JD Vance Wants Abused Women Not To Be Allowed To Get A Divorce

Again, I have to ask, Are you Lefties stupid or subversive. I know you are evil, but the stupidity question remains relevant.

Vance never said or implied what the OP states.

Stupid or what?
That's exactly what he said.

He admitted some marriages were even violent, but it was worse to allow divorce.

For the children.

The man is an idiot. A violent marriage is far, far worse for the children than a divorce.

Lol, Harris has changed her view on just about everything. Her policies she is promoting are maga like. But your gonna vote for her anyway. Bless your heart! Lol
You desperate democrats trying to turn anything Vance says or does into a lie.

You demon-crats are the biggest liars ever because nothing you all do is ever right. You know you will be exiting the White House soon, so now you're in search of creating fake lies.
More and more of JD Vance's hatred of women is surfacing from his past comments in interviews.

Just two years ago, Vance said it was a bad thing the "sexual revolution" resulted in physically abused women being able to escape their violent marriages.

"This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy."

On a more humorous note, Vance also added that the sexual revolution is "making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear".

When you consider Vance called himself a Never Trumper, and said Trump was "America's Hitler", and how he criticized the ability for people like Trump to change spouses like they changes their underwear, you have to wonder how Shady Vance is able to look at himself in the mirror these days.

If you eject your principles so easily for political gain, what are you, exactly?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Vance: "And what we have is a lot of very, very real family dysfunction that’s making our kids unhappy.”

Yeah. The Trump kids are definitely not happy people. That much is true.

JD Vance Suggests People in ‘Violent’ Marriages Shouldn’t Get Divorced

Whenever the leftwing media has to use the word "suggest", that means the conservative never said it.
Vance said people should persevere to keep their marriages together and the Marxist left-induced sexual revolution has unraveled the family.
He is 100% right.
I don't see where Senator Vance is suggesting that divorce be prohibited by law when the spouses are violent.

I think the libs are bullshitting us again
Whenever the leftwing media has to use the word "suggest", that means the conservative never said it.
Vance said people should persevere to keep their marriages together and the Marxist left-induced sexual revolution has unraveled the family.
He is 100% right.
Or people should stay single if they have any hesitation or nerves about getting married. To top that off, waiting until one is financially well off is another plus. Married at 25 and working together from nothing is not the way.
More and more of JD Vance's hatred of women is surfacing from his past comments in interviews.

Just two years ago, Vance said it was a bad thing the "sexual revolution" resulted in physically abused women being able to escape their violent marriages.

"This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy."

On a more humorous note, Vance also added that the sexual revolution is "making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear".

When you consider Vance called himself a Never Trumper, and said Trump was "America's Hitler", and how he criticized the ability for people like Trump to change spouses like they changes their underwear, you have to wonder how Shady Vance is able to look at himself in the mirror these days.

If you eject your principles so easily for political gain, what are you, exactly?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Vance: "And what we have is a lot of very, very real family dysfunction that’s making our kids unhappy.”

Yeah. The Trump kids are definitely not happy people. That much is true.

JD Vance Suggests People in ‘Violent’ Marriages Shouldn’t Get Divorced

/—-/ I stopped reading your diatribe at “suggests.”
More made up Bullshyt from desperate democRATs.
Again, I have to ask, Are you Lefties stupid or subversive. I know you are evil, but the stupidity question remains relevant.

Vance never said or implied what the OP states.

Stupid or what?
Enemy democrats are grasping at lies more and more. This is just like the Vance fact of life lie.

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