Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris

NOBODY in their right F'n mind would vote for Kamala! They must be really hating Trump because no SANE person would vote for her! :spinner:
With endorsements like this (apparently counter-political), the first question one must ask is, "Who would be influenced by this endorsement?"

Not much question here. Nobody. No Republican would be influenced by these turncoats - either one of them. No Democrats, because they are already voting stupid.

Second question is, Why? Why would Dick Cheney (assuming he is still coherent) make such a public endorsement?

Again, not much question. Trump is the antithesis of the traditional politician. They HATE him because he showed that you don't have to act like a conventional politician to get things done. Indeed his Presidency proved them all, especially the Republicans, fools and incompetents. He doesn't kiss the figurative asses of the other politicians, he appeals to the people, and the politicians had better get in line or get out of the way.

Not many (any) votes changing with this sad, irrelevant endorsement.
Yeah... two bonafide Republican Conservatives carry no weight.... But Tim Walz's unknown brother, on the other hand... :itsok:
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
Wait, Dick Cheney is still alive?

Fuck, I was thinking 'why are they talking about who Dick Cheney will "vote for?"
Sock puppet or kid right out of high school?
Probably something along these lines..... change my mind.

Yeah, he hasn't shot anybody in the face for a while.... that's when he makes the news.

He's been grifting below the radar with his war pig daughter.... aka the "40 point beatdown bitch".... :laughing0301:
Another post that proves my point.

15 years ago, a Republican would never have made these types of negative comments about Dick Cheney.

It shows how radicalized and deranged Trump has now made the party.
Another post that proves my point.

15 years ago, a Republican would never have made these types of negative comments about Dick Cheney.

It shows how radicalized and deranged Trump has now made the party.
15 years ago, your thought leaders weren't cutting the wieners off of 6-year olds, trafficking in children and aborting kids as they exited the 'bonus hole'.... BTW I don't remember you calling it a 'bonus hole' 15 years ago. They weren't flooding the country with foreign criminals and fielding an ignorant slut with her support puppy that's been disowned by his entire family.

Any idea where this is going?
A bunch of radicalized, MAGA bumpkins that suck Trump's cock every day such as yourself are definitely not conservatives.
Trump is running as a populist. We have so many problems and conservatives have been demonized for many decades and Prog voters believe it. George Sr. and George W. were not conservatives. They were left to moderate Republicans who were also NEO CONS. From your words than left leaning Jewish politicians are sucking the cocks of Christian evangelicals who support Israel and allow them to be Progressive Socialist Communists as they play all sides.
15 years ago, your thought leaders weren't cutting the wieners off of 6-year olds, trafficking in children and aborting kids as they exited the 'bonus hole'.... BTW I don't remember you calling it a 'bonus hole' 15 years ago. They weren't flooding the country with foreign criminals and fielding an ignorant slut with her support puppy that's been disowned by his entire family.

Any idea where this is going?
I don't speak this radicalized, deranged QAnon fantasy MAGA Trumpenese.

Speak English next time, you sick fuck.
Trump is running as a populist. We have so many problems and conservatives have been demonized for many decades and Prog voters believe it. George Sr. and George W. were not conservatives. They were left to moderate Republicans who were also NEO CONS. From your words than left leaning Jewish politicians are sucking the cocks of Christian evangelicals who support Israel and allow them to be Progressive Socialist Communists as they play all sides.
And Trump is also not a conservative. He has no policies, only a worshipping cult of dimwits such as yourself.

If Trump came out tomorrow and said he wants abortion to be fully legal in all 50 states, you would still vote for him.
For the first time in history the last two former VP's who served in Repub administrations, Dick Cheney and Mike Pence, have declared respectively he will vote for the Dem nominee and he will not vote for the Repub nominee.

Former Vice President Mike Pence says he’s not endorsing Trump
Former Vice President Mike Pence says he's not endorsing Trump

The Growing List of Republicans Who Have Endorsed Kamala Harris

Dick Cheney is going to vote for Harris according to his daughter Liz, who will join him. I'm gobsmacked.

There are two conclusions one can draw from this. 1. They are correct about trump being the greatest internal threat to democracy we have ever seen. 2. The Cheney's and Pence, who are credentialed conservatives, need to have their characters attacked for their public displays of patriotism.
How fucked do you have to be to have your entire family, including your mother, detest you and endorse your opponent?

Is it the horse cum? Is it the Stolen Valor? The desertion? Is it the boy touching and the general faggotry? Is it the congenital lying?

Maybe all the above. Thank you democrats.... what an awesome gift! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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Pretty fucked up to have your Whole family voting against you.

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