The irony of the abortion issue.

Which government is doing that?

If you know of someone committing infanticide, you need to report it to law inforcement. If you don't, you'd be an accessory to murder.

Are you indeed admitting to not reporting cases of the murder of human infants that you know about?

I know that if I knew about infants being murdered, I'd report it. I wouldn't just cry on a message board. But then, I'm not gutless and evil.
Pro-Life Will Soon Become Pro-Death

If the Christofascists were logically consistent, they would be abetting infanticide by conveniently making an exception for aborting the "baby" to save the life of the "mother." According to their domineering doctrine, that would be first-degree murder, while leaving the pregnant woman's life in the hands of God would only be negligent manslaughter. Teddy Kennedy got off on that, so I'm sure that the Christofascist doctors would, too.
Pro-Life Will Soon Become Pro-Death

If the Christofascists were logically consistent, they would be abetting infanticide by conveniently making an exception for aborting the "baby" to save the life of the "mother." According to their domineering doctrine, that would be first-degree murder, while leaving the pregnant woman's life in the hands of God would only be negligent manslaughter. Teddy Kennedy got off on that, so I'm sure that the Christofascist doctors would, too.
No, Christianity always supported the idea of self defense.
I was pointing out the dichotomy of states demanding unrestricted abortion because what the woman wants is paramount and the developing human she is carrying merits no consideration whatsoever vs some of the same states making it a felony, even murder, if a criminal act harms/kills that developing human.

So is that an unborn human being that should be protected? Or something that can be thrown in the trash with a clear conscience? I don't see how they can have it both ways?
Scripted Superficiality

Typical shallow Netrix logic. In one case, the woman wanted to have a baby. In the opposite case, she didn't.
Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.
A child is a child whether his/her mother got pregnant [this way or that way]

It is murder to abort them, so it doesn't matter what the alleged excuse is
Let There Be Light

That is your judgment about Whom we should obey absolutely, which comes out down here on earth that we should obey you and your Christofascist clique slavishly and whatever appeals to your sadistic love of dominating others.
I was answering query as to why God would let a child die, not about what you presume. You are the one who invoked God in the thread to which I was replying. I said nothing about obeying anyone or anything.
If a fetus is not to be classified as similar enough to a newborn to be afforded the same rights as the newborn, then a gay couple cannot be similar enough to an opposite sex couple to be given equal rights to marriage.

This is how rights work.

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