Zone1 If you don't believe in the real Jesus and His Church, you are a heretic

That's the lie that's been told. Maybe you should read up on the FACTS. The fact is that not more than 2000 people were put to death in all the years of the Spanish Inquisition due to their heresies. And the Church killed NO ONE. The clergy determined whether a person was a heretic, which used to be seen.. still should be to some extent.. as a danger to society and then if the person did not retract the heresy, he or she was turned over to the state and the STATE would determine whether they were put them to death.
LOL! An out and out lie. Your figure of 2,000 is taken from only those who were convicted in Spanish Tribunals..and reflects the current Cathodic apologia.

The answer depends on what crimes you want to attribute to the Inquisition. If you considers only deaths of people that underwent due process in Spain, then the number of victims in the Spanish Inquisition was close to 30,000, according to Don Juan Antonio Llorente, a historian and bishop, who became commissary of the Holy Office (Inquisition) in 1789. This small number of victims is probably enough for keep the judges busy, terrorize the population, and quench freedom of thought in the small body of intellectuals. Consider only one of the goals of the Inquisition, which is terrorize the population. In this case, 1 execution each month is enough to reach the goal, and can be maintained at a reasonable budget, enough to pay a few judges.
If you want documented executions, then you can divide the estimates of Don Juan Antonio Llorente by ten. Recently, the Catholic Church insisted that it is responsible only for the cases that its judges documented in Spain, something around 2000 victims.

If you are willing to add victims of the Spanish colonial empire and in other countries, the many people who were inspired by the inquisition, people who profited from the ideology of the Inquisition, people who killed without even a summary conviction of the victims, then the number of victims is something between 500,000 to 1,000,000, mostly Indians and Blacks in Spanish America. African Slaves and Indians were frequently forced to become Christians. When they refused, or pretended to renounce their gods, the Indians were killed, and the blacks, who had economic value, were beaten and tortured. Since these blacks were indeed conversos, who kept their ancient faiths in secret, repeated beating often killed them.
That's the lie that's been told. Maybe you should read up on the FACTS. The fact is that not more than 2000 people were put to death in all the years of the Spanish Inquisition due to their heresies. And the Church killed NO ONE. The clergy determined whether a person was a heretic, which used to be seen.. still should be to some extent.. as a danger to society and then if the person did not retract the heresy, he or she was turned over to the state and the STATE would determine whether they were put them to death.
Not a lie. The Vatican is the seat of the false prophet.
Not a lie. The Vatican is the seat of the false prophet.
The Vatican has not been Catholic for 65 years.

But few know the history I know of the CC. Few seem even interested in knowing the basics. So this ignorance spreads, all this BS about how Catholics are all child molesters and etc.. Well, the Vatican probably is full of peds..

But again, the Vatican is not Catholic. It doesn't take a college degree to figure that out, either. But most anti-Catholics don't try to figure out anything RE Catholicism..
The Vatican has not been Catholic for 65 years.

But few know the history I know of the CC. Few seem even interested in knowing the basics. So this ignorance spreads, all this BS about how Catholics are all child molesters and etc.. Well, the Vatican probably is full of peds..

But again, the Vatican is not Catholic. It doesn't take a college degree to figure that out, either. But most anti-Catholics don't try to figure out anything RE Catholicism..
Thank G-d I am born again and have heaven guaranteed to me.
Life is always "good" for those who are on their way to Hell

God gives them the only paradise or virtual Heaven they will ever have on Earth because He knows where they will be in eternity (no escape)

That's an amazing way for those in power to tell you that your life is bad, but don't worry, when you die it'll get better.

I don't believe a word of it. This "God" that nobody's ever seen, who went around killing most humans in the "beginning" and I'm supposed to believe there's some place called heaven (which used to be in the sky, but isn't any more since we've gone to the sky and it's not there).
Thank G-d I am born again and have heaven guaranteed to me.
Heaven is not guaranteed unless you die in a state of holy Grace and you are obviously not dead yet, so no one knows. It is arrogant to think you are going to make it to Heaven and as a non-Catholic, you probably have thousands of sins that bar you from that Place.. Catholics believe in getting rid of sin, Protestants seem to embrace their sins, as if Jesus has to embrace their sins, like it or not. But Jesus said

Sin no more.

(that's not too OnceSavedAlwaysSaved...)
Heaven is not guaranteed unless you die in a state of holy Grace and you are obviously not dead yet, so no one knows. It is arrogant to think you are going to make it to Heaven and as a non-Catholic, you probably have thousands of sins that bar you from that Place.. Catholics believe in getting rid of sin, Protestants seem to embrace their sins, as if Jesus has to embrace their sins, like it or not. But Jesus said

Sin no more.

(that's not too OnceSavedAlwaysSaved...)
Then you deny the complete sacrifice of Yeshua and call Him a liar. You who worship idols like Mary and the Saints.
I believe in a real Jesus - a wandering Jewish teacher who wanted to reform his religion and who was killed for his views.
I believe in a real Jesus - a wandering Jewish teacher who wanted to reform his religion and who was killed for his views.
He was probably killed mostly because He made Himself God, or so went the accusation but He didn't have to make himself God. He was/is God already.

The Romans didn't like competition. In ancient Rome, leaders like Caesar were considered gods.

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