Who pays tariffs?

It takes less than an hour to charge a car during the day from solar. What will you do with the other 6 hours worth of power? Use it, store it & sell it. Battery, hydro & hydrogen storage is way cheaper than nuclear.


We don't base electricity decisions on LCOE.
Do you realize what a bullshit measurement that
What car from what solar setup?
Average vehicle travels less than 40 miles per day & uses 10kw of electric. Average home uses less than 30kw per day. So 40kw of solar electricity per day will zero out your electric grid use.

6kw of solar x 7hrs = 42kw per day.
Bump it up to 8kw solar for multiple vehicles = 56kw per day.
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Average vehicle travels less than 40 miles per day & uses 10kw of electric. Average home uses less than 30kw per day. So 40kw of solar electricity per day will zero out your electric grid use.

6kw of solar x 7hrs = 42kw per day.
Bump it up to 8kw solar for multiple vehicles = 56kw per day.
Non answer
Average vehicle travels less than 40 miles per day & uses 10kw of electric. Average home uses less than 30kw per day. So 40kw of solar electricity per day will zero out your electric grid use.

6kw of solar x 7hrs = 42kw per day.
Bump it up to 8kw solar for multiple vehicles = 56kw per day.

How much does a 6kw solar installation cost?
How much does a 6kw solar installation cost?
It depends on how bad your local building inspector & utility want's to screw you. I paid $7085 for 8kw bi-facial solar installed without any tax credits or subsidies. That would be about $5250 for 6kw.

Some local code enforcements & utilities will double your cost with insurance, engineering & architect stamps licensed contractors & PTO.

However Missouri passed law 442.404 stating No deed restrictions, covenants, HOA's statutes or ordinances, regarding the placement of solar panels or solar collectors to the extent that those rules do not prevent the installation of the device, impair the functioning of the device, restrict the use of the device, or adversely affect the cost or efficiency of the device.
That would depend upon the level of the tariff. Logic.
China's has a minimum wage that is pennies on the dollar snd allows more than 20 hour work days. And in a few cases allows outright slavery. That is why corrupt companies want to operate there. A tariff high enough to offset that would end up skyrocketing prices and inflinflation.
China's has a minimum wage that is pennies on the dollar snd allows more than 20 hour work days. And in a few cases allows outright slavery. That is why corrupt companies want to operate there. A tariff high enough to offset that would end up skyrocketing prices and inflinflation.
Learn some grammar if you want intelligent people to take you seriously.
China's has a minimum wage that is pennies on the dollar snd allows more than 20 hour work days. And in a few cases allows outright slavery. That is why corrupt companies want to operate there. A tariff high enough to offset that would end up skyrocketing prices and inflinflation.
Demofks are for child laborers, and jobs away from families in the US, they hate America

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