I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills​

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg said any suggestion that "allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security", putting soldiers from Nato countries at risk.

Addressing crowds during the rally in South Carolina, Mr Trump said he had made his comments about Russia during a meeting of leaders of Nato countries.

He recalled that the leader of a "big country" had presented a hypothetical situation in which he was not meeting his financial obligations within Nato and had come under attack from Moscow.

Mr Trump said the leader had asked if the US would come to his country's aid in that scenario, which prompted him to issue a rebuke.

"I said: 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?'... 'No I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them to do whatever they want. You gotta pay.'"

That's the height of stupidity.

Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills​

Boy, talk about an incentive to pay your bills!
Yes, we (and the economy) were better under Trump than under Biden BUT it is not the presidents that made it happen but the forces not under anyone's control that made it happen.

It is the pandemic (Covid) that caused this to happen


The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated a devastatingly sharp contraction of economic activity and huge job losses in early 2020, as government restrictions and fear of the virus kept people at home and businesses shut

Housing Market?

Prices of Real Estate in Europe

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on various sectors of the economy. The real estate market is no different. Recent research shows that year-over-year increases in real estate prices have increased during the pandemic.


The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the euro area labour market for men and women

I can go on and on an on. The entire world was affected the SAME way due to the Pandemic. This was not Biden that caused it and as such, comparisons between Trump and Biden regarding the economy are pure misinformation.

Here in sum of what I stated above:

How has the economy of the United States been affected by COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic's economic consequences are unprecedented for the U.S. by any measure. The toll we estimate that it took on the nation's gross domestic product is twice the size of that of the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

The reality is that Trump did not handle the pandemic as he should have. Here is an example of how Japan, who moved rapidly to stop the pandemic through shut-downs, has done better than the U.S. and Europe have done:

The Japanese Economy and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Japan's management of COVID-19 infection is considered better compared to that of the United States, Europe, and other countries.

and Biden has done better than Europe in making our economy better

View attachment 1007566

So get off the misinformation campaign you guys are in. Biden is not responsible for things being worse than when Trump was president. Start keying on what is to come if Trump or Biden are elected and stop using the economy as the basis for your debate.
Biden isn’t responsible for it being any better or worse, just like I don’t credit Trump or blame him either.
You don't know if illegal aliens are living anywhere?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
That wasn't the question, now was it?
You must be that special kind of stupid to try that deflection.
Wanna try again to prove your initial point? Or retire, defeated?
Your choice.
No, you didn't.
What did I lose?
Is reading comprehension your problem?
Nowhere in your story, from Jan '24, did it mention illegals or immigrants causing rents to rise!
By golly, you failed!
Stay stupid, it's what you do best.

Keep losing.

That wasn't the question, now was it?
You must be that special kind of stupid to try that deflection.
Wanna try again to prove your initial point? Or retire, defeated?
Your choice.

I realize you're a leftist moron, but I repeat myself.

Supply and demand have never even flitted through your tiny mind, have they?

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