"A nation divided cannot stand."

The fact that you don’t see it as a problem IS the problem
The problem as I see it isn't racism, it's a bad business model. You can't borrow or spend your way to prosperity. I usually mention this when the topic of racism comes up.
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I don't interact with blacks or other minorities. The world I live in is lily white.
The country you live is losing pure whites while mixed race births are up over 200%. :lol:

Is the world you're describing a fantasy safe space you've created in your imagination like that pussy Anathema with his ignore list? We're all still here cuckolds, even if you close your eyes to us. :itsok: :lol:
The country you live is losing pure whites while mixed race births are up over 200%. :lol:

Is the world you're describing a fantasy safe space you've created in your imagination like that pussy Anathema with his ignore list? We're all still here cuckolds, even if you close your eyes to us. :itsok: :lol:
Sure you're here, but I don't deal with you personally, so I don't have to worry or think about you one way or the other, except in these conversations, where I always give productive advice on your behalf. :)
Sure you're here, but I don't deal with you personally, so I don't have to worry or think about you one way or the other, except in these conversations, where I always give productive advice on your behalf. :)
Sure you don't. That's why you think the country is being destroyed, because we don't affect your life.... :lol: Come up with a consistent story you Cuck.
Parapharing Jesus.
America has always had differences but usually close differences that were solved through compromise. Today the radicals of both parties threaten to bring America down. Our only hope, imo, is responsible citizenship, which will relieve much of the government of its destructive power.
We WERE a nation of RELATED people sharing a similar culture and a common history. We WERE a FAMILY GROWN GREAT. That's been thrown out the window.

Today we are a nation of competing cultures. Abraham Lincoln warned us what would happen after freeing the slaves. After that, opening our doors to the Turd World only brought in competing cultures who do not share our history or our values.

There is no hope for this country to repair the damage. We don't have what it takes to undo the damage
I’m not sure most folks these days would call violent revolt, ideological purification and the creation of a single party, single ideology national government “responsible citizenship”.
I wouldn't conflate government and citizenship.
We WERE a nation of RELATED people sharing a similar culture and a common history. We WERE a FAMILY GROWN GREAT. That's been thrown out the window.

Today we are a nation of competing cultures. Abraham Lincoln warned us what would happen after freeing the slaves. After that, opening our doors to the Turd World only brought in competing cultures who do not share our history or our values.

There is no hope for this country to repair the damage. We don't have what it takes to undo the damage
Sadly true. Our own people don't know our history and culture. :(
We WERE a nation of RELATED people sharing a similar culture and a common history. We WERE a FAMILY GROWN GREAT. That's been thrown out the window.

Today we are a nation of competing cultures. Abraham Lincoln warned us what would happen after freeing the slaves. After that, opening our doors to the Turd World only brought in competing cultures who do not share our history or our values.

There is no hope for this country to repair the damage. We don't have what it takes to undo the damage
See. This cuckold has accepted it. Its better if the rest of you do as well. Cosplaying is no way to go through life. :lol:
All I’m saying is that most people these days wouldn’t likely consider the changes I want abdctgecwaybinesbtvthem don as responsible citizenship.
I don't know what that means, but what I mean by citizenship is doing what is necessary to prosper, care for family, remain healthy, productive, and generally be an asset to one's community and country.

Kamala is touting the benefits of the "five-day 40-hour workweek" the result of unionism, which is a recipe for financial failure for most.
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What radical policies does Trump have?
A strong, free, secure America with choices, options, opportunity, prosperity for all is a radical concept to the Marxist left.

That the people in the states should decide what is right and wrong for them and pass laws that reflect that is a radical concept to the Marxist left.

That those who prepare themselves for success generally succeed more than those who don't is a radical concept to the Marxist left.

A government that encourages the people to go for their vision and dreams, does what it is necessary to make it possible for that to happen, and then gets out of their way and lets them do it is a radical concept to the Marxist left.

Republicans will generally ask are you doing better now? How's it going? What needs to happen so you can do it better?

Democrats will generally tell the people they will take from the rich and give to the Democrat voters whatever the Democrats say they should have.
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'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'​

Parapharing Jesus.
America has always had differences but usually close differences that were solved through compromise. Today the radicals of both parties threaten to bring America down. Our only hope, imo, is responsible citizenship, which will relieve much of the government of its destructive power.

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