Israeli Torture And Rape

I think the Israelis or the IDF or both, are lying, perhaps exaggerating but not being honest. If my wife or daughter had been raped I'd be fuming at the authorities for impeding a timely investigation.

Not in your league, that's for sure.

Yes that report was put together by the United Nations, the same people who want to investigate and get case documents filed and move the investigation forward but the Israelis will not allow them to. Clearly the UN was fed information that enabled them to put the report together, but it's all based on information supplied by the Israelis, questionable quality even hearsay.

Now that the Israelis have frozen the investigation it begs the question was some of the information they fed to the UN untrue?

Source: AP News
Yeah, it’s all a big Jewish conspiracy hoax. But you is to smart to be fooled by those crafty Jews. Meanwhile the part of you pretending to not be an antisemite is still ignoring all the other reports and evidence of rape and sexual violence because the authentic you supports it all.

Anyway, there is no fixing the delusional apologists for HAMAS and the atrocities they committed on 10/7.

I have no doubt that Deadpenis started this thread to demonize Jews, and then invited his sidekick Sherlock to help him with the propoganda. Just saying. They might even be the same poster.
There’s no genocide going on, you antisemite. After one year, 99.5% of the GAZANS remain alive, thanks to Israel’s restraint even after a massacre worse than any day of the Holocaust. Speaks to Jews’ superior morality.

if they were like the Muslim terrorists, GAZANS would have all been wiped out within a week. You’re too much of a Jew-hater to admit it.

There we have it, the superiority complex breaks through, this is the arrogance and entitlement that permeates Zionism. How the term "morality" can be applied with a straight face, to a society like Israel that now represents the absolutely worst racist political regime on earth, is anyone's guess.
There we have it, the superiority complex breaks through, this is the arrogance and entitlement that permeates Zionism.
Yes, it is morally superior to try to limit casualties as the Israelis have done than it is to go on a Jew-hunting expedition to intentionally torture and rape to death as many as possible.

You are ACTUALLY trying to say that the Jews are not morally superior to the savage HAMAS terrorists - and then claim not to be an antisemite?
Yeah, it’s all a big Jewish conspiracy hoax. But you is to smart to be fooled by those crafty Jews. Meanwhile the part of you pretending to not be an antisemite is still ignoring all the other reports and evidence of rape and sexual violence because the authentic you supports it all.

Anyway, there is no fixing the delusional apologists for HAMAS and the atrocities they committed on 10/7.

Yep, I knew it was, thanks for manning up.
Yes, it is morally superior to try to limit casualties as the Israelis have done than it is to go on a Jew-hunting expedition to intentionally torture and rape to death as many as possible.

You are ACTUALLY trying to say that the Jews are not morally superior to the savage HAMAS terrorists - and then claim not to be an antisemite?
Jews are not morally superior to any other race, ethnicity or culture, if you really do believe they are then you are right up there with the Nazis who believed Aryans were the superior race on earth, and look what became of them.
Jews are not morally superior to any other race, ethnicity or culture, if you really do believe they are then you are right up there with the Nazis who believed Aryans were the superior race on earth, and look what became of them.
I said they were morally superior to the HAMAS terrorists.. For some inexplicable reason, you can’t say the obvious: Jews are morally superior to the HAMAS savages.

Beyond that, some cultures ARE superior to others. I know in your liberal world, everything is “equal” but sorry: the Jewish and Christian cultures are superior to a culture that throws gays off the roof, stones a wife for adultery, beats a sister for appearing without her hijab, and gives reward money to a mother who sacrifices her child in a suicide bombing to kill Jews.
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It’s rape. It should be easy to opposed and denounce. You don’t, because you don’t.

Yes, of course rape should be condemned....

...if and when it happens but the same genocidal Zionist shills that lied about the "headless babies myth" are lying about the alleged rapes.
Clearly the UN was fed information that enabled them to put the report together, but it's all based on information supplied by the Israelis, questionable quality even hearsay.

Um. The attacked happened in Israel to Israelis. Its not like there were UN "special rapporteurs" with clipboards and pencils at the site of a genocidal atrocity. If your standard is not to accept testimony from Israelis, because "Israelis are unreliable", well ...
Jews are not morally superior to any other race, ethnicity or culture, if you really do believe they are then you are right up there with the Nazis who believed Aryans were the superior race on earth, and look what became of them.
You are being disingenuous. She was comparing specific acts. She was not declaring a collective ethnic moral superiority. It is objectively morally superior to protect innocent lives than it is to rape, torture, murder, abduct, starve, execute innocent lives.

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