Israeli Torture And Rape

And thank Gd for her!

From Mondoweiss: all about the racist Golda Meyer, she's a admired by some Jews, just as Heydrich is admired by some Germans.

New report outlines how Golda Meir’s Israel poisoned Palestinian land in ethnic cleansing operation

I did not say the thread was "racist" at all, I said the image was, if I posted an analogous image of Jews, caricaturing them, do you think some here would call that antisemitism?

I'm sorry sir I won't sit back and let you do this unchallenged, it is rank hypocrisy, the people claiming that critics are racist against Jews are the ones actually posting racist content BUT against Arabs,

Read FFS: Antisemitic Imagery
You continue to ignore the context. Your liberal fake outrage is super unimpressive.

Go ask your boyfriend to fix you a ham sandwich.
Once again you use the language of the Nazi Ubermench used against the jews, Vermin Rats etc, take a long hard look in the mirror you could see Himmler looking back at you.
^^^ more antisemitism. With this one calling a Jew “Himmler.”

All comparisons between Jews and Nazis is antisemitic. Period. It is done to cause as much pain and offense to Jews.
You continue to ignore the context. Your liberal fake outrage is super unimpressive.

Go ask your boyfriend to fix you a ham sandwich.
The antisemitism spewing out of the liberals is nauseating, especially since they claim to be the party against bigotry.
More holocaust denialism, the same mentality that right wing Jew hating thugs have, but you're OK with this.
What delusion are you indulging in now?

Islam was started by a murderous warlord who slaughtered non-believers unless they “converted”. The exact same shit is continues to happen 1,400 years later. It’s not just the Jews who are getting murdered by your Islamist lovers.

Are these Islamic assholes always the victim? Or just when some faggy liberal bitch tells you they are? They are killing their neighbors all over the planet. They even slaughter other Muslims. Which side you do cry for then?

South Africa is much better now that the whites are out of power.
No racism, hate, or crime. What a relief. Now they're just like the rest of Africa.

Yes, the whites have been so good for Africa:


If the above 15 million victims had been Jewish the whole world would be crying for them just as it did at the end of WW2. But Africans, like Arabs and Palestinian are worthless in the eyes of the bigots.
You continue to ignore the context.
That's what every racist says. The image is a caricature of Arabs as being the source of violence in the Middle East. It also implies that there's a moral right in slaughtering them with advanced weapons, the implication is they deserve it, all Arabs deserve to be destroyed because they are innately evil and violent.

That's what the image represents.
That's what every racist says. The image is a caricature of Arabs as being the source of violence in the Middle East. It also implies that there's a moral right in slaughtering them with advanced weapons, the implication is they deserve it, all Arabs deserve to be destroyed because they are innately evil and violent.

That's what the image represents.
Except Israel not only has no interest in destroying all Arabs, it is taking pains to limit casualties - which is why after a year of fighting 99.5% of the Gazans remain alive.

The HAMAS terrorists are the ones who want to destroy all Jews - and have said so. THE ONLY REASON THEY HAVE NOT DONE SO IS THAT THEY ARE TOO PRIMITIVE TO ACCOMPLISH IT.
That's what every racist says. The image is a caricature of Arabs as being the source of violence in the Middle East. It also implies that there's a moral right in slaughtering them with advanced weapons, the implication is they deserve it, all Arabs deserve to be destroyed because they are innately evil and violent.

That's what the image represents.
Boo hoo. Your delusions of “racism” are your problem.
What delusion are you indulging in now?
I'm challenging your assertion that there's no genocide underway in Palestine, that the term "concent4ration camp" is not applicable to Gaza. The people in Gaza cannot leave, they cannot jump a bus and visit family somewhere. The Israelis CONTROL EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE THAT ENTERS OR LEAVES GAZA.
Islam was started by a murderous warlord who slaughtered non-believers unless they “converted”. The exact same shit is continues to happen 1,400 years later. It’s not just the Jews who are getting murdered by your Islamist lovers.
Can you explain, how did my disagreeing with you about the severity of the slaughter in Gaza, lead to me embracing Islam? This is a strawman.
Are these Islamic assholes always the victim? Or just when some faggy liberal bitch tells you they are? They are killing their neighbors all over the planet. They even slaughter other Muslims. Which side you do cry for then?
A victim of terrorism is no less a victim just because their beliefs differ from yours. Israel is engaged in mass terrorism (the apologists of course call it "self defense") all across Gaza and the West Bank.

Israel - as I write - is currently forcing non-Jews out of their homes in the West Bank, this is illegal and has been stated as being illegal by the UN's ICJ, yet it goes on, it accelerates.

Here's a recent BBC report all about it: Extremist settlers rapidly seizing West Bank land

I quote:

Last October, Palestinian grandmother Ayesha Shtayyeh says a man pointed a gun at her head and told her to leave the place she had called home for 50 years.

She told the BBC the armed threat was the culmination of an increasingly violent campaign of harassment and intimidation that began in 2021, after an illegal settler outpost was established close to her home in the occupied West Bank.

The number of these outposts has risen rapidly in recent years, new BBC analysis shows. There are currently at least 196 across the West Bank, and 29 were set up last year - more than in any previous year.

The outposts - which can be farms, clusters of houses, or even groups of caravans - often lack defined boundaries and are illegal under both Israeli and international law.

But the BBC World Service has seen documents showing that organisations with close ties to the Israeli government have provided money and land used to establish new illegal outposts.
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MOMDOWEISS? That’s an antisemite, hate source.
Do you dispute anything the article said about Golda Meyer?
Except Israel not only has no interest in destroying all Arabs, it is taking pains to limit casualties - which is why after a year of fighting 99.5% of the Gazans remain alive.
How do you know they are taking pains to limit casualties? I've read reports in the Jewish press by former soldiers saying unequivocally that it's a shooting gallery, that some soldiers shoot anything that moves simply because they are bored.

The British and other governments are reducing arms shipments precisely because they think Israel is committing war crimes and British minister could be culpable for aiding and abetting in those crimes.
The HAMAS terrorists are the ones who want to destroy all Jews - and have said so. THE ONLY REASON THEY HAVE NOT DONE SO IS THAT THEY ARE TOO PRIMITIVE TO ACCOMPLISH IT.
Very few national causes can resist US supported military operations, just look at all the times the US got involved in aiding and abetting criminal states, millions upon millions of lives lost.
Which is precisely what the ICC and ICJ have been doing. Further, note that Britain has withdrawn some license for airs shipments to Israel on the basis of legal concerns that the British government could be culpable in war crimes and possibly see UK minster facing trials.

Israel is up to its neck in war crimes.

^^^ more antisemitism. With this one calling a Jew “Himmler.”

All comparisons between Jews and Nazis is antisemitic. Period. It is done to cause as much pain and offense to Jews.
Well stop acting like Nazis and you won't be called Nazis, simple.
That's what every racist says. The image is a caricature of Arabs as being the source of violence in the Middle East. It also implies that there's a moral right in slaughtering them with advanced weapons, the implication is they deserve it, all Arabs deserve to be destroyed because they are innately evil and violent.

That's what the image represents.
I blame Hollywood for a lot of the brainwashing.
Well stop acting like Nazis and you won't be called Nazis, simple.
Your constant antisemitic lies and attacks are being reported. This is not a Jew-hating forum, so pretty soon you’ll have to crawl back where you came from.
Well stop acting like Nazis and you won't be called Nazis, simple.
I fear that when all said and done, Israeli Zionism is more insidious than German Nazism was. The reason I say this is that most Germans did not eagerly support Hitler, many did but most were passive and just went along with it all.

In Israel though we see that the majority of the general public do not care about Palestinians, care not about the numbers being killed, care not about ongoing violence from settlers. These people care only about Jews and only protest when Jews are threatened never when Palestinians are.

Thus we have a very very serious problem, a rogue, racist and terrorist state that is not forced upon its people, but actually fully supported by most of the public. So this is not just a matter of regime change, but of an entire culture change, I don't see how the culture can be changed and if it isn't then things will just get worse and worse for everyone.
I'm challenging your assertion that there's no genocide underway in Palestine, that the term "concent4ration camp" is not applicable to Gaza.
You are throwing shit like a primate hoping something sticks.

The people in Gaza cannot leave, they cannot jump a bus and visit family somewhere. The Israelis CONTGROL EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE THAT ENTERS OR LEAVES GAZA.
Sorry Adolf, the Jews do not control the entire world. Anyone wishing to travel into Israel must obtain the proper permits. Same as pretty much any other country.

Egypt also boarders Gaza. Egypt is a Muslim majority country. Is it the Jews fault if the terrorists in Gaza can’t go there too?

Can you explain, how did my disagreeing with you about the severity of the slaughter in Gaza, lead to me embracing Islam? This is a strawman.

Oh look, the liberal bitch fake-crying about imaginary “racism” is now crying about a “strawman”.

It’s cute how you characterize using a racism-strawman as “disagreeing” with me.

A victim of terrorism is no less a victim just because their beliefs differ from yours.
take a look in the mirror, Jack. Come back with your when you are ready to condemn Hamas for slaughtering kids at a music festival.

Israel - as I write - is currently forcing non-Jews out of their homes in the West Bank, this is illegal and has been stated as being illegal by the UN's ICJ, yet it goes on, it accelerates.

Here's a recent BBC report all about it: Extremist settlers rapidly seizing West Bank land
…..Well, at least they aren’t just murdering people in their homes like HAMAS did. Apparently, being forced out of your home is far worse than being murdered in it. Liberal logic.

establish new illegal outposts”

I thought no human was illegal? Funny how the rules of liberal language change with politics agenda.

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