Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

No. No other person in the community can be harmed in any way when a woman terminates he fetus. In fact with medical privacy laws no one in the community needs to know when it happens.

If I am not correct about that. Please tell me why..

It’s the government’s obligation to protect the community by protecting citizens from the spread of deadly viruses. Immunization is part of that protection.

The government has no cause nor obligation to protect the community from a member of the community when she terminates her pregnancy.
No. No other person in the community can be harmed in any way when a woman terminates he fetus. In fact with medical privacy laws no one in the community needs to know when it happens.

If I am not correct about that. Please tell me why..

It’s the government’s obligation to protect the community by protecting citizens from the spread of deadly viruses. Immunization is part of that protection.

The government has no cause nor obligation to protect the community from a member of the community when she terminates her pregnancy.
That’s right you tell’em, we can kill all the babies we want, damn those that are responsible for their own lives, we need birth control after the fact!
Believe what you need to believe, I certainly wouldn’t care if anyone subscribed to a website, but you do you. Interesting you can make assumptions and you are cool with it but if someone else does, then you can’t handle it and downgrade others.

I don’t need to know who you are, I don’t care, here you are fragile.
I can easily PROVE you wrong on your fragile state statement you made about me and that you mention for a second time again in this post..

Fragile means: a person that is
  • delicate.
  • brittle.
  • frail.
  • breakable.
  • weak.

I have been here for just 3 weeks and yesterday I got the award for 1000 messages being written (meaning I have probably received more than 1000 responses to them) and given that most of the people on this site are Trumpers unable to prove their points (other than through insulting and debasing the messenger), I have to say that I have received a lot of that.

I am a man that gives the benefit of the doubt to people, so I allow people to insult and debase me for anywhere from 3-5 times before I warn them and then if they do it one more time, I put them on ignore, which means that I have not been delicate, brittle, frail, breakable, or weak. I have put 17 people on ignore for that reason (insulting and debasing) alone.

This is proof that you are 100% wrong in your accusation!
damn those that are responsible for their own lives,
I have never come close to suggesting such pathetic bs as your post / I applaud every person who takes responsibility for their own lives. I applaud myself. I Became a father twice in my early 20s after the second one, my wife could not take the pill so I got a vasectomy because I take responsibility. I wouldn’t put the woman I love in jeopardy having an unwanted pregnancy when two was enough.

The difference between me and you, Saint PapaGeorgio, I am not a holier than thou fucking Republican religious fanatic and I don’t put my nose in anybody else’s business as long as they cause no harm to me or to society.

You are a weird ghoulish human being when you push government to force women to risk death giving birth because you want to feel good about yourself doing something that you you think pleases your version of God and give your assinine politics a boost.
I can easily PROVE you wrong on your fragile state statement you made about me and that you mention for a second time again in this post..

Fragile means: a person that is
  • delicate.
  • brittle.
  • frail.
  • breakable.
  • weak.

I have been here for just 3 weeks and yesterday I got the award for 1000 messages being written (meaning I have probably received more than 1000 responses to them) and given that most of the people on this site are Trumpers unable to prove their points (other than through insulting and debasing the messenger), I have to say that I have received a lot of that.

I am a man that gives the benefit of the doubt to people, so I allow people to insult and debase me for anywhere from 3-5 times before I warn them and then if they do it one more time, I put them on ignore, which means that I have not been delicate, brittle, frail, breakable, or weak. I have put 17 people on ignore for that reason (insulting and debasing) alone.

This is proof that you are 100% wrong in your accusation!
Like I said, you believe what you need to believe, you prove nothing other than your fragile ego is ruffled by my criticism.
I have never come close to suggesting such pathetic bs as your post / I applaud every person who takes responsibility for their own lives. I applaud myself. I Became a father twice in my early 20s after the second one, my wife could not take the pill so I got a vasectomy because I take responsibility. I wouldn’t put the woman I love in jeopardy having an unwanted pregnancy when two was enough.

The difference between me and you, Saint PapaGeorgio, I am not a holier than thou fucking Republican religious fanatic and I don’t put my nose in anybody else’s business as long as they cause no harm to me or to society.

You are a weird ghoulish human being when you push government to force women to risk death giving birth because you want to feel good about yourself doing something that you you think pleases your version of God and give your assinine politics a boost.
You are free to kill babies, I am not denying anyone that right, I’m not anymore or less holier than anyone else Saint Stupid, I just don’t like killing babies and you have objections. I think people need to be responsible if they decide to have sex, this isn’t rocket science on where babies come from.

I’m not sure why you agree with me then argue.
Like I said, you believe what you need to believe, you prove nothing other than your fragile ego is ruffled by my criticism.
What you call ruffled, I call inspirational (from an enjoyment point of view). I certainly have embraced it (not run away) so how you can say that I am ruffled by it, is beyond my ability to understand. I have answered and made fun of those statements. A person raffled by it, would have moaned, cried, wept, complained, bitched or run away. I have done none of that. I have to think you are having a delusional event.
What you call ruffled, I call inspirational (from an enjoyment point of view). I certainly have embraced it (not run away) so how you can say that I am ruffled by it, is beyond my ability to understand. I have answered and made fun of those statements. A person raffled by it, would have moaned, cried, wept, complained, bitched or run away. I have done none of that. I have to think you are having a delusional event.
Again, believe what you need to believe, I’m good with it. I stand by what I said and the evidence suggests I am right but by all means, keep crying about it!

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