Zone1 If you don't believe in the real Jesus and His Church, you are a heretic

Many of which are misinterpreted and misunderstood.

If you read the previous passages, you would understand that Jesus was stating that God existed before Abraham. It's a direct reference to Exodus 3:13:

God Reveals His Name.[g] Moses said to God, “If I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your ancestors sent me to you,’ but they say to me, ‘What is his name,’ what should I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM.”Then he said, “You will say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM sent me to you.’

” 15 God also said to Moses, “You will say to the children of Israel, ‘The Lord, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, sent me to you.’ This is my name forever. This is the title with which I will be remembered from one generation to the next.”

  1. Exodus 3:13 In Semitic thought, for a person to reveal his name to someone was equivalent to putting himself in that person’s power. When the Lord of Israel describes himself as “He who is” (Yahweh), as the One who is there for his people, he is refusing to manifest himself completely, while at the same time revealing himself to be the living God who is always present in the midst of his people and involved with them. In the same way, Jesus will reassure his Apostles at the time of his leaving them: “I am with you always” (Mt 28:20).
  2. Exodus 3:14 I am who I am: later, as a show of awe and respect, the title Adonai, “my Lord,” would be used.
Yep. And Jesus existed before Abraham.
You just like the idea that all of creation happened with little ol you in mind. That's all.
God had all in mind. Speaking of mind, start with God's teachings/commandments being a philosophy to light the way for all of mankind.
Nestorian Christians are members of a Christian sect that originated in Asia Minor and Syria in the 5th century C.E.. Their beliefs include:

Separation of Christ's natures
Nestorians believe that Christ's human and divine natures are separate and independent, and that they are two people loosely joined together.

Mary as the Mother of Christ, not the Mother of God
Nestorians believe that Mary was the mother of Christ, but not the Mother of God, because that would make her superior to Christ.

Jesus as a man, not divine
Nestorians believe that Jesus was a man, not divine, because Mary was only his mother.

Nestorianism became a schismatic sect after the ecumenical councils of Ephesus (431 CE) and Chalcedon (451 CE) condemned Nestorius and his teachings. Nestorianism spread to China, India, Egypt, and Central Asia, where some tribes were almost entirely converted.

Today, Nestorians are represented by the Church of the East, also known as the Persian, Assyrian, or Nestorian church. Most of its members live in Iraq, Syria, and Iran.
God is as close to those living in the 21st century as he has been from the beginning. Jesus could also read, so you already have something in common with him. One of his favorites was the book of Isaiah. Jesus was also more than nine years old (twelve) when he felt the call to be about his Father's business.

Back in his own time, it appears many came to believe because of miracles Jesus performed. But what about all those who didn't need a miracle? Why should they believe? Perhaps, like me, they decided to give his teachings a wholehearted trial and to see what became of them (and me). I started with the Beatitudes and from there his teachings of the kingdom.
I don't want my healthy mind contaminated by religion.
Admit it - you got all exited thinking there is a convert out there.
Sorry, you're speaking to the wrong person if you are looking to be converted. My grandfather was an atheist. My favorite uncle, atheist; husband and in laws, atheists. Conversion is not my job. I leave that to the Holy Spirit. All I do is talk about my own experiences with God and my faith. Anyone who also wants belief, knowledge, faith will have to get their own.

I'm happy talking with talking with people no matter their chosen path.

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