Zone1 If you don't believe in the real Jesus and His Church, you are a heretic

I never asked Jesus to shed his blood for me. He did that on his own.
This goes back to the beginning of man when mankind chose disobedience over obedience to God. It's a long story, but essentially God said he was not giving up on mankind, that sins are forgiven, when one turns to obedience to God. This upset some religious leaders (some guy spreading the news that sins are forgiven), and they had him put to death by crucifixion. Today, pretty much the whole world now knows Repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus chose obedience to God (and crucifixion) over disobedience, was resurrected from the dead, exemplifying obedience to God defeats all enemies, even death.
This goes back to the beginning of man when mankind chose disobedience over obedience to God. It's a long story, but essentially God said he was not giving up on mankind, that sins are forgiven, when one turns to obedience to God. This upset some religious leaders (some guy spreading the news that sins are forgiven), and they had him put to death by crucifixion. Today, pretty much the whole world now knows Repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus chose obedience to God (and crucifixion) over disobedience, was resurrected from the dead, exemplifying obedience to God defeats all enemies, even death.
I have a few things to deal with that keep me from becoming a believer. Number one is of course that I live in the 21st century. Also, I can read. And I'm more than nine years old.
He was probably killed mostly because He made Himself God, or so went the accusation but He didn't have to make himself God. He was/is God already.

The Romans didn't like competition. In ancient Rome, leaders like Caesar were considered gods.
He hardly considered himself any kind of god. He was a devoted Jew, and 'being' a god is completely off for the Jewish tradition.

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