Kamala Harris is cutting off Trump’s political oxygen

You need to stop believing what you get told by the gatewaypundit. Harris is about to destroy Trump. I've seen what Trump does. He doesn't answer questions, he rambles incoherently about everything but the question asked. Just like he couldn't answer that question about childcare yesterday.

In 2020, trump and Biden had 3 scheduled debates. Biden beat his ass twice and Trump refused to do the second debate. The make believe Harris created from racism is fake. You will learn this Tuesday evening.
1. You are apparently overlooking the Biden-Trump debate earlier this year. Trump won easily, we all saw it, Trump won so badly that the democrats pulled Biden.
I don't like Trump's constant exaggerations, like a used car salesman, but putting those aside, his answers generally make sense. I did not see his childcare answer, so apparently he does need to brush up on a few topics.

2. In 2020 Trump beat Biden like a baby seal, so much so that my wife said, "no way I can vote for that obnoxious AH". CNN called it a "shit-show" on air.

3. Harris and Tampon Tim won't answer any press questions. Kamala must be getting the debate questions ahead of time because NFW they could risk her not doing any debates, and then going up against a real president who does real press conferences all the time. ABC will be lauded like CNN was for a fair debate, or criticized as partisan hacks, we'll see.
can you parse Trump's answer to the child care question he gave at the Economic Club of New York?
I saw Trump answer many technical economic questions at that event. Democrats want to make the US a "nanny state".
The Federal government under the Constitution is not charged with babysitting, so by default that is a STATE concern, NOT a Federal one.

Trump's answer was "child care is child care", which is 100% correct.

Trump said ‘child care is child care.’​

I saw Trump answer many technical economic questions at that event. Democrats want to make the US a "nanny state".
The Federal government under the Constitution is not charged with babysitting, so by default that is a STATE concern, NOT a Federal one.

Trump's answer was "child care is child care", which is 100% correct.

Trump said ‘child care is child care.’​

the question was about legislation to make child care more affordable.

But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about because child care is child care, you have to have it in this country, you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the type of numbers I'm talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they're not used to, but they'll get used to it very quickly.

And it's not going to stop them doing business with us, but they will have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care. I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud

anything in there about it being up to the states?

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