A Warning On Election Fraud from Trump

Absolutely wrong , the infrastructure bill was brilliant forward-thinking legislation. Trump just had petty schemes. That's backwards , small-minded thinking.
It was a way to bail out Blue states and redistribute wealth.
Biden can throw some more Jan 6 traitors in jail. Maybe even the biggest traitor himself, Donald Trump.

Interesting. You support BLM riots doing billions in damage but call people protesting election rigging "traitors."
Yet Biden was confirmed anyway.
Whatcha going to do when you are surrounded by these traitors in a few months?
BTW, I was out and about in a DEEP BLUE region of my state today so blue it might better be called INDIGO, and there were lots of local election signs in people's yards.

But among them, many TRUMP signs. TRUMP. TRUMP. TRUMP. TRUMP.

I have not seen a single sign for Harris.
Well, you MAGA traitors did try to kill the fucking Vice President of the U.S.

Listen up, Bones.
  • I'm not MAGA, whatever that is. MAGA is just a slogan, not a person.
  • Making America Great Again is actually a GOOD thing.
  • People who object to MAGA are whiny little needledick buttfuckers who just didn't get breastfed as babies.
  • I'm no traitor.
  • You obviously don't know what the fuck a real traitor is.
  • No one ever tried to kill Mike Pence, as much a useless ass that he was. That was a toy non-functioning gallows and for all we know, was put there by some leftwing CLOWN 🤡 like you just so you could soil your tighty whities over it.
  • Now go fuck yourself and go back jerking off playing with your Ken doll.
  • BTW, if Trump signs are everywhere in a deep blue swing state, you assholes are in deep shit.
Listen up, Bones.
  • I'm not MAGA, whatever that is. MAGA is just a slogan, not a person.
  • Making America Great Again is actually a GOOD thing.
  • People who object to MAGA are whiny little needledick buttfuckers who just didn't get breastfed as babies.
  • I'm no traitor.
  • You obviously don't know what the fuck a real traitor is.
  • No one ever tried to kill Mike Pence, as much a useless ass that he was. That was a toy non-functioning gallows and for all we know, was put there by some leftwing CLOWN 🤡 like you just so you could soil your tighty whities over it.
  • Now go fuck yourself and go back jerking off playing with your Ken doll.
  • BTW, if Trump signs are everywhere in a deep blue swing state, you assholes are in deep shit.
How cute...a copy & paste MAGA propaganda job. You even have bullets!! Impressive!!

Did you pull that from your MAGA Traitor 101 PowerPoint presentation?
Listen up, Bones.
  • I'm not MAGA, whatever that is. MAGA is just a slogan, not a person.
  • Making America Great Again is actually a GOOD thing.
  • People who object to MAGA are whiny little needledick buttfuckers who just didn't get breastfed as babies.
  • I'm no traitor.
  • You obviously don't know what the fuck a real traitor is.
  • No one ever tried to kill Mike Pence, as much a useless ass that he was. That was a toy non-functioning gallows and for all we know, was put there by some leftwing CLOWN 🤡 like you just so you could soil your tighty whities over it.
  • Now go fuck yourself and go back jerking off playing with your Ken doll.
  • BTW, if Trump signs are everywhere in a deep blue swing state, you assholes are in deep shit.
Make America Great Again is a good slogan IF America wasn't still great. Because it is and always will be unless extremists ( like MAGA ) are able to take power over everyone else. Then we would've a third rate country. Most of the rest is just the usual BS. trump is full of it. Always has been.

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