Germany Forms Unit to Thwart Alleged Russian Disinformation

We had almost 9000 cases of battery with knives in 2023. So it happens 25 times every day and getting more. The government just admitted for the first time that we have a security problem - but did not reveal whether it will act.
It's a law and order problem we have the same in the UK.
They have a mental problem with Musk style free speech.
What Musk style? You mean someone with big money owning a social platform with quite loose censor policy? Yes, I don't think that someone in Europe would allow that. Europeans have much more 'paternalistic' mentality than Americans do.
What Musk style? You mean someone with big money owning a social platform with quite loose censor policy? Yes, I don't think that someone in Europe would allow that. Europeans have much more 'paternalistic' mentality than Americans do.
Correct. Musk stands for the absence of censorship. Whether you are pro Ukraine or pro Russia, it doesn´t matter.
Ironically, you can't talk about 'Western propaganda'. There is no doubt that some MSM are pushing a certain agenda that is coordinated with the government. But other points of view are also widely represented from the bottom to the top - they have their media, famous supporters, MPs etc. At that somehow nullifies 'the state propaganda'. It is granted that your shithole doesn't have that.
Technically, the spectrum of allowed to discuss political opinions in Russia is a bit wider than in the USA. And the spectrum of banned political opinions is wider in the West. What is even worse, even most of their decision-makers are narrow-minded, wishful-thinking, ignorant and uneducated persons.
Anyway, if one western media declares that the Russians are evil Orcs, lead by a mighty Sorcerer, another - declares that they are Zombies, led by a necromancer, and the third say that they are brainwashed goons, lead by a crazy dictator, no one tell the truth - that the Russians are mostly sane human beings, fighting for their freedom and their very lives - what is the value of those numerous points of view? The difference between BBC and CNN is hardly more than between Star Wars and Star Trek settings, and all four of them are at the same distance from reality.
Technically, the spectrum of allowed to discuss political opinions in Russia is a bit wider than in the USA. And the spectrum of banned political opinions is wider in the West. What is even worse, even most of their decision-makers are narrow-minded, wishful-thinking, ignorant and uneducated persons.
Anyway, if one western media declares that the Russians are evil Orcs, lead by a mighty Sorcerer, another - declares that they are Zombies, led by a necromancer, and the third say that they are brainwashed goons, lead by a crazy dictator, no one tell the truth - that the Russians are mostly sane human beings, fighting for their freedom and their very lives - what is the value of those numerous points of view? The difference between BBC and CNN is hardly more than between Star Wars and Star Trek settings, and all four of them are at the same distance from reality.
The value is that the opposing views are allowed there. On every level. While your shithole puts people behind bars for posts on social networks, articles in newspapers, the plays in theatre etc.
The value is that the opposing views are allowed there. On every level. While your shithole puts people behind bars for posts on social networks, articles in newspapers, the plays in theatre etc.
Opposing views are allowed in Russia, too. We even have four parties in the Parliament and the USA have only two.

The issue is, as George Orwell said, that the freedom of speech is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four.

And there is no such freedom in the USA no more.
Opposing views are allowed in Russia, too. We even have four parties in the Parliament and the USA have only two.

The issue is, as George Orwell said, that the freedom of speech is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four.

And there is no such freedom in the USA no more.
Yuri, this story about parties is for retards. You know that, right? And how your head of the parliament once said - 'Parliament is not the place for discussions".
Correct. Musk stands for the absence of censorship. Whether you are pro Ukraine or pro Russia, it doesn´t matter.
I think it is impossible in Europe. The difference is in a political mentality of Americans and Europeans. For Americans a 'state' should be something distant - like having to deal with common defence or international trade - and not interfering in everyday life; for Europeans a 'state' is a universal regulator dealing with a wide number of things - redistribution of wealth, 'hate speech', people's protection etc.

If the European Union is to survive as a common political space, I think it will resemble more a soft version of the Soviet Union, rather than the US.
I think it is impossible in Europe. The difference is in a political mentality of Americans and Europeans. For Americans a 'state' should be something distant - like having to deal with common defence or international trade - and not interfering in everyday life; for Europeans a 'state' is a universal regulator dealing with a wide number of things - redistribution of wealth, 'hate speech', people's protection etc.

If the European Union is to survive as a common political space, I think it will resemble more a soft version of the Soviet Union, rather than the US.
Yes, that is the mindset. But the truth is actually different. 15 or 20 years ago I read somewhere that small state USA has more employees per head than big state Germany does. The US is also regulating everything, like Europe does. And "hate speech" actually doesn´t exist in Germany. There is no law against hatred and expression of it. The law is explicit: You cannot call for violence against anybody. And the Nazi stuff is only banned in the public. For example it would not be a violation of German law if I would deny the Holocaust here on USMB, because that would have no impact on the "public peace" in Germany. I could fix a swastika flag in my flat when it is not visible from the windows or the door.
And the unit against disinformation has no authority as long as there is no law behind it that provides it. All it can do is setting up a website and label some online content fake news.
The whole trick is making people believe something is banned that actually is not.
Yuri, this story about parties is for retards. You know that, right? And how your head of the parliament once said - 'Parliament is not the place for discussions".
Yes, Taras. As well as Ukrainian and American Parliaments are not the place for discussions. I mean, nobody discuss really important questions in Parliament.
Yes, that is the mindset. But the truth is actually different. 15 or 20 years ago I read somewhere that small state USA has more employees per head than big state Germany does. The US is also regulating everything, like Europe does. And "hate speech" actually doesn´t exist in Germany. There is no law against hatred and expression of it. The law is explicit: You cannot call for violence against anybody. And the Nazi stuff is only banned in the public. For example it would not be a violation of German law if I would deny the Holocaust here on USMB, because that would have no impact on the "public peace" in Germany. I could fix a swastika flag in my flat when it is not visible from the windows or the door.
And the unit against disinformation has no authority as long as there is no law behind it that provides it. All it can do is setting up a website and label some online content fake news.
The whole trick is making people believe something is banned that actually is not.
Well, maybe my impression is not correct about that. I look as an outsider both on the US and the EU. Though, as far as I know, denying the Holocaust is legally forbidden in France. Also, some time ago the EU passed a legislation demanding Facebook and other social platforms provide more strict censorship policy in the context of hate speech.
Yes, Taras. As well as Ukrainian and American Parliaments are not the place for discussions. I mean, nobody discuss really important questions in Parliament.
Okay, Yuri. And now let's return to more interesting things. Like your stolen millions. How come, Yuri? Ili ty slilsia?
A 15-year-old Afghan girl in the city of Worms in Rhineland-Palatinate disobeyed her parents and started acting like a Western teenager. Her infidel behavior cost her her life.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Millions of These people do not belong in the west
It is not by chance that russophobes stubbornly refuse to discuss the reasons for Russia's military operation and cry "unprovoked aggression". They are ready to invent the most unbelievable versions - from "Putin went crazy" to "seizure of territory" - just to avoid recognizing the truth.
Because then "Putin's war of aggression" would suddenly turn into a Russian war of liberation
Well, maybe my impression is not correct about that. I look as an outsider both on the US and the EU. Though, as far as I know, denying the Holocaust is legally forbidden in France. Also, some time ago the EU passed a legislation demanding Facebook and other social platforms provide more strict censorship policy in the context of hate speech.
Yes, there is EU regulation on hate speech and the members have to adhere to that. And what Facebook censors is not to be confused with law. Facebook can censor anything because of their domiciliary rights.
In Germany a court has to determine in every case whether something is "hate speech" or not because we don´t have a definition. It doesn´t exist.
Yes, there is EU regulation on hate speech and the members have to adhere to that. And what Facebook censors is not to be confused with law. Facebook can censor anything because of their domiciliary rights.
In Germany a court has to determine in every case whether something is "hate speech" or not because we don´t have a definition. It doesn´t exist.
Facebook as a private company can decide by itself the way they operate their business. But if there is a law that prescribes what censorship policy they should follow, it is a completely different thing.

You don't need a definition of what hate speech is. It will be more than enough if you can got punished for your speech. That is called a state censorship.
Facebook as a private company can decide by itself the way they operate their business. But if there is a law that prescribes what censorship policy they should follow, it is a completely different thing.
What I meant is that FB decides what hate speech is and doesn´t consult authorities.

You don't need a definition of what hate speech is. It will be more than enough if you can got punished for your speech. That is called a state censorship.
It is even worse. We are now living under legal uncertainty about what we can say and what not. And that is banana-republicanism and must urgently be abolished.
What I meant is that FB decides what hate speech is and doesn´t consult authorities
The EU passed a legislation some time ago and now FB does seem to have to consult with authorities.

It is even worse. We are now living under legal uncertainty about what we can say and what not. And that is banana-republicanism and must urgently be abolished
Yes, because a judge's personal opinion becomes a definition of what hate speech is.

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