Zone1 I just figured out why Protestants are so obstinate against the Catholic Church

well, the protestants here are ignorant and want to stay that way. You can tell by their posts that despite them calling themselves Christian at every turn, they despise Catholics and treat them shabbily, which Jesus does not approve of.
And yet you continue holding yourself up as superior to others who call on Jesus' name, are part of His Body and walk in His Spirit yet are not part of your narrow sect of Catholicism. Jesus does not approve of those actions, so stop them.
And yet you continue holding yourself up as superior to others who call on Jesus' name, are part of His Body and walk in His Spirit yet are not part of your narrow sect of Catholicism. Jesus does not approve of those actions, so stop them.
Yep. Jesus was all about the least in society and helping them. Those who love the wealthy have twisted the Bible and Christianity.
It is not that complicated.

Jesus promised that the Holy Ghost would guide the Church until the Second Coming. The RC Church therefore maintains the position that is the one true Church. Not perfect by any means, but trying its best.

This one principle mocks all of Protestantism. How can you have hundreds of different denominations, claiming either that (a) they are the One True Church, or (b) it doesn't matter which Church you profess. Both are untenable.
The RCC, Orthodox/Protestant denominations are organizations formed via social contract by groups of people who wanted a particular worship experience and that promoted a particular theology. These are not without value to those participating in them, but not one, in my opinion, can claim to be the 'one true Church.'

Jesus' Church was/is not an organization with rules/regulations/specified liturgy etc. but rather is made up of those who had/have a personal relationship with Him and who promote each Christian seeking to know God's will and to do it.

And I very much believe there are devout Christians in all the RCC/Orthodox/Protestant denominations and all make up the 'one true Church' despite bad popes, pastors, church leaders, pretenders, etc. etc.
The RCC, Orthodox/Protestant denominations are organizations formed via social contract by groups of people who wanted a particular worship experience and that promoted a particular theology. These are not without value to those participating in them, but not one, in my opinion, can claim to be the 'one true Church.'
If you were to study the same information and history that I have, you would not write this.

As someone once said "To be deep in history is to cease being Protestant."
If you were to study the same information and history that I have, you would not write this.

As someone once said "To be deep in history is to cease being Protestant."
If you were to spend the years of studying Church history and the development of Christian thought that I have, I think you would write what I wrote.
If you were to spend the years of studying Church history and the development of Christian thought that I have, I think you would write what I wrote.
Yes, if I were you, I would write what you indeed wrote.. LOL

And if you had studied what I know and had had my experiences with Catholicism, you would write what I wrote.

Now... did anyone really learn anything from this present conversation?


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