A Warning On Election Fraud from Trump

Caution to the left. Proceed very carefully this time, you are being watched and you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

He admitted he lost in 2020.
You should admit it as well.

Care to explain how the GOP gained seats in the House with all of the alleged voter fraud by the democrats?
Well, the dumb fuck traitor Trump has only had the last 4 YEARS to clear it up. That's all.

What a worthless sucker you are, believing that mentally ill sociopath traitor is actually telling you the truth.
Trump is not or was not in power. That is about to change.
Trump is going to win big... and I don't think there will be enough illegal votes to elect Kamala... so if I were an illegal alien and knew if I get caught I go to the top of the deportation line... I would think twice about voting...
Trump has said if you vote illegally you will be deported along with the criminal gangsters....
You will go first with no chance of coming back... so don't be stupid... stay out of it... its our country...
Trump is going to win big... and I don't think there will be enough illegal votes to elect Kamala... so if I were an illegal alien and knew if I get caught I go to the top of the deportation line... I would think twice about voting...
Trump has said if you vote illegally you will be deported along with the criminal gangsters....
You will go first with no chance of coming back... so don't be stupid... stay out of it... its our country...
They aren't going to vote anyway, imbecile.

What illegal person would risk voting and getting deported??? This only happens in your MAGA wet dreams.
This is why I just wrote the RNC a check... they need help to win the cases they have to root out voter fraud....
Caution to the left. Proceed very carefully this time, you are being watched and you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Fuck Off. There was no election fraud in 2020. It the Orange Shit Gibbon the Governor of Georgia AND the Secretary of Georgia to "Find 11,800 Votes", he want them to commit election fraud. No evidence was ever produced to prove election fraud in 2020. Get the fuck over it....you fucking lost the fucking election.

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