Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?


I'm fine. I have a wife and two kids who love me.

That's all I need.

Don't need the village, don't need Jesus, and don't need you.


Colonizing the stars.


Tell ya what - when you get as far as the nearest asteroid let me know.
Let a pile of ash know when I reach the nearest asteroid? How do you post on this forum? Are you using your psychic powers? Does your brain connect to the internet and then you just type all of this shit you're posting, on your imaginary keyboard? You don't need anyone else but your family? How does your wife feel about that? She doesn't need anyone but you? Are you making her clothing and producing all of the goods and services that she consumes and uses in your factory? You own mines? Are you a miner and a factory worker? You don't need anyone, right? It's just you doing all of the work.

You provide your own security? Just you? Are you making sure the Mexican drug cartels and Mexico's army don't invade America? Really? Just you? Are you like Superman, firing laser beams from your eyes and picking up 18-wheelers with one arm? Damn, wow. You don't need anyone? You're delusional.
No. A woman has a right to terminate her own pregnancy because it is none of my business what goes on inside her body. It’s none of your business unless you can prove terminating a pregnancy poses a threat to your life, liberty property and pursuit of happiness.

Now when you force every women to gestate a fetus to full term and give birth do you intend to assume the risk to her life liberty and happiness if complications arise that may kill her? Please explain how you intend to assum the risk.
You are agreeing with me, Saint Stupid, you are for killing babies, it’s all good, do with what you want with your body.
Trump has been "using" the Evangelicals and quoting God as a way to get elected. and recently with the attempted assassination attempt he experienced, according to Trump, God is watching out for him and that is the reason why he was not killed. In addition, Megan Kelly tried to confirm that by making the case that Trump was shot at 6:11pm and that is meaningful on a biblical basis............In reading Ephesian 6:11 where it says "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Megan Kelly says that it means that Trump has the "full armor of God" on his side and the Democratic "devils" were the ones trying to kill him.

Nonetheless, this video makes the very good case that the opposite meaning is most likely to be the case, quoting other 6:11's verses in the Bible. See this and have a good laugh

I have 2 questions for you:

1) "Should Trump be using God and Religion to win the presidency"?
2) "Knowing who Trump is and hearing the above video, should the Evangelicals be supporting Trump"?

is it okay for god hating dems to use God's name every four years to fool voters?
The evangelicals will do as they please.
No. A woman has a right to terminate her own pregnancy because it is none of my business what goes on inside her body. It’s none of your business unless you can prove terminating a pregnancy poses a threat to your life, liberty property and pursuit of happiness.

Now when you force every women to gestate a fetus to full term and give birth do you intend to assume the risk to her life liberty and happiness if complications arise that may kill her? Please explain how you intend to assum the risk.
It's not my responsibility to pay for it either. If dem supporting women want to end their pregnancies that is their business.
No. A woman has a right to terminate her own pregnancy because it is none of my business what goes on inside her body. It’s none of your business unless you can prove terminating a pregnancy poses a threat to your life, liberty property and pursuit of happiness.

Now when you force every women to gestate a fetus to full term and give birth do you intend to assume the risk to her life liberty and happiness if complications arise that may kill her? Please explain how you intend to assum the risk.
problem is...she's not doing it to save her life or protect her health...she's using it for birth control, oh yes...that is what the majority of these abortions are for. Now you talk about responsibility. Doesn't she own any of that? Wasn't it her responsibility to take care and not get pregnant thus ending the life of human being. HER OWN CHILD...which whether you know it or not, is quite something to deal with when these women recognize what they have their own offspring. Feminists sure don't want anyone to know that. And liberal men, who don't care for responsibility are all for abortion. Besides..they're too involved with feminist causes and their own hair and nails and couture.
I realize I can’t change the behavior of a Trump loving liar. All I can do is make the case that Trump loving liars are liars for others who don’t have their noses up Don Trump’s ass to see.
The only people who are going to believe that already do. You're not going to convince anyone else. Net effect: Zero.

But you just keep pretending you're making a difference.
A right to bodily autonomy does not apply to deadly virus infected bodies that are harmful to the life liberty and pursuit of happiness of other bodies.

When a woman terminates her own pregnancy, there is no harm to anybody in the general population. Pregnancy, miscarriage and abortion are not contagious as far as I know.
Oh, so you're fine with the government violating bodily autonomy.

I'll think about it. It is tiring when i have to point out these things that you should already know if you're a serious democrat.

First off. Look at this. This is democrats talking to their own diehards. Compare to republican convention below it. Now just for the record. I'm not a repub but i do recognize the big difference between the two parties. Neither are great..but one is slightly better than the other. At least in terms of values.

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