What more could a GA shooter Mommy do?

Not only was the father living in the home, but father had sole custody of the son.
If the boy's mommy had an AR-15 she would have gone to the school and prevented the mass shooting.

Yet again, this shooting makes the point that all Americans should have a gun! Preferable loaded and kept behind the toilet for family convenience and emergency use.
**She (GA mother) called in. They messed it up? Had plenty of warning time (1/2 hour). Uvalda, TX left the door open.

According to reports, Marcee told family members via text messages that she called the high school the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son Colt Gray.

The claims are supported by call log data showing a 10-minute phone call from Marcee‘s phone to the school about half an hour before the gunman began firing.
The text message from Marcee reads, “ I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school.”

“I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

According to the shooter’s sister, Annie Brown, a counselor told Marcee during the call that her son Colt had been talking about school shootings earlier in the morning.

The report states that school administrators had gone to check on the boy, but due to a mix-up with names, they were unable to locate him and ended up confiscating the wrong student’s bag just minutes before the shooting took place.

Well my kids had guns. They received them typically on 8th birthday. You are responsible for your kids till they are 18. I kept my kids guns as well as my own in a gun safe. That is what a responsible parent does. The parents of this child failed him and us. They should and will bebheld responsible.Not sure they should be convicted of murder but in the least child endangerment. They will face a jury of their peers.
Well my kids had guns. They received them typically on 8th birthday. You are responsible for your kids till they are 18. I kept my kids guns as well as my own in a gun safe. That is what a responsible parent does. The parents of this child failed him and us. They sho

uld and will bebheld responsible.Not sure they should be convicted of murder but in the least child endangerment. They will face a jury of their peers.
Mother isn't charged with anything, nor should she be.

Colin, the father, knew how badly his son was treated in school. He bought the gun hoping Colt would get inteIrested in hunting and outdoor pursuits. He thought that such interest would make school less painful.

This reminds me of the Lawrence King murder. A 14 year Brandon McInerney was relentlessly pursued by gay Lawrence King. Exhausting all avenues of control, McInerney blew King's head off right in the classroom.

The cause of some of this school violence is the relentless cruelty administered by the other students. They lack as much self control as their killers. Parents on all sides need to step in and monitor behavior.
Mother isn't charged with anything, nor should she be.

Colin, the father, knew how badly his son was treated in school. He bought the gun hoping Colt would get inteIrested in hunting and outdoor pursuits. He thought that such interest would make school less painful.

This reminds me of the Lawrence King murder. A 14 year Brandon McInerney was relentlessly pursued by gay Lawrence King. Exhausting all avenues of control, McInerney blew King's head off right in the classroom.

The cause of some of this school violence is the relentless cruelty administered by the other students. They lack as much self control as their killers. Parents on all sides need to step in and monitor behavior.
Ya, mom was not there. Not her problem. Dad should have bought gun Safe. Other parents should have done something about their ass hole bully kids. The ball was dropped on many levels. My youngest daughter was bullied her freshman year. I did not know what to do. Called school not much was done. Talked to some of the parents they did nothing. I put hey in Tiaqiuando. Some the parents ended up with some flat tires in the middle of the night. It worked itself out eventually but it was a tough year on her. I don't know what the solution is. It is just a tragedy all the way around. A gun Safe would have prevented the shooting. Some flat tires may have ended the bullying but also may have made it worse. Life is messy and tough. What else can be said.

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