Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris

Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris​

No surprise there. We've known for a long time that these two were just RINOs, deep state democrats all part of the Bush uniparty.

I guess these cupcakes think that by announcing their votes for Harris, that we are supposed to take them seriously.

Hope the door hits them on the way out.

Better still, when Trump gets elected, I hope he serves these two a nice big shit sandwich.

Meanwhile, far more funny that Harris' father disowned her for her policies, Walz's whole family, Tulsi, Elon, and RFK have all given the BIG FAT :fu: FINGER to the democrat party and are supporting Trump! Speaks volumes about what radical, extreme losers the democrats have become.
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
You, Kama Kama Ding dong, and the Cheney's deserve each other.
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
“Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris”

Well, they say they are – we’ll never know for sure; they’re both Republicans, after all.

Wouldn’t be surprised if both voted for Trump – both approve of the Trump message, they just hate the messenger.
They are not conservatives.
It's a bit humorous seeing you folks contort yourselves, and reality, in to pretending the Cheney's are not credentialed conservatives. Especially compared to the orange man's amorphous, opportunistic positions. He is whatever he needs to be in the moment politically speaking.
“Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris”

Well, they say they are – we’ll never know for sure; they’re both Republicans, after all.

Wouldn’t be surprised if both voted for Trump – both approve of the Trump message, they just hate the messenger.
You should listen to some of the interview Liz gave the other day. There's no doubt she is sincere. But I take your point about the more typical deceit of Repubs.
I don't speak this radicalized, deranged QAnon fantasy MAGA Trumpenese.

Speak English next time, you sick fuck.
You're off to a bad start here, sloppy fuck. :laughing0301:

What you know about the majority of the country that supports President Trump could probably fit in your girlfriend's dickhole, hmm?

You keep speaking 'bidophile' and support that stuttering shit clown that raped its preteen daughter in the shower and prepare to crawl back under your rock and a couple months.

“Nobody” meaning globalist indoctrinators like you, brown southern cockroaches, faggots, rug munchers, feminazis, chicks with dicks, degenerates, criminals and the like?
Do you beat your dog after you get home from the white nationalist rallies? You're so full of hate for your fellow man it's disturbing.
You're off to a bad start here, sloppy fuck. :laughing0301:

What you know about the majority of the country that supports President Trump could probably fit in your girlfriend's dickhole, hmm?

You keep speaking 'bidophile' and support that stuttering shit clown that raped its preteen daughter in the shower and prepare to crawl back under your rock and a couple months.

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Just the fact that you actually look for pictures like this shows that you are not mentally stable.

Get some help before you end up in jail.
Let me know when you've located two of those instead of a couple of statist neocons.
Obviously conservatives are unaware of how ridiculous and childish this is.

That Dick and Liz say they’re going to vote for Vice President Harris doesn’t make them any less conservative than someone voting for Trump, or any less Republican.

Liz and Dick are still conservatives, still adherents of failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma – it’s just that with Trump even conservatives have a limit and can’t support the likes of Trump, someone clearly unfit to be president.
Another post that proves my point.

15 years ago, a Republican would never have made these types of negative comments about Dick Cheney.

It shows how radicalized and deranged Trump has now made the party.
Actually, it shows how radicalized and deranged the GOP has been for the last 50 years, Trump being the product of that radicalized, deranged GOP.

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