genocide, and THAT is exactly what Hitler attempted (and succeeded by half).

Israel is doing the opposite, despite what the antisemitic propagandists say. They have largely undertaken a ground offensive, at great risk to themselves, in order to LIMIT the collateral damage.
Thanks for the source, I see that site has a very diverse team of...erm,...of...Jews:


But there's more, look:


See that? Founded by the Nazi Smotrich!!!!

Lets remind ourselves what these "settlers" are all about:

Ridiculous, I ask for a source for claim about illegal Palestinian settlements and get apologist tripe from a PRO-SETTLER Jew supremacist website!
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