Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris for president

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?



You are not a conservative.
Dick Cheney is the most conservative of conservatives. There is no more genuine conservative.
And Cheney will vote for Harris!
You fricking fake conservatives. You fake Republicans have wiped out the Republican party, the conservative party.
Dick Cheney lied to get us into Iraq and Afghanistan, but now he’s your hero
Dick All War All the Time Cheney and his cvnt daughter neither of whom could keep her from slaughter in her primary are predictably supporting the shittiest available option from a pool of shitty options. Big fucking deal.

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

The guy you loons spent the last few decades vilifying ? That Dick Cheney ?
You moron have a serious bipolar problem.

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

The great news is that Kamala will get two votes in Wyoming instead of one?
You are not a conservative.
Dick Cheney is the most conservative of conservatives. There is no more genuine conservative.
And Cheney will vote for Harris!
You fricking fake conservatives. You fake Republicans have wiped out the Republican party, the conservative party.
Conservative does not = endless, stupid wars.

Endless, stupid wars = Harris & Cheney

Since Walz has proved to be a liability, maybe Kamala could choose Cheney as her VP.

But ironically, Cheney and others of a similar point of view, should really be hoping for a Trump victory, otherwise they are irrelevant.

Suppose Kamala wins. One of two possibilities. either she is a fuckup or she isn't .

In 2028, the Kamala Republicans will be blamed for her fuckups and victory in 2024.

No way in heck, will the base get behind the GOP establishment, Cheney et al won't stand a chance of a snowball in you know where.
If it’s determined Don ultimately causes the termination of the R Party, he’ll be considered a hero for decades to come. Now if only the D Party could be put six feet under too.
Politics makes strange bedfellows! We "assholes" and Liz and Dick Cheney want to preserve democracy! That's about the only thing we agree on!
Trump is for freedom. As compared to Progressives. We are on a precipice. trump was not dictatorial when he was President. He was trying to change up a system that has gotten comfortable with itself in not a good way. There is nothing wrong with America First. We need to replenish our way of life, or it will continue to slow down or end.
Trump should. He is losing support every day. The more he talks, the more we know what a pathetic human being he is. Definitely not fit to serve.
By the way, no one gives a shit who you support.
/----/ Professor Dershowitz says goodbye to the Democrat Party. Cites DNC: '"It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I've experienced," he said. "I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention. Absolutely disgusted."
Dershowitz cited the recent Democratic National Convention that was held in Chicago last month as the final straw
What is wrong with the slogan Make America Great Again by the way? Reagan used it when he ran. You prefer the decline of America that helps embolden Americas enemies? You prefer WWIII over a strong American Empire? Quite odd...

Well, the problem with that slogan is that it assumes America stopped being "Great" at one point. But if you press a conservative on it, they can't tell you when America stopped being great and needed a fake-game-show host to fix it. (Of course, if they were being honest, they would say it was "When the N****r got elected!", but they can't say that out loud.)

Reagan could have made an argument that America was in a funk after Vietnam and Watergate..

But Trump inherited a country that was in pretty good shape and when he was done, it was kind of a mess.
/----/ Professor Dershowitz says goodbye to the Democrat Party. Cites DNC: '"It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I've experienced," he said. "I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention. Absolutely disgusted."
Dershowitz cited the recent Democratic National Convention that was held in Chicago last month as the final straw
Dershawitz is a piece of crap who was diddling kids on Epstein Island.

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

But...but...Tim Walz's brother...
You are not a conservative.
Dick Cheney is the most conservative of conservatives. There is no more genuine conservative.
And Cheney will vote for Harris!
You fricking fake conservatives. You fake Republicans have wiped out the Republican party, the conservative party.
Yea sure, “real conservatives” vote for abortion-on-demand and open borders!


Well, the problem with that slogan is that it assumes America stopped being "Great" at one point. But if you press a conservative on it, they can't tell you when America stopped being great and needed a fake-game-show host to fix it. (Of course, if they were being honest, they would say it was "When the N****r got elected!", but they can't say that out loud.)

Reagan could have made an argument that America was in a funk after Vietnam and Watergate..

But Trump inherited a country that was in pretty good shape and when he was done, it was kind of a mess.

All of the West has been in decline since China was allowed into the WTO and corporations moved millions of jobs there, along with their IP.

This decline began during and after the Clinton administration.

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