How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

For the past 3 million years when the northern hemisphere glaciates the planet - oceans and atmosphere - cools. And when the northern hemisphere deglaciates the planet - oceans and atmosphere - warms.

glacial cycles.gif


glacial mininum and interglacial maximum.jpg
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is 100% about land being 600 miles to the pole or closer. All land within 600 miles of a pole is in ice age, outside not.

What Bozo the "climate scientist" doesn't want you to know is here...


is 100% about land being 600 miles to the pole or closer. All land within 600 miles of a pole is in ice age, outside not.

What Bozo the "climate scientist" doesn't want you to know is here...

Land doesn't move back and forth every 100,000 years.
Explain the other 29 glacial cycles. Because land does not move back an forth, dummy.

The glacial/interglacial bullshit tries to claim Earth warms and cools as a whole. Greenland freezing while North America was thawing completely disproves that.
So how did Greenland freeze while North America thawed at the same time...???

1 million

years, TAKE YOUR PICK...

You and crock have unlimited color fudge charts. What you don't have is any truth at all...
Glacial cycles did happen and the Arctic did glaciate and deglaciate. And that did affect temperatures around the planet. There's tons of evidence for this. And it's not because land moved back and forth.

You have no evidence for your batshit crazy beliefs.
So how did Greenland freeze while North America thawed at the same time...???

1 million

years, TAKE YOUR PICK...

You and crock have unlimited color fudge charts. What you don't have is any truth at all...
That you argue against glacial cycles can only mean you are trying to muddy the waters because your are an AGW nut job.
Glacial cycles did happen and the Arctic did glaciate and deglaciate. And that did affect temperatures around the planet. There's tons of evidence for this. And it's not because land moved back and forth.

You have no evidence for your batshit crazy beliefs.

This from a taxpayer funded "climate scientist" who cannot answer basic climate questions...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
That you argue against glacial cycles can only mean you are trying to muddy the waters because your are an AGW nut job.

10k years ago there were still glaciers in Indiana.

Greenland's ice sheet didn't push the Vikings off the southern tip until the 1400s.

During the past 10k years, GREENLAND ADDED ICE WHILE NORTH AMERICA LOST ICE, proving your "glacials" are COMPLETE BULLSHIT

More taxpayer funded fraud, and doesn't have Greenland growing, since 2 million years ago Greenland was completely green save mountains...

More taxpayer funded fraud, and doesn't have Greenland growing, since 2 million years ago Greenland was completely green save mountains...

The planet is warming today because the northern hemisphere is deglaciating because heat is being circulated from the Atlantic to the Arctic due to thermohaline circulation.


For the past 3 million years when the northern hemisphere deglaciates the planet warms and when the northern hemisphere glaciates the planet cools.

You have cause-and-effect backwards ... again ... you're saying the melting ice is causing global warming ... try this on your stove, put a block of ice in a pan and see if the burner lights ... you know ... before the ice completely melts ...
You have cause-and-effect backwards ... again ... you're saying the melting ice is causing global warming ... try this on your stove, put a block of ice in a pan and see if the burner lights ... you know ... before the ice completely melts ...
No. That's not what I am saying. Thanks for asking. The evidence shows that when the northern hemisphere is glaciating that the ocean and atmosphere cool. And that when the northern hemisphere deglaciates the oceans and the atmosphere warm. So it's what happens in the northern hemisphere which determines planetary climate. The ice coverage doesn't change in the southern hemisphere during glacial periods. Just the northern hemisphere changes. Sure it gets colder in the southern hemisphere and the oceans get colder but it's being driven by northern hemisphere glaciation.

People are over thinking this. It's getting warmer because that's what happens in an interglacial period as the northern hemisphere continues to deglaciate. I'm sick and tired of idiots blaming a trace amount of a relatively weak GHG for the warming when this is what the planet does in every interglacial period.

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