Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

When my Dad was in school, he and his friends took their rifles on the school bus, locked them in their lockers, and went hunting together after school.

Yet, school shootings were unheard of.
Yep. Old school gun culture wasn’t a problem. New conservative gun culture is out of control.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
If a President had the power to stop school shootings why hasn’t the current President done it? Do you think Trump would have some power Biden doesn’t currently have to do so? And if Biden has that power and isn’t using it why hasn’t Harris 25th amendment’ed his ass and done it?
I do. Guns used to be seen as a tool to hunt. Now they’re seen as a source of power and authority.
Gun have always been seen as sources of power and authority.

The Communists and the Marxist-Leninists were proclaiming it in the 1920s...



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Gun have always been seen as sources of power and authority.

The Communists were proclaiming it in the 1920s...
I guarantee that’s not how your dad saw it. He would recoil at the idea of using a gun in such a manner.

Modern gun culture embraces the idea.
Sure did. You brought up video games.

You were then informed that other countries play the same video games.

What say you?
i'm saying that we are a pro second amendment country .. if guns are legal then people will tragically be victims of criminals that manage to get their hands on guns .. if no one in the US owned or had access to guns then of coarse their would be no one getting shot .. but that's not the reality we live in .. we are a pro 2nd amendment constitutional republic [for the time being anyway] so the most sensible solution is armed security in schools .. if that's not a clear enough answer for you then you are suffering with a crisis of common sense ..
i'm saying that we are a pro second amendment country ..
So that explains why we have more school shootings?

I would find it hard to disagree that is the start of the problem, but I think there is more to it, too.

But I think it is definitely the wall that gets on the way of doing much about school shootings and gun violence in general.
i'm saying that we are a pro second amendment country .. if guns are legal then people will tragically be victims of criminals that manage to get their hands on guns .. if no one in the US owned or had access to guns then of coarse their would be no one getting shot .. but that's not the reality we live in .. we are a pro 2nd amendment constitutional republic [for the time being anyway] so the most sensible solution is armed security in schools .. if that's not a clear enough answer for you then you are suffering with a crisis of common sense ..
So that explains why we have more school shootings?

I would find it hard to disagree that is the start of the problem, but I think there is more to it, too.

But I think it is definitely the wall that gets on the way of doing much about school shootings and gun violence in general.
we had guns 30 yrs ago and mass school shootings were very rare .. what do you think is causing the enormous surge in mass school shootings ? remember American citizens have had access to guns for hundreds of yrs ..
there were no disaffected people or easy access to guns 40 yrs ago ?
There were fewer people, and not as easy access. Now we have more people,, and many, many more guns. And many, many more ways to buy guns.

And I don't think we have more disaffected people now, necessarily, per capita. I think we have more freedom and freedom of movement. I think what decades ago were fantasies of killing the bullies and the pigs now have become realities that can be realized by anyone at all.


I think people see it as a way to become famous. To become somebody, in this huge world, when they feel like nobody. Yes, I think we can point to the internet for exacerbating that.
If a President had the power to stop school shootings why hasn’t the current President done it? Do you think Trump would have some power Biden doesn’t currently have to do so? And if Biden has that power and isn’t using it why hasn’t Harris 25th amendment’ed his ass and done it?
So he has no plans. Thanks.

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