JD Vance Rebuked for Remarks About Professional Women

Bowman is a weirdo... It does make one wonder why Trump picked him.

He is a Trump mini-me and Trump thought he had the election in the bag against Biden so he choose his successor as leader of the MAGA cult.
‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.
Women? In your link he says “people” not just women.

Weird you jumped to that conclusion.
It's delicious that the Harris campaign picked a 4th grade insult, "weirdo", for Republicans....and STILL dunderheads think it's a win.

Kids stop using that term in what, sixth grade?

Well done, libs
It's almost like the man should be the breadwinner and the woman should be the nurturer for their children. Can't make Marxists like that.
It’s almost like people don’t want you to tell them how they should live their lives.
Ummm...we live in a capitalistic system. There's one goal, to make money. That is what america is all about. Why criticize women who have joined America? He must think it's a woman's duty to have kids. It's not a duty nor a responsibility. It's a choice. It matters not if women don't have kids
Ummm...we live in a capitalistic system. There's one goal, to make money. That is what america is all about. Why criticize women who have joined America? He must think it's a woman's duty to have kids. It's not a duty nor a responsibility. It's a choice. It matters not if women don't have kids
They’re afraid that if women aren’t dependent on them, they won’t put up with their bullshit.
‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.

Vance is a very bitter unhappy person.
Remember after covid people complained, cried, whined like infants how there aren't enough workers and nobody wants to work blah lie blah lie. Now women are working. They're still complaining. Never ends for them.
‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.
Are these unhappy women cat ladies or blonde bimbos ?

I think JD needs to clarify this so we can appreciste his vision of Wierd Aneriica.
Nope, but I made do with what I had and I suspect my net worth is far greater than many folks.

I did very well for me and mine.....I'm sorta proud of that fact too.
trades are great ..we ate off the construction table for decades..own land and home...just moving along...

and hoping others do well...
He is a Trump mini-me and Trump thought he had the election in the bag against Biden so he choose his successor as leader of the MAGA cult.
I disagree.

Vance is friends with the Trump’s creepy spawn and that was probably enough. I also think his first choices told him to fuck off; they didn’t want that taint on them when they ran in 28

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it to where she did ...

And it doesn't take a lot of hard work and dedication to be a wife and mother? Do you think maybe Vance is trying to make a point by pushing back on those on the far left who look down on women who choose to be wives and mothers? Maybe you're too dim to pick up on that?

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