how do you see Germany?

i see it

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Do you speak here about the "Eurovision song contest" - in former times called "Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson"? Sorry - but for very most of us Germans this institution had always only been a joke. And it was much better when it had been called "Grand Prix" because everyone sang in the own language.

ABBA once won the contest and soared to the stardom from there. That's when Europe was still sane, now it turned into a freak show like pretty much Europe itself.
how do you see it?

Before DDR joined Germany the country was a paradise, now it became a communist shithole filled with millions of IQ-10 freeloaders from the most retarded countries on Earth. The country hasn't any future because:

1. Extremely high energy prices
2. Completely stupid and ineffective taxation system
3 Dictatorship of communists and satanists
4 Extremely corrupt and inept political system
5 Almost 70% of all teens are representaives of the most backward countries on Earth

In 7 - 9 years the country will declare itself as a Caliphate, Christendom prohibited, all schools became medreses
ABBA once won the contest and soared to the stardom from there. That's when Europe was still sane, now it turned into a freak show like pretty much Europe itself.

There’s still a lot of culture here. Mozart concerts, Tchaikovsky ballets…….
They lead they way and assuming we actually have a future, they are well on their way to becoming the Islamic Republic of Germany
The protests for the overthrow of the German government is already happening.

Is an extraordinary exception. The only really professional band who ever had been in the song contest as far as I know. And it's normal for vikings to be able to speak also the dialect Engish.

once won the contest and soared to the stardom from there. That's when Europe was still sane, now it turned into a freak show like pretty much Europe itself.

Take the following example for the very good professional German band "wise guys". Very popular. English name but they sang [nearly] only in German. Any possibility for them to win a Eurovision song contest? I would say "no" - they had not any chance to win - but it had costed them a lot to take part in this very strange game "Eurovision song contest". It would had been stupid from them to be part of this very strange game. It's just simple only a fun to be a part of this nonsense - that's all. And "fun" is unfortunatelly not really a main product of this nonsense. Is it more a kind of hope destroying process for talented musicians? I will not hope so ... ¿but is it? ... I'm not sure about whether it would not be much more better for Germans not to support the Eurovision song contest any longer.


An angel who shows you your way
Who guides you as you circle aimlessly through space
An angel who takes you by the hand
And sings a little song for you when you're afraid
An angel who is always close to you
Who is there for you when you are in danger
An angel as a comforting light
You say: "This angel doesn't exist"

An angel who really listens to you
Who chases away what disturbs your peace at night
An angel who holds you in his arms
And who turns your heating to warm in winter
An angel who writes you a letter
Who stays awake with you when you're troubled by fear
And who breaks their head for you
You say: "This angel doesn't exist"

But this angel is there
To protect and hold you
This angel is there
Every day in different guises
He never leaves you out in the rain
He never leaves you alone
But he is easy to miss
Because he can be anywhere

An angel who gives you courage again
And does this job really well again and again
An angel who buys you a drink
And energetically pushes you out of the house when the sun is shining
An angel who gives you a friendly wave
Drinks coffee with you, forces you to be happy
And who sometimes talks to you plainly
You say: "This angel doesn't exist"

But this angel is there (...)

You've already seen him today
I think you've known him for a long time
And if you stop thinking so much
Then you'll understand at some point

Because this angel is there (...)

This angel is there (...)

Translated with (free version)
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Before DDR joined Germany the country was a paradise, now it became a communist shithole filled with millions of IQ-10 freeloaders from the most retarded countries on Earth. The country hasn't any future because:

1. Extremely high energy prices
2. Completely stupid and ineffective taxation system
3 Dictatorship of communists and satanists
4 Extremely corrupt and inept political system
5 Almost 70% of all teens are representaives of the most backward countries on Earth

In 7 - 9 years the country will declare itself as a Caliphate, Christendom prohibited, all schools became medreses

Antichristian Russian, when did you say the last time something what made really any sense? And why stops you no one to speak out continuously hateful nonsense, high traitor of the values of western world?

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Mozart was a German, btw

not Austrian, as some think

in his time Salzburg was not Austrian

Austria always had been Germany. Prussia was once only a kingdom from Polish grace, Prussian. Prussia destroyed Germany. It's totally unimportant whether Salzburg had been Germany or Austria because this had been the same. And by the way - if you should really like to start to think one day: Two examples now. Question: Why is it so?
For everyone in Germany Albert Einstein is a German - although he had been a born Jew and he had been the very most time of his life a Swiss. The other example is in the opposite: No one likes to see in Levi Strauss a German in Germany - although he had been a born Bavarian and he grew up here. I guess one problem in this case: He had to leave Bavaria on racist reasons because he had been a Bavarian Jew. So no one is proud in Germany that Levi Strauss made a "typically Bavarian" (=German) invention - a very robust work trousers that you can repair as a stupid man without a clever woman.
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The Red Baron was East Prussian

The so called "Red Baron" (Rittmeister Manfred von Richthofen) was - as far as I can see - a suicidal superidiot and a bad team player - and his comrades seemed also not to take care. He was unfit to fly on his last mission.

By the way: How stupid is someone who paints his fighter red? And how stupid is someone who let's him do so? The master coat of arms of his family was yellow (=gold) and blue.


Hmm ... the color "red" symbolizes here a very strict murderous view to the world, ala "that makes me see red".
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The Red Baron was East Prussian


Prussians had been orginally not been Baltic Germans. The "Prusens" (the original population in Prussia) disappeared centuries ago beause they married and melted with Germans, Poles and Lithuanians. The Polish king made Prussia - where meanwhile the Baltic Germans lived who called themselve Prussians - to an own kingdom. This was not accepted from the Holy Empire (Germany) and so the German title not had been king of Prussia but king in Prussia. The ruling dynasty there died out and the duke of Brandenburg inherited the kingdom of Prussia. The German countries in the Holy Empire (800-1806) always only had dukes and the title "German king" as well as "Roman emperor" had been electoral titles and not dynasties.
The new Prussia was infected from the colonialistic ideas - specially in Great Britian. More exactly the title "king of England" also only had to be in Germany the title "king in England" and not "king of England" because the highest rulers in the Holy Empire always only had been dukes. Nevertheless the English-Prussian influence had had absurde consequences on Germany.
Practically meant this Prussia conquered nearly the whole North of Germany and made the German countries there to "colonies of Prussia" (no joke!). The same time Prussia excluded Austria from Germany. This ended in the Prussian part of Germany with the foundation of the so called North German Confederation under Prussian ledership (better to say: dictatorship). Germany was dead. A short time later started a new kind of Germany which was indeed no Germany at all any longer but only a kind of Prussian dictatorship. And so think the most people in the world Prussia and Germany are the same.

If you should think this is without relevance in the German politics today then you are wrong. I could give you a very concrete example why this also means that the current government is in power - although no one really likes this government - what has specially also to do with Wolfgang Schäuble - may his soul rest in peace - and his strict opinion "A Bavarian must never become chancellor".

And by the way: This also means that "von der Leyen" is the leader of the European Commission - specially because the colonialistic France had had very good relations to Prussia and the fake-German emperor they had made once in Versailles. Unfortunatelly this also means that democratic decisions of the European parliament are often ignored.
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They let themselves be overrun by Muslims and lost their culture.

One of my favorite bands is German:


Prussians had been orginally not been Baltic Germans. The "Prusens" (the originl populaion in Prussia) disappeared beause they married and melted with Germans, Poles and Lithuanians. The Polish king made Prussia - where meanwhile the Baltic Germans lived who called themselve Prussians - to an own kingdom. This was not accepted from the Holy Empire (Germany) and so the German title not had been king of Prussia but king in Prussia. The ruling dynasty there died out and the duke of Brandenburg inherited the kingdom of Prussia. The German countries in the Holy Empire (800-1806) always only had dukes and the title "German king" as well as "Roman emperor" had been electoral titles and not dynasties.
The new Prussia was infected from the colonialistic ideas - specially in Great Britian. More exactly the title "king of England" also only had been in Germany the title "king in England" and not "king of England" because the highest rulers in the Holy Empire always only had been dukes. Nevertheless the English-Prussian influence had had absurde consequences on Germany. Practically meant this that Prussia conquered nearly the whole North of Germany and made the German countries there to "colonies of Prussia" (no joke!). The same time Prussia excluded Austria from Germany. This ended in the Prussian part of Germany with the foundation of the so called North German Confederation under Prussian ledership (better to say: dictatorship). Germany was dead. A short time later started a new kind of Germany which was indeed no Germany at all any longer but only Prussia. And so think the most people in the world Prussia and Germany are the same.

The protests for the overthrow of the German government is already happening.

It’s true to a certain extent. I was in a neighbourhood of my city two weeks ago, l thought l was in the Middle East. I walked past this huge mosque.
What's typical for people in the English speaking world. Then they suddenly awake and try to kill a not existing T-rex of their dreams with a nuclear fly swatter.

Don’t know what you’re talking about. Try it in

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