Flip-Flopping from one day to the other is a sure sign of a con artist that goes where the votes are and believes in nothing himself.

Let me laugh at you and throw you a fact.

85% of the people that Trump hired for his cabinet when he became president, left him or were fired by him. These were supposed to be the best of the best and that fact is that many that left him, left him because he was incompetent or acted with criminal behavior that they would not follow, and the ones he fired, was because they were not loyal to him and did not do what he asked. In those cases, he showed incompetency because he should not have hired them in the first place.

When you compare Trump to Putin (of the same ilk), Putin has not fired or been left by nobody. In addition, Putin has been around for over 20 years and has accomplished most everything he set his mind to. Trump has failed at most everything he has set his mind to.

You do love incompetent criminals don't you?
No, I am not a Democrat.

Would you continue to employ people who weren't doing what you hired them to do? Who were working against you?

Why do you think Trump should have?

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