Are Democrats evolving to be the American fascist Party?

The losing party becomes known as the fascist party. That's just a face and the reason why the situation has decayed to a point at which nothing can stop it.

If Kamala should happen to win by counting the ballots, the win will be stripped away from her in the next few days.

But in any case, it's highly likely that the fix is in on the ballots too.

America has to become a fascist dictatorship for 4 years.

After that, it becomes a question on whether a fascist dictator can every be taken down. Or the dictator passes the role on to another?
Completely contrary to known reality. Until 2020 the losing party nearly always graciously concedes and urges their followers to support the victors. More importantly they vow to make a comeback in the next election. President Bush was very gracious in 1992 as was the other incumbent that lost in my life time, President Carter.
If this is what you think, you are not seeing reality. Democrats are asking republicans to vote against a real threat to our democracy. Republicans with sense see the threat and are vocally opposing it. The only one talking about retribution is Trump.
You haven't thought it through and I shouldn't spell it out for you. It's really no more complicated than the fact that the R party won't allow Kamala to keep a win.
But even before getting to understand that, just accept that the fix is already in against Kamala.

Accept that Trump will win the presidency, and then think of all the possibilities that ensure that. There is just no scenario possible that makes Kamala the winner. Be honest and admit that you have seen it coming.

And so that leaves us with the question on how the military will sort it all out? Or more realistically, whether the military will just accept it?

What does history tell you?
Are Democrats evolving to be the American fascist Party?

Someone who's judgment I respect, has told me of meeting people who went along with the crowd that entered into the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2020. I said you mean they went along with the mob that forced their way past the city and federal officers to enter the building”. He replied “No, the officers welcomed them to enter the building, and they were among many other people who were respectfully touring through the halls and offices of the building within a few feet of the many officers who were watching and not seeking to interfere with the crowd of visitors”. He then showed me a video of the crowd, including the infamous "shaman" wearing red, white and blue make-up. a Buffalo Horned helmet who toured through the Capitol Building uninterrupted by uniformed officers less than a yard away from him.

Were these "false" videos produced by computer tricks, or recorded prior to the crowds turning into a seditious mob? My acquaintance couldn't assure me of the video's authenticity; but I couldn't understand if such video's were commonly passed among the general public within so many Republican Congressional Districts, why weren't they reported and explained or refuted by any of the news services I trust? They haven't been subjects of reports from NPR, the Washington Post, CNN and many others news reports. Why haven't these major news reporting organizations done their jobs?

Why are Democrats, ostensibly liberal proponents of free speech, trying to censure hate messages? What happened to respect for ACLU's position? The American Civil Liberties Union has defended the NACP, The American Nazi Party, and the American Communist Party. Opposition to the free speech of any individual or group, enables the future silencing of all other individuals or groups.

Respectfully, Supposn
Well, we know for certain that Democrats have been deeply involved and accepted Marxist Socialist Communism.
We also know that Fascism is a form of Socialism/Communism as well. So, the melding of Communist/Fascism within the already infected Democrat Party can be logically deduced.

Completely contrary to known reality. Until 2020 the losing party nearly always graciously concedes and urges their followers to support the victors. More importantly they vow to make a comeback in the next election. President Bush was very gracious in 1992 as was the other incumbent that lost in my life time, President Carter.
I think you could be one of the very few that understands the situation.
It's not really going to be an election. Trump has ensured that he will be the winner.

Can you think of any way that Trump can not be the winner? I think that all the bases are covered.

Our discussion should just move on to considering the consequences. There are several variable possibilities.
Well, we know for certain that Democrats have been deeply involved and accepted Marxist Socialist Communism.
We also know that Fascism is a form of Socialism/Communism as well. So, the melding of Communist/Fascism within the already infected Democrat Party can be logically deduced.

It can be said quicker and more easily than that. The losing candidate's party will become the fascist or communist party.

So you see, democracy will be saved.

It's as true for America as it was for Hitler's party.
I think you could be one of the very few that understands the situation.
It's not really going to be an election. Trump has ensured that he will be the winner.

Can you think of any way that Trump can not be the winner? I think that all the bases are covered.

Our discussion should just move on to considering the consequences. There are several variable possibilities.
It's not going to go as the Neo-GOP plan. Consider the consequences of another failed coup attempt.
It's not going to go as the Neo-GOP plan. Consider the consequences of another failed coup attempt.
Confidence is fine an completely understandable.

But have you allowed yourself to consider all the possibilities. Simply stated, it appears that Trump has all the bases covered.

Even the most optimistic view of Kamala winning big at the ballot boxes!
Trump would not allow her to keep the win.

Would she call out the military?

What if the military refuses to come?

Write me a scenario that can work for Kamala.
Just to remind the OP of a fact he/she has chosen to ignore.

Fascism is a far RIGHT, Authoritarian , Ultranationalist Political Ideology and Movement, Characterized By Dictatorial Leader, Central Autocracy, Militarism, Forcible Suppression of the Opposition. A belief in a Natural Social Hierarchy, the Subordination Individual Interests.

You cannot "Leftists Fascist" when it is far right know, its MAGA MAGGOTS who are the fascists.
Just to remind the OP of a fact he/she has chosen to ignore.

Fascism is a far RIGHT, Authoritarian , Ultranationalist Political Ideology and Movement, Characterized By Dictatorial Leader, Central Autocracy, Militarism, Forcible Suppression of the Opposition. A belief in a Natural Social Hierarchy, the Subordination Individual Interests.

You cannot "Leftists Fascist" when it is far right know, its MAGA MAGGOTS who are the fascists.
Don't you understand by now that fascism is either far right or far left, depending on the ruling party?

At least that's not too complicated for any American.
Will there be an attempt on Obama's life?

Are his SS agents loyal to him?
The shitstain operates in the background but he's not alone. Taking out those responsible for what has happened to this nation would take more than shitstain obama.
The shitstain operates in the background but he's not alone. Taking out those responsible for what has happened to this nation would take more than shitstain obama.
Placing blame aside, the situation is much worse than you can imagine. And the election is still two months away!

This is an historical exception in which the election will be permitted to take place. The outcome has been arranged by the political party that intends to take down America's democracy.

That's not a condemnation of either party. The losing party will be the fascist party.

That fact is always decided beforehand.

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