Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Right, because I destroyed your favorite, pet talking point. And now you're having a sad.
No you haven’t but feel free to believe whatever gets you through the day. You resort to name calling, insults and degrading people, much like Trump does, I don’t respect that, one of the reasons I won’t vote for Trump.
No you haven’t but feel free to believe whatever gets you through the day. You resort to name calling, insults and degrading people, much like Trump does, I don’t respect that, one of the reasons I won’t vote for Trump.
I sure did. Destroyed. Utterly.

And it's literally your only talking point.

Must sting.
There is, and he is an idiot, and his ideas are stupid.

First teachers really don't want to carry guns.

Second, the security is there to respond to incidents. They can't and don't prevent shootings.
I’m for more security...if you’re going to call the cops to come to a school shooting after the first makes sense to have cops there already, right?

But in no way will it stop school shootings. For one thing, put yourself in the place of the security staff; you’re going to blow away a 14 year old? I guess they may but it will be only after the 14 year old shoots first. For another thing, unless they are going to be in every will do nothing. Little Timmy will just wait til 5th period social studies.

Teachers with guns? 364 days out of the year, redneck lowlife gun nuts scream about teachers being tools of the deep state or whatever...only after an all-too-predictable school massacre do they want to arm them to stand in front of their kids with a gun? Its bizarre. The depressing thing is that they know it’s hypocrisy. When it doesn’t work, they will then quickly move to arming the kids themselves. Some days I am surprised they’re not there already.
I’m for more security...if you’re going to call the cops to come to a school shooting after the first makes sense to have cops there already, right?
*To end the shooting incident

Yes, how nice. Not really.

The gun humpers don't have basic empathy. They don't care about They care about their political talking points.
So, it’s no longer violent video games?

Your blob said it was after the El Paso massacre.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We must stop the glorification of violence in our society. This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace.

several factors play a part in school shootings .. and yes kids spending hrs a day [starting at a young age] playing violent rpg's may be a contributor ..
several factors play a part in school shootings .. and yes kids spending hrs a day [starting at a young age] playing violent rpg's may be a contributor ..
They have violent RPGs in other nations.

Why don’t they have school shootings on the regular?

Skip to the part where you blame the “culture"
I’m for more security...if you’re going to call the cops to come to a school shooting after the first makes sense to have cops there already, right?

But in no way will it stop school shootings. For one thing, put yourself in the place of the security staff; you’re going to blow away a 14 year old? I guess they may but it will be only after the 14 year old shoots first. For another thing, unless they are going to be in every will do nothing. Little Timmy will just wait til 5th period social studies.

Teachers with guns? 364 days out of the year, redneck lowlife gun nuts scream about teachers being tools of the deep state or whatever...only after an all-too-predictable school massacre do they want to arm them to stand in front of their kids with a gun? Its bizarre. The depressing thing is that they know it’s hypocrisy. When it doesn’t work, they will then quickly move to arming the kids themselves. Some days I am surprised they’re not there already.
if we have trained armed security guards in banks it makes sense to also have them in schools .. retired cops , military ect ..would make excellent guards in schools ..
It must be tough to be you, you have nothing but hate, ignorance and insults, I feel sorry for people like yourself.
Talking points don't have feelings. So you sound pretty weird right now. Like you're having a big sad over the talking point getting destroyed.
When my Dad was in school, he and his friends took their rifles on the school bus, locked them in their lockers, and went hunting together after school.

Yet, school shootings were unheard of.
Back when guns were viewed as tools. And respected as dangerous tools.

Now they are viewed as accessories. Political statements. Etc.

I doubt your dad and his friends thought they should carry one of those irons on their hip when grocery shopping, for example.

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